blob: 079569ad902b8b52da42838b755edaed310d04ae [file] [log] [blame]
recorder {
core {
#mode = "Proxy"
#encoding = "utf-8" # The encoding used for reading/writing request bodies and the generated simulation
#outputFolder = "" # The folder where generated simulation will we written
#package = "" # The package's name of the generated simulation
#className = "RecordedSimulation" # The name of the generated Simulation class
#thresholdForPauseCreation = 100 # The minimum time, in milliseconds, that must pass between requests to trigger a pause creation
#saveConfig = false # When set to true, the configuration from the Recorder GUI overwrites this configuration
filters {
#filterStrategy = "Disabled" # The selected filter resources filter strategy (currently supported : "Disabled", "BlackList", "WhiteList")
#whitelist = [] # The list of ressources patterns that are part of the Recorder's whitelist
#blacklist = [] # The list of ressources patterns that are part of the Recorder's blacklist
http {
#automaticReferer = true # When set to false, write the referer + enable 'disableAutoReferer' in the generated simulation
#followRedirect = true # When set to false, write redirect requests + enable 'disableFollowRedirect' in the generated simulation
#removeCacheHeaders = true # When set to true, removes from the generated requests headers leading to request caching
#inferHtmlResources = true # When set to true, add inferred resources + set 'inferHtmlResources' with the configured blacklist/whitelist in the generated simulation
#checkResponseBodies = false # When set to true, save response bodies as files and add raw checks in the generated simulation
proxy {
#port = 8000 # Local port used by Gatling's Proxy for HTTP/HTTPS
https {
#mode = "SelfSignedCertificate" # The selected "HTTPS mode" (currently supported : "SelfSignedCertificate", "ProvidedKeyStore", "GatlingCertificateAuthority", "CustomCertificateAuthority")
keyStore {
#path = "" # The path of the custom key store
#password = "" # The password for this key store
#type = "JKS" # The type of the key store (currently supported: "JKS")
certificateAuthority {
#certificatePath = "" # The path of the custom certificate
#privateKeyPath = "" # The certificate's private key path
outgoing {
#host = "" # The outgoing proxy's hostname
#username = "" # The username to use to connect to the outgoing proxy
#password = "" # The password corresponding to the user to use to connect to the outgoing proxy
#port = 0 # The HTTP port to use to connect to the outgoing proxy
#sslPort = 0 # If set, The HTTPS port to use to connect to the outgoing proxy
netty {
#maxInitialLineLength = 10000 # Maximum length of the initial line of the response (e.g. "HTTP/1.0 200 OK")
#maxHeaderSize = 20000 # Maximum size, in bytes, of each request's headers
#maxChunkSize = 8192 # Maximum length of the content or each chunk
#maxContentLength = 100000000 # Maximum length of the aggregated content of each response