blob: d1371258509cb1b6a5e7afb73ddc2ca006353d55 [file] [log] [blame]
*Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
*or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
*distributed with this work for additional information
*regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
*to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
*"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
*with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
*Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
*software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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*under the License.
* The Collection class models Usergrid Collections. It essentially
* acts as a container for holding Entity objects, while providing
* additional funcitonality such as paging, and saving
* @constructor
* @param {string} options - configuration object
* @return {Collection} collection
Usergrid.Collection = function(options) {
if (options) {
this._client = options.client;
this._type = options.type;
this.qs = options.qs || {};
this._list = options.list || [];
this._iterator = options.iterator || -1; //first thing we do is increment, so set to -1
this._previous = options.previous || [];
this._next = || null;
this._cursor = options.cursor || null;
//restore entities if available
if (options.list) {
var count = options.list.length;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
//make new entity with
var entity = this._client.restoreEntity(options.list[i]);
this._list[i] = entity;
/*if (callback) {
//populate the collection
* method to determine whether or not the passed variable is a Usergrid Collection
* @method isCollection
* @public
* @params {any} obj - any variable
* @return {boolean} Returns true or false
Usergrid.isCollection = function(obj) {
return (obj && obj instanceof Usergrid.Collection);
* gets the data from the collection object for serialization
* @method serialize
* @return {object} data
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.serialize = function() {
//pull out the state from this object and return it
var data = {};
data.type = this._type;
data.qs = this.qs;
data.iterator = this._iterator;
data.previous = this._previous; = this._next;
data.cursor = this._cursor;
var i = 0;
data.list = [];
while (this.hasNextEntity()) {
var entity = this.getNextEntity();
data.list[i] = entity.serialize();
data = JSON.stringify(data);
return data;
//addCollection is deprecated?
/*Usergrid.Collection.prototype.addCollection = function (collectionName, options, callback) {
self = this;
options.client = this._client;
var collection = new Usergrid.Collection(options, function(err, data) {
if (typeof(callback) === 'function') {
while(collection.hasNextEntity()) {
var user = collection.getNextEntity();
var email = user.get('email');
var image = self._client.getDisplayImage(user.get('email'), user.get('picture'));
user._portal_image_icon = image;
self[collectionName] = collection;
doCallback(callback, [err, collection], self);
* Populates the collection from the server
* @method fetch
* @param {function} callback
* @return {callback} callback(err, data)
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.fetch = function(callback) {
var self = this;
var qs = this.qs;
//add in the cursor if one is available
if (this._cursor) {
qs.cursor = this._cursor;
} else {
delete qs.cursor;
var options = {
method: 'GET',
endpoint: this._type,
qs: this.qs
this._client.request(options, function(err, response) {
if (err && self._client.logging) {
console.log('error getting collection');
} else {
//save the cursor if there is one
self.saveCursor(response.cursor || null);
//save entities locally
self._list = response.getEntities()
.filter(function(entity) {
return isUUID(entity.uuid);
.map(function(entity) {
var ent = new Usergrid.Entity({
client: self._client
ent.type = self._type;
//ent._json = JSON.stringify(entity, null, 2);
return ent;
doCallback(callback, [err, response, self], self);
* Adds a new Entity to the collection (saves, then adds to the local object)
* @method addNewEntity
* @param {object} entity
* @param {function} callback
* @return {callback} callback(err, data, entity)
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.addEntity = function(entityObject, callback) {
var self = this;
entityObject.type = this._type;
//create the new entity
this._client.createEntity(entityObject, function(err, response, entity) {
if (!err) {
//then add the entity to the list
doCallback(callback, [err, response, self], self);
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.addExistingEntity = function(entity) {
//entity should already exist in the db, so just add it to the list
var count = this._list.length;
this._list[count] = entity;
* Removes the Entity from the collection, then destroys the object on the server
* @method destroyEntity
* @param {object} entity
* @param {function} callback
* @return {callback} callback(err, data)
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.destroyEntity = function(entity, callback) {
var self = this;
entity.destroy(function(err, response) {
if (err) {
if (self._client.logging) {
console.log('could not destroy entity');
doCallback(callback, [err, response, self], self);
} else {
//destroy was good, so repopulate the collection
//remove entity from the local store
* Filters the list of entities based on the supplied criteria function
* works like Array.prototype.filter
* @method getEntitiesByCriteria
* @param {function} criteria A function that takes each entity as an argument and returns true or false
* @return {Entity[]} returns a list of entities that caused the criteria function to return true
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.getEntitiesByCriteria = function(criteria) {
return this._list.filter(criteria);
* Returns the first entity from the list of entities based on the supplied criteria function
* works like Array.prototype.filter
* @method getEntitiesByCriteria
* @param {function} criteria A function that takes each entity as an argument and returns true or false
* @return {Entity[]} returns a list of entities that caused the criteria function to return true
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.getEntityByCriteria = function(criteria) {
return this.getEntitiesByCriteria(criteria).shift();
* Removed an entity from the collection without destroying it on the server
* @method removeEntity
* @param {object} entity
* @return {Entity} returns the removed entity or undefined if it was not found
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.removeEntity = function(entity) {
var removedEntity = this.getEntityByCriteria(function(item) {
return entity.uuid === item.get('uuid');
delete this._list[this._list.indexOf(removedEntity)];
return removedEntity;
* Looks up an Entity by UUID
* @method getEntityByUUID
* @param {string} UUID
* @param {function} callback
* @return {callback} callback(err, data, entity)
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.getEntityByUUID = function(uuid, callback) {
var entity = this.getEntityByCriteria(function(item) {
return item.get('uuid') === uuid;
if (entity) {
doCallback(callback, [null, entity, entity], this);
} else {
//get the entity from the database
var options = {
data: {
type: this._type,
uuid: uuid
client: this._client
entity = new Usergrid.Entity(options);
* Returns the first Entity of the Entity list - does not affect the iterator
* @method getFirstEntity
* @return {object} returns an entity object
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.getFirstEntity = function() {
var count = this._list.length;
if (count > 0) {
return this._list[0];
return null;
* Returns the last Entity of the Entity list - does not affect the iterator
* @method getLastEntity
* @return {object} returns an entity object
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.getLastEntity = function() {
var count = this._list.length;
if (count > 0) {
return this._list[count - 1];
return null;
* Entity iteration -Checks to see if there is a "next" entity
* in the list. The first time this method is called on an entity
* list, or after the resetEntityPointer method is called, it will
* return true referencing the first entity in the list
* @method hasNextEntity
* @return {boolean} true if there is a next entity, false if not
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.hasNextEntity = function() {
var next = this._iterator + 1;
var hasNextElement = (next >= 0 && next < this._list.length);
if (hasNextElement) {
return true;
return false;
* Entity iteration - Gets the "next" entity in the list. The first
* time this method is called on an entity list, or after the method
* resetEntityPointer is called, it will return the,
* first entity in the list
* @method hasNextEntity
* @return {object} entity
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.getNextEntity = function() {
var hasNextElement = (this._iterator >= 0 && this._iterator <= this._list.length);
if (hasNextElement) {
return this._list[this._iterator];
return false;
* Entity iteration - Checks to see if there is a "previous"
* entity in the list.
* @method hasPrevEntity
* @return {boolean} true if there is a previous entity, false if not
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.hasPrevEntity = function() {
var previous = this._iterator - 1;
var hasPreviousElement = (previous >= 0 && previous < this._list.length);
if (hasPreviousElement) {
return true;
return false;
* Entity iteration - Gets the "previous" entity in the list.
* @method getPrevEntity
* @return {object} entity
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.getPrevEntity = function() {
var hasPreviousElement = (this._iterator >= 0 && this._iterator <= this._list.length);
if (hasPreviousElement) {
return this._list[this._iterator];
return false;
* Entity iteration - Resets the iterator back to the beginning
* of the list
* @method resetEntityPointer
* @return none
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.resetEntityPointer = function() {
this._iterator = -1;
* Method to save off the cursor just returned by the last API call
* @public
* @method saveCursor
* @return none
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.saveCursor = function(cursor) {
//if current cursor is different, grab it for next cursor
if (this._next !== cursor) {
this._next = cursor;
* Resets the paging pointer (back to original page)
* @public
* @method resetPaging
* @return none
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.resetPaging = function() {
this._previous = [];
this._next = null;
this._cursor = null;
* Paging - checks to see if there is a next page od data
* @method hasNextPage
* @return {boolean} returns true if there is a next page of data, false otherwise
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.hasNextPage = function() {
return (this._next);
* Paging - advances the cursor and gets the next
* page of data from the API. Stores returned entities
* in the Entity list.
* @method getNextPage
* @param {function} callback
* @return {callback} callback(err, data)
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.getNextPage = function(callback) {
if (this.hasNextPage()) {
//set the cursor to the next page of data
this._cursor = this._next;
//empty the list
this._list = [];
* Paging - checks to see if there is a previous page od data
* @method hasPreviousPage
* @return {boolean} returns true if there is a previous page of data, false otherwise
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.hasPreviousPage = function() {
return (this._previous.length > 0);
* Paging - reverts the cursor and gets the previous
* page of data from the API. Stores returned entities
* in the Entity list.
* @method getPreviousPage
* @param {function} callback
* @return {callback} callback(err, data)
Usergrid.Collection.prototype.getPreviousPage = function(callback) {
if (this.hasPreviousPage()) {
this._next = null; //clear out next so the comparison will find the next item
this._cursor = this._previous.pop();
//empty the list
this._list = [];