Merge branch 'master-v2' into sync-master-v2-to-master

* master-v2:
  [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
  [maven-release-plugin] prepare release uimafit-2.5.0
  [NO JIRA] Fixed another HTML tag in the JavaDoc on which Java 14 may choke (depending on vendor)
  [UIMA-6224] uimaFIT does not build on Java 14
  [UIMA-6223] Groovy plugin causes warning during build
  [UIMA-6223] Groovy plugin causes warning during build
  [UIMA-6222] XML-related unit test fails on Java 9+
  [NO JIRA] Reduce console output during build by commenting out println statements in test code and trying to suppress stack traces of expected exceptions
  [UIMA-6223] Groovy plugin causes warning during build
  [UIMA-6223] Groovy plugin causes warning during build
  [NO JIRA] Update Eclipse metadata files
  [UIMA-6222] XML-related unit test fails on Java 9+
  [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
  [maven-release-plugin] prepare release uimafit-2.5.0
  [NO JIRA] Move the japicmp section from plugins management to plugins otherwise it seems the proper location of the post-analysis script is not picked up
  [NO JIRA] Updated README file for release.
  [NO JIRA] Updated README file for release.
  [NO JIRA] Updated README file for release.
  [UIMA-6181]b Fix complaints about maven-plugin-plugin in Eclipse

% Conflicts:
%	pom.xml
%	uimafit-benchmark/pom.xml
%	uimafit-core/pom.xml
%	uimafit-cpe/pom.xml
%	uimafit-docbook/pom.xml
%	uimafit-examples/pom.xml
%	uimafit-legacy-support/pom.xml
%	uimafit-legacy-support/src/main/java/org/apache/uima/fit/legacy/converter/
%	uimafit-legacy-support/src/test/java/org/apache/uima/fit/component/
%	uimafit-legacy-support/src/test/java/org/apache/uima/fit/factory/
%	uimafit-legacy-support/src/test/java/org/apache/uima/fit/factory/testRes/
%	uimafit-legacy-support/src/test/java/org/apache/uima/fit/factory/testRes/
%	uimafit-legacy-support/src/test/java/org/apache/uima/fit/util/
%	uimafit-legacy-support/src/test/java/org/apache/uima/fit/util/
%	uimafit-maven-plugin/pom.xml
%	uimafit-parent/pom.xml
%	uimafit-spring/pom.xml