tree: 8b0d176e28554ed895e085edfb7a1272c06cfe2d [path history] [tgz]
  1. helpers/
  2. lib/
  3. tests/
  4. .gitignore
  5. .travis.yml
  6. config.sample.json
  8. package.json
  10. usergrid.js

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Node.js SDK 2.0 for Usergrid

Currently a work in progress; documentation and implementation are subject to change.

Current release

Release Candidate 0, available here or on npm


Please open an issue

Known Issues

  • AuthFallback is incomplete; currently there is no ad-hoc implementation for authentication (e.g. you cannot pass a instance of UsergridAuth, nor can you force a call to be made unauthenticated if there is a stored token)
  • Authentication header is missing from certain API calls that don't leverage the UsergridRequest class. Recommend refactoring UsergridRequest to support all types of API calls (including login, logout, reset password)
  • Assets are not implemented yet
  • Many missing tests around authentication and passing a UsergridClient as a separate instance
  • Easy (clean) way to load the UsergridClient module without referencing the full path
  • Any other functionality that is missing or expected, please open an issue


To install the latest stable build:

npm install usergrid

To install the 2.0 release candidates, install from npm, specifying the version ~2.0.0-rc:

npm install usergrid@~2.0.0-rc

(Or add usergrid: ~2.0.0-rc to your package.json)

If you want access to the latest development build (you will need to run npm install to keep it up to date):

npm install r3mus/usergrid-nodejs


Note: This section is left intentionally light. In its current release candidate state, this SDK is only recommended for developers familiar with Usergrid, Node.js, and preferably Mocha tests. For full usage and implementation, have a look in /tests.

There are two fundamental ways to use the new Node SDK:

  1. Singleton pattern:

     var Usergrid = require('usergrid')
         orgId: ...,
         appId: ...
     // or from a config file, see config.sample.json
     var Usergrid = require('usergrid')
     Usergrid.init() // defaults to use config.json
  2. Instance pattern (primarily used when connecting to multiple Usergrid targets):

     var UsergridClient = require('./node_modules/usergrid/lib/client')
     var client = new UsergridClient(config)