Apache Unomi :: Extensions :: MailChimp Connector

This extension has 3 actions. Add a visitor into a defined Mailchimp list. Remove a visitor from a defined Mailchimp list. Unsubscribe a visitor from a defined Mailchimp list.

Getting started

  1. Create a new MailChimp account:

  2. Generate a new API Key, or get the default

  3. Configure the MailChimp Connector Basic In the etc/org.apache.unomi.mailchimpconnector.cfg file change the following settings:

        mailChimpConnector.url.subDomain=YOUR_SUB_DOMAIN  (exemple: https://usX.admin.mailchimp.com/account/api/, the X is the SUB_DOMAIN)
  4. Before starting configure the mapping between Apache Unomi profile properties and MailChimp member properties. The mapping can't be use with multitued properties. You need to setup your MailChimp properties first in the MailChimp administration.

        Go to: lists/
        Select the triggered list

    Then in the cfg file

        mailChimpConnector.list.merge-fields.activate={Boolean} if you like to activate the mapping feature.

    This is the property to configure for the mapping, the format is as shown.

        mailChimpConnector.list.merge-fields.mapping={Apache Unomi property ID}<=>{MailChimp Tag name} 

    NOTE: there is a particular format for the address

        {Apache Unomi property ID}<=>{MailChimp Tag name}<=>{MailChimp tag sub entry}

    MailChimp type supported are:

    • Date
       The format is (DD/MM/YYYY) or  (MM/DD/YYYY)
    • Birthday
       The format is (DD/MM) or  (MM/DD)
    • Website or Text
       They are text
    • Number
       The number will be parse into a Integer 
    • Phone
       The North American format is not supported, use international
    • Address

    NOTE : Street, City, Country and Zip are mandatory properties, otherwise the address property will be skipped


  5. Deploy into Apache Unomi using the following commands from the Apache Karaf shell:

     feature:repo-add mvn:org.apache.unomi/unomi-mailchimp-connector-karaf-kar/${project.version}/xml/features
     feature:install unomi-mailchimp-connector-karaf-kar