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<chapter id="">
<title>Testing UIMA components</title>
<para>Writing tests without uimaFIT can be a laborious process that results in fragile tests that
are very verbose and break easily when code is refactored. This page demonstrates how you can
write tests that are both concise and robust. Here's an outline of how you might create a test
for a UIMA component <emphasis>without</emphasis> uimaFIT:</para>
<para>write a descriptor file that configures your component appropriately for the test. This
requires a minimum of 30-50 lines of XML.</para>
<para>begin a test with 5-10 lines of code that instantiate the e.g. analysis engine.</para>
<para>run the analysis engine against some text and test the contents of the CAS.</para>
<para>repeat steps 1-3 for your next test usually by copying the descriptor file, renaming it,
and changing e.g. configuration parameters.</para>
<para>If you have gone through the pain of creating tests like these and then decided you should
refactor your code, then you know how tedious it is to maintain them. </para>
<para>Instead of pasting variants of the setup code (see step 2) into other tests we began to
create a library of utility methods that we could call which helped shorten our code. We
extended these methods so that we could instantiate our components directly without a descriptor
file. These utility methods became the initial core of uimaFIT. </para>
<para>There are several examples that can be found in the <emphasis>uimafit-examples</emphasis>
<para>There are a number of examples of unit tests in both the test suite for the uimafit
project and the uimafit-examples project. In particular, there are some well-documented
unit tests in the latter which can be found in
<para>You can improve your testing strategy by introducing a <classname>TestBase</classname>
class such as the one found in <classname>ExamplesTestBase</classname>. This class is
intended as a super class for your other test classes and sets up a
<interfacename>JCas</interfacename> that is always ready to use along with a
<interfacename>TypeSystemDescription</interfacename> and a
<interfacename>TypePriorities</interfacename>. An example test that subclasses from
<classname>ExamplesTestBase</classname> is
<para>Most analysis engines that you want to test will generally be downstream of many other
components that add annotations to the CAS. These annotations will likely need to be in
the CAS so that a downstream analysis engine will do something sensible. This poses a
problem for tests because it may be undesirable to set up and run an entire pipeline every
time you want to test a downstream analysis engine. Furthermore, such tests can become
fragile in the face of behavior changes to upstream components. For this reason, it can be
advantageous to serialize a CAS as an XMI file and use this as a starting point rather
than running an entire pipeline. An example of this approach can be found in
<classname>XmiTest</classname>. </para>
<title>Tips &amp; Tricks</title>
<para>The package <package></package> provides some utility classes
that can be handy when writing tests for UIMA components. You may find the following
suggestions useful:</para>
<para>add a <classname>TokenBuilder</classname> to your <classname>TestBase</classname>
class. An example of this can be found in <classname>ComponentTestBase</classname>. This
makes it easy to add tokens and sentences to the CAS you are testing which is a common
task for many tests.</para>
<para>use a <classname>JCasBuilder</classname> to add text and annotations incrementally to
a JCas instead of first setting the text and then adding all annotations. </para>
<para>use a <classname>CasDumpWriter</classname> to write the CAS contents is a human
readable format to a file or to the console. Compare this with a previously written and
manually verifed file to see if changes in the component result in changes of the
components output.</para>