Modularized tests into /tests/lib
diff --git a/tests/index.js b/tests/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e7cbf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+'use strict'
+describe('Usergrid', function() {
+    return require('./lib/usergrid')
+describe('UsergridClient', function() {
+    return require('./lib/client')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/lib/client.js b/tests/lib/client.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3e22ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lib/client.js
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+'use strict'
+var should = require('should'),
+    ok = require('objectkit'),
+    config = require('../../config.json'),
+    helpers = require('../../helpers'),
+    Usergrid = require('../../usergrid'),
+    UsergridClient = require('../../lib/client'),
+    UsergridAuth = require('../../lib/auth'),
+    UsergridAppAuth = require('../../lib/appAuth')
+var _collection = config.tests.collection
+var _client = null
+var _uuid = null
+describe('initialization', function() {
+    it('should initialize', function(done) {
+        _client = new UsergridClient()
+        done()
+    })
+describe('GET()', function() {
+    this.slow(1000)
+    this.timeout(6000)
+    var response
+    before(function(done) {
+        _client.GET(_collection, function(err, usergridResponse) {
+            response = usergridResponse
+            done()
+        })
+    })
+    it('should not fail when a callback function is not passed', function() {
+        // note: this test will NOT fail gracefully inside the Mocha event chain
+        _client.GET(_collection)
+    })
+    it('should return a 200 ok', function() {
+        response.statusCode.should.equal(200)
+    })
+    it('response.entities should be an array', function() {
+    })
+    it('response.first should exist and have a valid uuid', function() {
+    })
+    it('response.entity should exist and have a valid uuid', function() {
+    })
+    it('response.last should exist and have a valid uuid', function() {
+    })
+describe('POST()', function() {
+    this.slow(1000)
+    this.timeout(3000)
+    var response
+    before(function(done) {
+        _client.POST(_collection, {
+            author: 'Sir Arthur Conan Doyle'
+        }, function(err, usergridResponse) {
+            response = usergridResponse
+            _uuid = usergridResponse.entity.uuid
+            done()
+        })
+    })
+    it('should not fail when a callback function is not passed', function() {
+        // note: this test will NOT fail gracefully inside the Mocha event chain
+        _client.POST(_collection, {})
+    })
+    it('should return a 200 ok', function() {
+        response.statusCode.should.equal(200)
+    })
+    it('response.entities should be an array', function() {
+    })
+    it('response.entity should exist and have a valid uuid', function() {
+    })
+    it(' should equal \'Sir Arthur Conan Doyle\'', function() {
+'author').equal('Sir Arthur Conan Doyle')
+    })
+describe('PUT()', function() {
+    this.slow(1000)
+    this.timeout(3000)
+    var response
+    before(function(done) {
+        _client.PUT(_collection, _uuid, {
+            narrator: 'Peter Doyle'
+        }, function(err, usergridResponse) {
+            response = usergridResponse
+            done()
+        })
+    })
+    it('should not fail when a callback function is not passed', function() {
+        // note: this test will NOT fail gracefully inside the Mocha event chain
+        _client.PUT(_collection, _uuid)
+    })
+    it('should return a 200 ok', function() {
+        response.statusCode.should.equal(200)
+    })
+    it('response.entities should be an array', function() {
+    })
+    it('response.entity should exist and its uuid should the uuid from the previous POST requets', function() {
+    })
+    it('response.entity.narrator should equal \'Peter Doyle\'', function() {
+'narrator').equal('Peter Doyle')
+    })
+describe('DELETE()', function() {
+    this.slow(1000)
+    this.timeout(6000)
+    var response
+    before(function(done) {
+        _client.DELETE(_collection, _uuid, function(err, usergridResponse) {
+            _client.GET(_collection, _uuid, function(err, usergridResponse) {
+                response = usergridResponse
+                done()
+            })
+        })
+    })
+    it('should not fail when a callback function is not passed', function() {
+        // note: this test will NOT fail gracefully inside the Mocha event chain
+        _client.DELETE(_collection, _uuid)
+    })
+    it('should return a 200 ok', function() {
+        // This should check for 404, but because of a Usergrid bug, it returns 401 instead of 404.
+        // see
+        response.statusCode.should.not.equal(200)
+    })
+    it(' should equal \'service_resource_not_found\'', function() {
+    })
+describe('authenticateApp()', function() {
+    this.slow(1000)
+    this.timeout(6000)
+    var response, token
+    before(function(done) {
+        _client.setAppAuth(config.usergrid.clientId, config.usergrid.clientSecret, config.usergrid.tokenTtl)
+        _client.authenticateApp(function(err, r, t) {
+            response = r
+            token = t
+            done()
+        })
+    })
+    it('should return a 200 ok', function() {
+        response.statusCode.should.equal(200)
+    })
+    it('should have a valid token', function() {
+    })
+    it('should set .appAuth.token', function() {
+    })
+    it('should set .appAuth.expiry to future date', function() {
+'expiry').greaterThan(new Date().getSeconds())
+    })
+describe('setAppAuth()', function() {
+    it('should initialize by passing a list of arguments', function() {
+        _client.setAppAuth(config.usergrid.clientId, config.usergrid.clientSecret, config.usergrid.tokenTtl)
+        _client.setAppAuth({
+            clientId: config.usergrid.clientId,
+            clientSecret: config.usergrid.clientSecret,
+            tokenTtl: config.usergrid.tokenTtl
+        })
+        _client.setAppAuth(new UsergridAppAuth(config.usergrid.clientId, config.usergrid.clientSecret, config.usergrid.tokenTtl))
+    })
+    it('should initialize by passing an object', function() {
+        _client.setAppAuth({
+            clientId: config.usergrid.clientId,
+            clientSecret: config.usergrid.clientSecret,
+            tokenTtl: config.usergrid.tokenTtl
+        })
+    })
+    it('should initialize by passing an instance of UsergridAppAuth', function() {
+        _client.setAppAuth({
+            clientId: config.usergrid.clientId,
+            clientSecret: config.usergrid.clientSecret,
+            tokenTtl: config.usergrid.tokenTtl
+        })
+    })
+    it('should be a subclass of UsergridAuth', function() {
+    })
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/lib/usergrid.js b/tests/lib/usergrid.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1683a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lib/usergrid.js
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+'use strict'
+var should = require('should'),
+    ok = require('objectkit'),
+    config = require('../../config.json'),
+    helpers = require('../../helpers'),
+    Usergrid = require('../../usergrid'),
+    UsergridClient = require('../../lib/client')
+describe('init() / initSharedInstance()', function() {
+    it('should fail to initialize without an orgId and appId', function() {
+        should(function() {
+            Usergrid.init(null, null)
+        }).throw()
+    })
+    it('should initialize when passing an orgId and appId', function(done) {
+        Usergrid.init(config.usergrid.orgId, config.usergrid.appId)
+        done()
+    })
+    it('should initialize using orgId and appId from config.json', function(done) {
+        Usergrid.init()
+        done()
+    })
+    it('should contain and match all properties defined in config.json', function(done) {
+        Object(Usergrid).should.containDeep(config.usergrid)
+        done()
+    })
+    it('should be an instance of UsergridClient', function(done) {
+        done()
+    })
+    it('should have default values set for non-init-time properties', function() {
+        Usergrid.paginationPreloadPages.should.equal(0)
+        Usergrid.paginationCacheTimeout.should.equal(300 * 1000)
+    })
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/usergrid.js b/tests/usergrid.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c07333..0000000
--- a/tests/usergrid.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-'use strict'
-var should = require('should'),
-    ok = require('objectkit'),
-    config = require('../config.json'),
-    helpers = require('../helpers'),
-    Usergrid = require('../usergrid'),
-    UsergridClient = require('../lib/client'),
-    UsergridAuth = require('../lib/auth'),
-    UsergridAppAuth = require('../lib/appAuth')
-var _collection = config.tests.collection
-var _client = null
-var _uuid = null
-describe('Usergrid', function() {
-    describe('init() / initSharedInstance()', function() {
-        it('should fail to initialize without an orgId and appId', function() {
-            should(function() {
-                Usergrid.init(null, null)
-            }).throw()
-        })
-        it('should initialize when passing an orgId and appId', function(done) {
-            Usergrid.init(config.usergrid.orgId, config.usergrid.appId)
-            done()
-        })
-        it('should initialize using orgId and appId from config.json', function(done) {
-            Usergrid.init()
-            done()
-        })
-        it('should contain and match all properties defined in config.json', function(done) {
-            Object(Usergrid).should.containDeep(config.usergrid)
-            done()
-        })
-        it('should be an instance of UsergridClient', function(done) {
-            done()
-        })
-        it('should have default values set for non-init-time properties', function() {
-            Usergrid.paginationPreloadPages.should.equal(0)
-            Usergrid.paginationCacheTimeout.should.equal(300 * 1000)
-        })
-    })
-describe('UsergridClient', function() {
-    describe('initialization', function() {
-        it('should initialize', function(done) {
-            _client = new UsergridClient()
-            done()
-        })
-    })
-    describe('GET()', function() {
-        this.slow(1000)
-        this.timeout(6000)
-        var response
-        before(function(done) {
-            _client.GET(_collection, function(err, usergridResponse) {
-                response = usergridResponse
-                done()
-            })
-        })
-        it('should not fail when a callback function is not passed', function() {
-            // note: this test will NOT fail gracefully inside the Mocha event chain
-            _client.GET(_collection)
-        })
-        it('should return a 200 ok', function() {
-            response.statusCode.should.equal(200)
-        })
-        it('response.entities should be an array', function() {
-        })
-        it('response.first should exist and have a valid uuid', function() {
-  'uuid').with.a.lengthOf(36)
-        })
-        it('response.entity should exist and have a valid uuid', function() {
-  'uuid').with.a.lengthOf(36)
-        })
-        it('response.last should exist and have a valid uuid', function() {
-  'uuid').with.a.lengthOf(36)
-        })
-    })
-    describe('POST()', function() {
-        this.slow(1000)
-        this.timeout(3000)
-        var response
-        before(function(done) {
-            _client.POST(_collection, {
-                author: 'Sir Arthur Conan Doyle'
-            }, function(err, usergridResponse) {
-                response = usergridResponse
-                _uuid = usergridResponse.entity.uuid
-                done()
-            })
-        })
-        it('should not fail when a callback function is not passed', function() {
-            // note: this test will NOT fail gracefully inside the Mocha event chain
-            _client.POST(_collection, {})
-        })
-        it('should return a 200 ok', function() {
-            response.statusCode.should.equal(200)
-        })
-        it('response.entities should be an array', function() {
-        })
-        it('response.entity should exist and have a valid uuid', function() {
-  'uuid').with.a.lengthOf(36)
-        })
-        it(' should equal \'Sir Arthur Conan Doyle\'', function() {
-  'author').equal('Sir Arthur Conan Doyle')
-        })
-    })
-    describe('PUT()', function() {
-        this.slow(1000)
-        this.timeout(3000)
-        var response
-        before(function(done) {
-            _client.PUT(_collection, _uuid, {
-                narrator: 'Peter Doyle'
-            }, function(err, usergridResponse) {
-                response = usergridResponse
-                done()
-            })
-        })
-        it('should not fail when a callback function is not passed', function() {
-            // note: this test will NOT fail gracefully inside the Mocha event chain
-            _client.PUT(_collection, _uuid)
-        })
-        it('should return a 200 ok', function() {
-            response.statusCode.should.equal(200)
-        })
-        it('response.entities should be an array', function() {
-        })
-        it('response.entity should exist and its uuid should the uuid from the previous POST requets', function() {
-  'uuid').equal(_uuid)
-        })
-        it('response.entity.narrator should equal \'Peter Doyle\'', function() {
-  'narrator').equal('Peter Doyle')
-        })
-    })
-    describe('DELETE()', function() {
-        this.slow(1000)
-        this.timeout(6000)
-        var response
-        before(function(done) {
-            _client.DELETE(_collection, _uuid, function(err, usergridResponse) {
-                _client.GET(_collection, _uuid, function(err, usergridResponse) {
-                    response = usergridResponse
-                    done()
-                })
-            })
-        })
-        it('should not fail when a callback function is not passed', function() {
-            // note: this test will NOT fail gracefully inside the Mocha event chain
-            _client.DELETE(_collection, _uuid)
-        })
-        it('should return a 200 ok', function() {
-            // This should check for 404, but because of a Usergrid bug, it returns 401 instead of 404.
-            // see
-            response.statusCode.should.not.equal(200)
-        })
-        it(' should equal \'service_resource_not_found\'', function() {
-  'service_resource_not_found')
-        })
-    })
-    describe('setAppAuth()', function() {
-        it('should initialize by passing a list of arguments', function() {
-            _client.setAppAuth(config.usergrid.clientId, config.usergrid.clientSecret, config.usergrid.tokenTtl)
-            _client.setAppAuth({
-                clientId: config.usergrid.clientId,
-                clientSecret: config.usergrid.clientSecret,
-                tokenTtl: config.usergrid.tokenTtl
-            })
-            _client.setAppAuth(new UsergridAppAuth(config.usergrid.clientId, config.usergrid.clientSecret, config.usergrid.tokenTtl))
-        })
-        it('should initialize by passing an object', function() {
-            _client.setAppAuth({
-                clientId: config.usergrid.clientId,
-                clientSecret: config.usergrid.clientSecret,
-                tokenTtl: config.usergrid.tokenTtl
-            })
-        })
-        it('should initialize by passing an instance of UsergridAppAuth', function() {
-            _client.setAppAuth({
-                clientId: config.usergrid.clientId,
-                clientSecret: config.usergrid.clientSecret,
-                tokenTtl: config.usergrid.tokenTtl
-            })
-        })
-        it('should be a subclass of UsergridAuth', function() {
-        })
-    })
-    describe('authenticateApp()', function() {
-        this.slow(1000)
-        this.timeout(6000)
-        var response, token
-        before(function(done) {
-            _client.authenticateApp(function(err, r, t) {
-                response = r
-                token = t
-                done()
-            })
-        })
-        it('should return a 200 ok', function() {
-            response.statusCode.should.equal(200)
-        })
-        it('should have a valid token', function() {
-        })
-        it('should have token set in .appAuth instance', function() {
-  'token').equal(token)
-        })
-        it('should have expiry set in .appAuth instance greater than current time', function() {
-  'expiry').greaterThan(new Date().getSeconds())
-        })
-    })
\ No newline at end of file