Merge branch 'main' into bugfix/UIMA-6351-japicmp-post-processing-script-fails-with-Java-16

* main: (156 commits)
  [No Jira] Set version to 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT
  [UIMA-6312] Better PEAR parameter support
  [UIMA-6314] Align preceding/following with predicate in UIMA core
  [UIMA-6314] Align preceding/following with predicate in UIMA core
  [UIMA-6312] Better PEAR parameter support
  [UIMA-6311] Add generated resources output folder as resource folder
  [UIMA-6301] Rename "master" branches to "main"
  [UIMA-6254] Move API report post-analysis script into the build resources
  [UIMA-6254] Move API report post-analysis script into the build resources
  [UIMA-6291] Improve uimaFIT benchmarking module
  [UIMA-6291] Improve uimaFIT benchmarking module - Changed new timer names to include the postfix time, so that it is more clear that it is a time value.
  [UIMA-6291] Improve uimaFIT benchmarking module - Added select and selectAt benchmarks using getAnnotationIndex approach.
  [UIMA-6291] Improve uimaFIT benchmarking module - Added more selectCovered benchmarks with s.getBegin() and s.getEnd().
  [UIMA-6291] Improve uimaFIT benchmarking module - Added support for nanoseconds CPU time support in Benchmark and changed SelectBenchmark to use user time.
  [UIMA-6291] Improve uimaFIT benchmarking module
  [UIMA-6291] Improve uimaFIT benchmarking module
  [UIMA-6270] Add selectOverlapping to (J)CasUtil
  [UIMA-6270] Add selectOverlapping to (J)CasUtil
  [UIMA-6292] selectCovering is slow
  [UIMA-6270] Add selectOverlapping to (J)CasUtil

% Conflicts:
%	uimafit-core/src/main/java/org/apache/uima/fit/util/
%	uimafit-core/src/test/java/org/apache/uima/fit/util/
%	uimafit-core/src/test/java/org/apache/uima/fit/util/