tree: 5ca12f015b72a816fc42ddf7a133f314a64e7252 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Building Docker image

You must build the docker image provided in this directory by using the following command:

mvn clean install

This project will also generate Docker standalone project files in target/filtered-docker as well as position the required Unomi tarball.

Using Unomi Docker Image

Launching docker-compose using Maven project

Unomi requires ElasticSearch so it is recommended to run Unomi and ElasticSearch using docker-compose:

mvn docker:start

You will need to wait while Docker builds the containers and they boot up (ES will take a minute or two). Once they are up you can check that the Unomi services are available by visiting http://localhost:8181 in a web browser.

Manually launching ElasticSearch & Unomi docker images

If you want to run it without docker-compose you should then make sure you setup the following environments properly.

For ElasticSearch:

docker pull
docker network create unomi
docker run --name elasticsearch --net unomi -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" -e

For Unomi:

docker pull apache/unomi:1.5.1-SNAPSHOT
docker run --name unomi --net unomi -p 8181:8181 -p 9443:9443 -p 8102:8102 -e UNOMI_ELASTICSEARCH_ADDRESSES=elasticsearch:9200 apache/unomi:1.5.1-SNAPSHOT

Using a host OS ElasticSearch installation (only supported on macOS & Windows)

docker run --name unomi -p 8181:8181 -p 9443:9443 -p 8102:8102 -e UNOMI_ELASTICSEARCH_ADDRESSES=host.docker.internal:9200 apache/unomi:1.5.1-SNAPSHOT

Note: Linux doesn't support the host.docker.internal DNS lookup method yet, it should be available in an upcoming version of Docker. See

Using docker build tools

If you want to rebuild the images or use docker compose directly, you must still first use mvn clean install to generate the filtered project in target/filtered-docker.

You can then use docker-compose up to start the project