blob: bf2d35ba184441b9a2a66956301b9841b24c118a [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict'
var UsergridRequest = require('./request'),
request = require('request'),
ok = require('objectkit'),
config = require('../config.json'),
helpers = require('../helpers'),
UsergridAuth = require('./auth'),
UsergridAppAuth = require('./appAuth'),
url = require('url'),
_ = require('underscore')
var UsergridClient = function(opts) {
var self = this
// required properties
self.orgId = ok(arguments).getIfExists('0') || ok(opts).getIfExists('orgId') || ok(config).getIfExists('usergrid.orgId')
self.appId = ok(arguments).getIfExists('1') || ok(opts).getIfExists('appId') || ok(config).getIfExists('usergrid.appId')
// optional initializer properites
self.baseUrl = ok(opts).getIfExists('baseUrl') || ok(config).getIfExists('usergrid.baseUrl') || '' // default:
self.clientId = ok(opts).getIfExists('clientId') || ok(config).getIfExists('usergrid.clientId') || '' // default: undefined
self.clientSecret = ok(opts).getIfExists('clientSecret') || ok(config).getIfExists('usergrid.clientSecret') || '' // default: undefined
self.tokenTtl = ok(opts).getIfExists('tokenTtl') || ok(config).getIfExists('usergrid.tokenTtl') || 3600 // time in seconds, default: 3600
self.authFallback = ok(opts).getIfExists('authFallback') || ok(config).getIfExists('usergrid.authFallback') || 'none' // ('none'|'app') default: 'none'
// optional post-init properties
self.paginationPreloadPages = 0 // number of pages to preload
self.paginationCacheTimeout = 300 * 1000 // default: 300 seconds
self.paginationCursors = [] // array of pagination cursors
if (self.orgId !== undefined && self.appId !== undefined) {
return self
} else {
throw new Error('\'orgId\' and \'appId\' parameters are required when instantiating UsergridClient')
UsergridClient.prototype.GET = function(type, uuidOrName, callback) {
return new UsergridRequest({
client: this,
method: 'GET',
type: type,
uuidOrName: typeof uuidOrName === 'string' ? uuidOrName : undefined
}, callback || uuidOrName)
UsergridClient.prototype.PUT = function(type, uuidOrName, body, callback) {
if (typeof uuidOrName !== 'string')
throw new Error('\'uuidOrName\' parameter is required when making a PUT request')
return new UsergridRequest({
client: this,
method: 'PUT',
type: type,
uuidOrName: typeof uuidOrName === 'string' ? uuidOrName : undefined,
body: typeof body === 'object' ? body : typeof uuidOrName === 'object' ? uuidOrName : undefined
}, callback || body || uuidOrName)
UsergridClient.prototype.POST = function(type, uuidOrName, body, callback) {
return new UsergridRequest({
client: this,
method: 'POST',
type: type,
uuidOrName: typeof uuidOrName === 'string' ? uuidOrName : undefined,
body: typeof body === 'object' ? body : typeof uuidOrName === 'object' ? uuidOrName : undefined
}, callback || body || uuidOrName)
UsergridClient.prototype.DELETE = function(type, uuidOrName, callback) {
if (typeof uuidOrName !== 'string')
throw new Error('\'uuidOrName\' parameter is required when making a DELETE request')
return new UsergridRequest({
client: this,
method: 'DELETE',
type: type,
uuidOrName: typeof uuidOrName === 'string' ? uuidOrName : undefined
}, callback || uuidOrName)
Object.defineProperty(UsergridClient.prototype, 'appAuth', {
get: function() {
return this._appAuth
set: function(opts) {
var self = this
if (opts.length === 3) {
self._appAuth = new UsergridAppAuth(opts)
} else if (opts[0] instanceof UsergridAppAuth) {
self._appAuth = opts[0]
} else if (opts instanceof UsergridAppAuth) {
self._appAuth = opts
} else if (ok(opts[0]).has('clientId')) {
self._appAuth = new UsergridAppAuth({
clientId: opts[0].clientId,
clientSecret: opts[0].clientSecret,
tokenTtl: opts[0].tokenTtl || 3600
UsergridClient.prototype.setAppAuth = function() {
this.appAuth = _.values(arguments)
UsergridClient.prototype.authenticateApp = function(opts, callback) {
var self = this
callback = helpers.cb(callback || opts)
if (!(self.appAuth instanceof UsergridAppAuth)) {
throw new Error('App auth context was not defined when attempting to call .authenticateApp()')
opts.type = 'token'
opts.client = self
uri: helpers.buildUrl(opts),
headers: helpers.userAgent,
body: {
grant_type: 'client_credentials',
client_id: opts.clientId || self.appAuth.clientId,
client_secret: opts.clientSecret || self.appAuth.clientSecret
method: 'POST',
json: true
}, function(error, response, body) {
var token = body.access_token || undefined
self.appAuth.token = token
self.appAuth.expiry = + ((body.expires_in ? body.expires_in - 5 : 0) * 1000)
callback(error, response, token)
module.exports = UsergridClient