tree: 74284f5ed024149fda116dea0ddfc23735dc7833 [path history] [tgz]
  1. router-api/
  2. router-core/
  3. router-karaf-feature/
  4. router-rest/
  5. router-service/
  6. pom.xml

Unomi Router

Getting started

Unomi Router Extension a Karaf Feature that provide an Enterprise Application Integration tool. It is optional so you must configure it and install it in Karaf, and can be used for Machine - Machine or Human - Machine integration with Unomi. Mainly Unomi Router Extension aim to make it easy to import third party applications/platforms profiles into Unomi. This extension is implemented using Apache Camel routes and is using Apache Kafka to buffer import process and make it failsafe.

Getting started

  1. Configure your Unomi Router: In the etc/org.apache.unomi.router.cfg file, you might want to update the following settings: Kafka settings

    #Kafka settings




    Kafka host and port with the topic name and the groupId ti which the topic is assigned

    #Import One Shot upload directory


    Path to the folder where unomi should stock file imported for a oneshot processing

  2. Deploy into Apache Unomi using the following commands from the Apache Karaf shell:

    $ feature:repo-add mvn:org.apache.unomi/unomi-router-karaf-feature/${version}/xml/features
    $ feature:install unomi-router-karaf-feature
  3. Send your import configuration:

    An import configuration is nothing else than a simple JSON to describe how you want to import your data (Profiles). To create/update an import configuration

    POST /cxs/importConfiguration

         "itemId": "f57f1f86-97bf-4ba0-b4e4-7d5e77e7c0bd",
         "itemType": "importConfig",
         "scope": "integration",
         "name": "Test Recurrent",
         "description": "Just test recurrent import",
         "configType": "recurrent",
         "properties": {
           "source": "{file/ftp}://{path}?fileName={file-name}.csv&move=.done&consumer.delay=20000",
           "mapping": {
             "firstName": 0,
             "lastName": 1,
         "mergingProperty": "email",
         "overwriteExistingProfiles": true,
         "propertiesToOverwrite": ["firstName", "lastName"],
         "active": true

    Omit the itemId when creating new entry, configType can be ‘recurrent’ for file/ftp/network path polling or ‘oneshot’ for one time import.

    The properties.source attribute is an Apache Camel endpoint uri (See for more details). Unomi Router is designed to use File and FTP Camel components.

    The attribute properties.mapping is a Map of:

    • Key: Profile property id in Unomi
    • Value: Index of the column in the imported file to copy the in the previous property.

    The attribute mergingProperty is the profile property id in Unomi to use to check for duplication.

    The attribute propertiesToOverwrite is a list of profile properties ids to overwrite, if null all properties will be overwritten.

    The attribute active is the flag to activate or deactivate the import configuration.

    Concerning oneshot import configuration using the previously described service will only create the import configuration, to send the file to process you need to call :

    POST /cxs/importConfiguration/oneshot

    Content-Type : multipart/form-data

    First multipart with the name ‘importConfigId’ is the importConfiguration to use to import the file, second one with the name ‘file’ is the file to import.