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* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* * under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
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using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Net;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
namespace Usergrid.Notifications.Client
/// <summary>
/// Usergrid client
/// </summary>
public class Usergrid : IUsergridHttpClient, IUsergridClient
private string appUrl;
private string token;
private HttpClient client;
private IPushClient push;
private string managementUrl;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serverUrl"></param>
/// <param name="org"></param>
/// <param name="app"></param>
/// <param name="channel"></param>
internal Usergrid(string serverUrl, string org, string app, string userId, string password,string notifier)
string serverUrlWithSlash = serverUrl.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.CurrentCulture) ? serverUrl : serverUrl + "/";
this.appUrl = String.Format("{0}{1}/{2}/", serverUrlWithSlash, org, app);
this.managementUrl = serverUrlWithSlash + "management/";
this.client = new HttpClient();
Authenticate(userId, password, false).ContinueWith(task => {
this.push = new PushClient(this, userId, notifier);
public async Task Authenticate(string user, string password, bool isManagement)
var jsonObject = new JObject();
jsonObject.Add("username", user);
jsonObject.Add("password", password);
jsonObject.Add("grant_type", "password");
var response = await SendAsync(HttpMethod.Post,"token", jsonObject, isManagement);
if (response.StatusIsOk)
this.token = response.GetValue("access_token").Value<String>();
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer "+ token);
throw new Exception("Authentication failed: "+response.ToString());
private async Task<EntityResponse> GetJsonResponse(HttpResponseMessage response)
return await EntityResponse.Parse(response);
public async Task<EntityResponse> SendAsync(HttpMethod method, string url, object obj)
return await SendAsync(method, url, obj, false);
public async Task<EntityResponse> SendAsync(HttpMethod method, string url, object obj, bool useManagementUrl)
HttpRequestMessage message = new HttpRequestMessage(method, (useManagementUrl ? this.managementUrl : this.appUrl) + url);
if (obj != null)
message.Content = getJsonBody(obj);
message.Headers.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue( "application/json"));
var response = await this.client.SendAsync(message);
return await EntityResponse.Parse(response);
public IPushClient Push
get { return push; }
private HttpContent getJsonBody(Object jsonObject)
return new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonObject));
public Exception LastException