tree: b028e6f594bc4a0b0f90c00e207315070ad36a66 [path history] [tgz]
  1. BooksApp2/
  2. BooksApp.sln

Books Sample Application

Built with Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, but earlier versions (2010 or later) should work

To run the application:

  1. Sign up for free App Services account at
  2. Log in to App Services Admin Portal
  3. Create a new app
  4. Create a new Collection named “books” in the new app
  5. Create a user that has full permissions to the books collection
  6. Open the BooksApp solution file in Visual Studio
  7. Run the application
  8. Click on the Settings button. Fill in the resulting dialog with the org, app, and user credentials
  9. Click Retrieve Books to get a list of any existing books
  10. Click Add A Book. Fill out the resulting dialog to add a new entry
  11. Select an entry and click Delete Book. The entry will be deleted.