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Apache Unomi Integration tests


You will likely run into situation where you need to wait for the execution of your test.
To do so please avoid long Thread.sleep(10000) it tend to make the test unstable, prefer a shorter sleep that you will repeat.

boolean isDone = false;
while (!isDone) {
    importConfiguration = importConfigurationService.load(itemId);
    if (importConfiguration != null && importConfiguration.getStatus() != null) {
        isDone = importConfiguration.getStatus().equals(RouterConstants.CONFIG_STATUS_COMPLETE_SUCCESS);

NEVER create dependencies between your test, even in the same class, the execution order is not guaranteed therefore you may not have what you expect and it could work fine on your machine but not on others.

If possible clean what your test created at the end of its execution or at the very least make sure to use unique IDs

When you need a service from Unomi to execute your test inject it with a filer:

@Inject @Filter(timeout = 60000)
protected ProfileService profileService;

This will ensure the service is available before starting the test and if you need a resource like an URL you can do something like this:

@Inject @Filter(value="(configDiscriminator=IMPORT)", timeout = 60000)
protected ImportExportConfigurationService<ImportConfiguration> importConfigurationService;

Running integration tests

You can run the integration tests along with the build by doing:

mvn clean install -P integration-tests

from the project's root directory

If you want to run the tests with a debugger, you can use the it.karaf.debug system property. Here's an example:

cd itests
mvn clean install -Dit.karaf.debug=hold:true

The hold:true will tell the JVM to pause for you to connect a debugger. You can simply connect a remote debugger on $ port 5006 to debug the integration tests.

Here are the parameters supported by the it.karaf.debug property:

hold:true - forces a wait for a remote debugger to connect 
hold:false - continues even with no remote debugger connected
port:XXXX allows to configure the binding port to XXXX

You can combine both parameters using a comma as a separator, as in the following example:

mvn clean install -Dit.karaf.debug=hold:true,port=5006

Running a single test

If you want to run a single test or single methods, following the instructions given here:

Here's an example:

mvn clean install -Dit.karaf.debug=hold:true -Dit.test=org.apache.unomi.itests.graphql.GraphQLEventIT