blob: 9870c33a86f73995628b380717f771970a8ab332 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using RestSharp;
using Usergrid.Sdk.Manager;
using Usergrid.Sdk.Model;
using Usergrid.Sdk.Payload;
using AuthenticationManager = Usergrid.Sdk.Manager.AuthenticationManager;
namespace Usergrid.Sdk {
public class Client : IClient {
private const string UserGridEndPoint = "";
private readonly IUsergridRequest _request;
private IAuthenticationManager _authenticationManager;
private IConnectionManager _connectionManager;
private IEntityManager _entityManager;
private INotificationsManager _notificationsManager;
public Client(string organization, string application)
: this(organization, application, UserGridEndPoint, new UsergridRequest(UserGridEndPoint, organization, application)) {}
public Client(string organization, string application, string uri = UserGridEndPoint)
: this(organization, application, uri, new UsergridRequest(uri, organization, application)) {}
internal Client(string organization, string application, string uri = UserGridEndPoint, IUsergridRequest request = null) {
_request = request ?? new UsergridRequest(uri, organization, application);
internal IAuthenticationManager AuthenticationManager {
get { return _authenticationManager ?? (_authenticationManager = new AuthenticationManager(_request)); }
set { _authenticationManager = value; }
internal IEntityManager EntityManager {
get { return _entityManager ?? (_entityManager = new EntityManager(_request)); }
set { _entityManager = value; }
internal IConnectionManager ConnectionManager {
get { return _connectionManager ?? (_connectionManager = new ConnectionManager(_request)); }
set { _connectionManager = value; }
internal INotificationsManager NotificationsManager {
get { return _notificationsManager ?? (_notificationsManager = new NotificationsManager(_request)); }
set { _notificationsManager = value; }
public void Login(string loginId, string secret, AuthType authType) {
AuthenticationManager.Login(loginId, secret, authType);
public T CreateEntity<T>(string collection, T entity) {
return EntityManager.CreateEntity(collection, entity);
public void DeleteEntity(string collection, string name) {
EntityManager.DeleteEntity(collection, name);
public void UpdateEntity<T>(string collection, string identifier, T entity) {
EntityManager.UpdateEntity(collection, identifier, entity);
public T GetEntity<T>(string collectionName, string entityIdentifier) {
return EntityManager.GetEntity<T>(collectionName, entityIdentifier);
public T GetUser<T>(string identifer /*username or uuid or email*/) where T : UsergridUser {
var user = GetEntity<T>("users", identifer);
if (user == null)
return null;
return user;
public void CreateUser<T>(T user) where T : UsergridUser {
CreateEntity("users", user);
public void UpdateUser<T>(T user) where T : UsergridUser {
UpdateEntity("users", user.UserName, user);
public void DeleteUser(string identifer /*username or uuid or email*/) {
DeleteEntity("users", identifer);
public void ChangePassword(string identifer /*username or uuid or email*/, string oldPassword, string newPassword) {
AuthenticationManager.ChangePassword(identifer, oldPassword, newPassword);
public void CreateGroup<T>(T group) where T : UsergridGroup {
CreateEntity("groups", group);
public void DeleteGroup(string path) {
DeleteEntity("groups", path);
public T GetGroup<T>(string identifer /*uuid or path*/) where T : UsergridGroup {
var usergridGroup = EntityManager.GetEntity<T>("groups", identifer);
if (usergridGroup == null)
return null;
return usergridGroup;
public void UpdateGroup<T>(T group) where T : UsergridGroup {
UpdateEntity("groups", group.Path, group);
public void AddUserToGroup(string groupIdentifier, string userName) {
EntityManager.CreateEntity<object>(string.Format("/groups/{0}/users/{1}", groupIdentifier, userName), null);
public void DeleteUserFromGroup(string groupIdentifier, string userIdentifier) {
DeleteEntity("/groups/" + groupIdentifier + "/users", userIdentifier);
public IList<T> GetAllUsersInGroup<T>(string groupName) where T : UsergridUser {
IRestResponse response = _request.ExecuteJsonRequest(string.Format("/groups/{0}/users", groupName), Method.GET);
var responseObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<UsergridGetResponse<T>>(response.Content);
return responseObject.Entities;
public UsergridCollection<T> GetEntities<T>(string collection, int limit = 10, string query = null) {
return EntityManager.GetEntities<T>(collection, limit, query);
public UsergridCollection<T> GetNextEntities<T>(string collection, string query = null) {
return EntityManager.GetNextEntities<T>(collection, query);
public UsergridCollection<T> GetPreviousEntities<T>(string collection, string query = null) {
return EntityManager.GetPreviousEntities<T>(collection, query);
public void CreateConnection(Connection connection) {
public IList<UsergridEntity> GetConnections(Connection connection) {
return ConnectionManager.GetConnections(connection);
public IList<TConnectee> GetConnections<TConnectee>(Connection connection) {
return ConnectionManager.GetConnections<TConnectee>(connection);
public void DeleteConnection(Connection connection) {
public void PostActivity<T>(string userIdentifier, T activity) where T : UsergridActivity {
string collection = string.Format("/users/{0}/activities", userIdentifier);
EntityManager.CreateEntity(collection, activity);
public void PostActivityToGroup<T>(string groupIdentifier, T activity) where T : UsergridActivity {
string collection = string.Format("/groups/{0}/activities", groupIdentifier);
EntityManager.CreateEntity(collection, activity);
public void PostActivityToUsersFollowersInGroup<T>(string userIdentifier, string groupIdentifier, T activity) where T : UsergridActivity {
string collection = string.Format("/groups/{0}/users/{1}/activities", groupIdentifier, userIdentifier);
EntityManager.CreateEntity(collection, activity);
public UsergridCollection<T> GetUserActivities<T>(string userIdentifier) where T : UsergridActivity {
string collection = string.Format("/users/{0}/activities", userIdentifier);
return EntityManager.GetEntities<T>(collection);
public UsergridCollection<T> GetGroupActivities<T>(string groupIdentifier) where T : UsergridActivity {
string collection = string.Format("/groups/{0}/activities", groupIdentifier);
return EntityManager.GetEntities<T>(collection);
public T GetDevice<T>(string identifer) where T : UsergridDevice {
var device = GetEntity<T>("devices", identifer);
if (device == null)
return null;
return device;
public void UpdateDevice<T>(T device) where T : UsergridDevice {
UpdateEntity("devices", device.Name, device);
public void CreateDevice<T>(T device) where T : UsergridDevice {
CreateEntity("devices", device);
public void DeleteDevice(string identifer) {
DeleteEntity("devices", identifer);
public void CreateNotifierForApple(string notifierName, string environment, string p12CertificatePath) {
NotificationsManager.CreateNotifierForApple(notifierName, environment, p12CertificatePath);
public void CreateNotifierForAndroid(string notifierName, string apiKey) {
NotificationsManager.CreateNotifierForAndroid(notifierName, apiKey);
public T GetNotifier<T>(string identifer /*uuid or notifier name*/) where T : UsergridNotifier {
var usergridNotifier = EntityManager.GetEntity<T>("/notifiers", identifer);
if (usergridNotifier == null)
return null;
return usergridNotifier;
public void DeleteNotifier(string notifierName) {
EntityManager.DeleteEntity("/notifiers", notifierName);
public void PublishNotification(IEnumerable<Notification> notifications, INotificationRecipients recipients, NotificationSchedulerSettings schedulerSettings = null) {
NotificationsManager.PublishNotification(notifications, recipients, schedulerSettings);
public void CancelNotification(string notificationIdentifier) {
EntityManager.UpdateEntity("/notifications", notificationIdentifier, new CancelNotificationPayload {Canceled = true});
//TODO: IList?
public UsergridCollection<T> GetUserFeed<T>(string userIdentifier) where T : UsergridActivity {
string collection = string.Format("/users/{0}/feed", userIdentifier);
return EntityManager.GetEntities<T>(collection);
public UsergridCollection<T> GetGroupFeed<T>(string groupIdentifier) where T : UsergridActivity {
string collection = string.Format("/groups/{0}/feed", groupIdentifier);
return EntityManager.GetEntities<T>(collection);
private static void ValidateResponse(IRestResponse response) {
if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) {
var userGridError = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<UsergridError>(response.Content);
throw new UsergridException(userGridError);