blob: 284bb5c2461a8cfe6d7be69f472eda499ea105f8 [file] [log] [blame]
/** \file internal_casdeserializer.cpp .
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Include dependencies */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "uima/internal_casdeserializer.hpp"
#include "uima/macros.h"
#include "uima/lowlevel_fsheap.hpp"
#include "uima/internal_casimpl.hpp"
#include "uima/internal_serializedcas.hpp"
#include "uima/result_specification.hpp"
#include "uima/stltools.hpp"
#include "uima/msg.h"
#include "uima/casdefinition.hpp"
#include "uima/lowlevel_indexcomparator.hpp"
#include "uima/lowlevel_indexdefinition.hpp"
#include "uima/lowlevel_indexrepository.hpp"
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Constants */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Forward declarations */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Types / Classes */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Implementation */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define CHECK(x) if ( !(x) ) { \
UIMA_EXC_THROW_NEW(DeserializationException, UIMA_ERR_WRONG_DESERIALIZED_DATA, msg, UIMA_MSG_ID_EXCON_DESERIALIZING_CAS, uima::ErrorInfo::unrecoverable); \
#define CHECK(x) assert(x)
using namespace std;
namespace uima {
namespace internal {
UIMA_EXC_CLASSIMPLEMENT(DeserializationException, Exception);
void CASDeserializer::deserializeResultSpecification(vector<SerializedCAS::TyNum> const & rsTypes,
vector<SerializedCAS::TyNum> const & rsFeatures,
uima::internal::CASDefinition const & casDef,
ResultSpecification & result) {
size_t i;
for (i=0; i<rsTypes.size(); ++i) {
assert( rsTypes[i] != uima::lowlevel::TypeSystem::INVALID_TYPE );
uima::Type t = uima::internal::FSPromoter::promoteType(rsTypes[i], casDef.getTypeSystem());
assert( t.isValid() );
result.add( t );
for (i=0; i<rsFeatures.size(); ++i) {
result.add(uima::internal::FSPromoter::promoteFeature(rsFeatures[i], casDef.getTypeSystem() ) );
CASDeserializer::CASDeserializer() {}
CASDeserializer::~CASDeserializer() {}
void CASDeserializer::checkFeatureOffsets(uima::internal::SerializedCAS const & crSerializedCAS,
uima::internal::CASDefinition const & casDef) {
uima::lowlevel::TypeSystem const & crTypeSystem = casDef.getTypeSystem();
vector<SerializedCAS::TyNum> const & crFeatureOffsetTable = crSerializedCAS.getFeatureOffsetTable();
vector<uima::lowlevel::TyFSFeature> allFeatures;
size_t i;
for (i=0; i<allFeatures.size(); ++i) {
uima::lowlevel::TyFSFeature tyFeat = allFeatures[i];
uima::lowlevel::TyFeatureOffset tyOffset = crTypeSystem.getFeatureOffset( tyFeat );
assert( tyFeat < crFeatureOffsetTable.size() );
if ( tyOffset != crFeatureOffsetTable[tyFeat] ) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
cerr << __FILE__ << "WARNING: Feature offsets are not correct!" << endl;
void printStringVector(vector<UnicodeStringRef>const & v) {
cout << __FILE__ <<__LINE__ << ": vector length: " << v.size() << endl;
for (size_t i=0; i<v.size(); ++i) {
cout << __FILE__ <<__LINE__ << ": " << i << "th element: " << v[i] << endl;
void printTypeVector(vector<uima::lowlevel::TyFSType>const & v , uima::lowlevel::TypeSystem const & ts) {
cout << __FILE__ <<__LINE__ << ": vector length: " << v.size() << endl;
for (size_t i=0; i<v.size(); ++i) {
cout << __FILE__ <<__LINE__ << ": " << i << "th element: ";
if (ts.isValidType(v[i]) ) {
cout << ts.getTypeName( v[i] ) << endl;
} else {
cout << "INVALIDTYPE" << endl;
bool CASDeserializer::isTypeSystemMergable(uima::internal::SerializedCAS const & crSerializedCAS,
uima::internal::CASDefinition const & casDef) {
uima::lowlevel::TypeSystem const & crTypeSystem = casDef.getTypeSystem();
vector<UnicodeStringRef> const & crTypeSymbolTable = crSerializedCAS.getTypeSymbolTable();
vector<UnicodeStringRef> const & crFeatureSymbolTable = crSerializedCAS.getFeatureSymbolTable();
vector<SerializedCAS::TyNum> const & crTypeInhTable = crSerializedCAS.getTypeInheritanceTable();
vector<SerializedCAS::TyNum> const & crFeatureDefTable = crSerializedCAS.getFeatureDefinitionTable();
// this method only succeeds if merging is possible, i.e., if rCAS contains
// a "subset" of the type system in crSerializedCAS
vector<uima::lowlevel::TyFSType> allTypes;
vector<uima::lowlevel::TyFSFeature> allFeatures;
if (!( allTypes.size() <= ( crTypeSymbolTable.size()-1) ) ) {
return false;
// check that all types in the serialized CAS exist in the CAS by name
size_t i;
for (i=0; i<allTypes.size(); ++i) {
// check type name
lowlevel::TyFSType tyType = allTypes[i];
uima::UnicodeStringRef typeName(crTypeSystem.getTypeName(tyType));
int iIndex = findIndex(crTypeSymbolTable, typeName);
if (!( iIndex == tyType ) ) {
return false;
// check that inheritance is compatible
for (i=0; i<allTypes.size(); ++i) {
uima::lowlevel::TyFSType tyChild = allTypes[i];
uima::lowlevel::TyFSType tyParent = crTypeSystem.getParentType(tyChild);
if (tyParent != uima::lowlevel::TypeSystem::INVALID_TYPE) {
if (!( tyChild < crTypeInhTable.size() )) {
return false;
if (!( tyParent == crTypeInhTable[tyChild] )) {
return false;
} else {
assert( tyChild == crTypeSystem.getTopType() );
// check features names
for (i=0; i<crFeatureSymbolTable.size(); ++i) {
UIMA_TPRINT("Feature name " << i << ": " << crFeatureSymbolTable[i]);
for (i=0; i<allFeatures.size(); ++i) {
uima::lowlevel::TyFSFeature tyFeat = allFeatures[i];
uima::UnicodeStringRef featureName( crTypeSystem.getFeatureBaseName(tyFeat) );
UIMA_TPRINT("Looking for feature: " << featureName);
int iIndex = findIndex(crFeatureSymbolTable, featureName);
if (!( iIndex != -1 )) {
return false;
if (!( iIndex != 0 )) {
return false;
assert( crFeatureDefTable.size() %2 == 0 );
if ( crFeatureDefTable.size() > 0 ) {
assert( crFeatureDefTable[0] == uima::lowlevel::TypeSystem::INVALID_TYPE );
assert( crFeatureDefTable[1] == uima::lowlevel::TypeSystem::INVALID_TYPE );
// check feature definition
UIMA_TPRINT("Checking feature definitions");
UIMA_TPRINT("Feature def table:");
for (i=2; i<crFeatureDefTable.size(); i+=2) {
if (crTypeSystem.isValidFeature(i/2) ) {
UIMA_TPRINT(" feature: " << (i/2) << " (" << crTypeSystem.getFeatureName(i/2) << ") "
<< ", intro type: " << crFeatureDefTable[i] << "(" << crTypeSystem.getTypeName(crFeatureDefTable[i]) << ") "
<< ", range type: " << crFeatureDefTable[i+1] << "(" << crTypeSystem.getTypeName(crFeatureDefTable[i+1]) << ") ");
for (i=0; i<allFeatures.size(); ++i) {
uima::lowlevel::TyFSFeature tyFeat = allFeatures[i];
uima::lowlevel::TyFSType tyIntroType = crTypeSystem.getIntroType(tyFeat);
uima::lowlevel::TyFSType tyRangeType = crTypeSystem.getRangeType(tyFeat);
UIMA_TPRINT("Checking feature: " << crTypeSystem.getFeatureName(tyFeat) );
UIMA_TPRINT(" intro type: " << crTypeSystem.getTypeName(tyIntroType) );
UIMA_TPRINT(" range type: " << crTypeSystem.getTypeName(tyRangeType) );
assert( (tyFeat*2) < crFeatureDefTable.size());
assert( (tyFeat*2+1) < crFeatureDefTable.size());
UIMA_TPRINT(" intro type in serialized CAS: " << crTypeSystem.getTypeName(crFeatureDefTable[tyFeat*2]) );
UIMA_TPRINT(" range type in serialized CAS: " << crTypeSystem.getTypeName(crFeatureDefTable[tyFeat*2+1]) );
if (!( crFeatureDefTable[tyFeat*2] == tyIntroType )) {
return false;
if (!( crFeatureDefTable[tyFeat*2+1] == tyRangeType )) {
return false;
return true;
void CASDeserializer::addTypePriorities(uima::internal::SerializedCAS const & crSerializedCAS,
uima::internal::CASDefinition & casDef) {
uima::lowlevel::TypeSystem & rTypeSystem = casDef.getTypeSystem();
vector<SerializedCAS::TyNum> const & crTypePrioTable = crSerializedCAS.getTypePriorityTable();
size_t i;
for (i=0; i<crTypePrioTable.size()-1; ++i) {
uima::lowlevel::TyFSType t1 = (uima::lowlevel::TyFSType) crTypePrioTable[i];
uima::lowlevel::TyFSType t2 = (uima::lowlevel::TyFSType) crTypePrioTable[i+1];
rTypeSystem.addTypePriority(t1, t2);
// this method assumes that checkTypeSystemMergable() ran successfully
void CASDeserializer::createNewTypesAndFeatures(uima::internal::SerializedCAS const & crSerializedCAS,
uima::internal::CASDefinition & casDef) {
static char const * cpszCREATOR_ID_CAS_DESERIALIZER = "CASDeserializer";
uima::lowlevel::TypeSystem & rTypeSystem = casDef.getTypeSystem();
vector<UnicodeStringRef> const & crTypeSymbolTable = crSerializedCAS.getTypeSymbolTable();
vector<UnicodeStringRef> const & crFeatureSymbolTable = crSerializedCAS.getFeatureSymbolTable();
vector<SerializedCAS::TyNum> const & crTypeInhTable = crSerializedCAS.getTypeInheritanceTable();
vector<SerializedCAS::TyNum> const & crFeatureDefTable = crSerializedCAS.getFeatureDefinitionTable();
vector<SerializedCAS::TyNum> const & crFeatureOffsetTable = crSerializedCAS.getFeatureOffsetTable();
vector<SerializedCAS::TyNum> const & stringSubTypes = crSerializedCAS.getStringSubTypes();
vector<SerializedCAS::TyNum> const & stringSubTypeValuePos = crSerializedCAS.getStringSubTypeValuePos();
vector<UnicodeStringRef> const & stringSubTypeValues = crSerializedCAS.getStringSubTypeValues();
// create all new types
vector<uima::lowlevel::TyFSType> allTypes;
size_t uiNewTypeStart = allTypes.size() + 1;
assert( allTypes[allTypes.size() - 1] == uiNewTypeStart-1 );
size_t i;
// for each new type
for (i=uiNewTypeStart; i<crTypeSymbolTable.size(); ++i) {
uima::lowlevel::TyFSType tyParent = uima::lowlevel::TypeSystem::INVALID_TYPE;
assert( i< crTypeInhTable.size() );
tyParent = crTypeInhTable[i];
// and create type
UnicodeStringRef uref = crTypeSymbolTable[i];
icu::UnicodeString ustrTypeName( uref.getBuffer(), uref.length() );
UIMA_TPRINT("Creating type: " << ustrTypeName);
assert( tyParent != uima::lowlevel::TypeSystem::INVALID_TYPE );
// if string sub type
if (tyParent == uima::internal::gs_tyStringType) {
int n = findIndex( stringSubTypes, (uima::internal::SerializedCAS::TyNum) i );
CHECK( n >= 0 && n < (int)stringSubTypes.size() );
size_t m;
if (n == (stringSubTypes.size() -1) ) {
m = stringSubTypeValues.size();
} else {
m = stringSubTypeValuePos[n+1];
vector<icu::UnicodeString> stringValues;
size_t j;
for (j=stringSubTypeValuePos[n]; j<m; ++j) {
icu::UnicodeString us(stringSubTypeValues[j].getBuffer(),
stringSubTypeValues[j].length() );
stringValues.push_back( us );
} else {
rTypeSystem.createTypeNoChecks(tyParent, ustrTypeName, ustrCREATOR_ID_CAS_DESERIALIZER);
// create all new features
vector<uima::lowlevel::TyFSFeature> allFeatures;
size_t uiNewFeatureStart = allFeatures.size() + 1;
assert( allFeatures[allFeatures.size() - 1] == uiNewFeatureStart-1 );
// for each new feature
for (i=uiNewFeatureStart; i<crFeatureSymbolTable.size(); ++i) {
assert( (3*i+2) < crFeatureDefTable.size() );
uima::lowlevel::TyFSType tyIntro = crFeatureDefTable[3*i];
uima::lowlevel::TyFSType tyRange = crFeatureDefTable[3*i+1];
bool multiRefs = crFeatureDefTable[3*i+2] == 1;
UnicodeStringRef uref = crFeatureSymbolTable[i];
icu::UnicodeString ustrFeatureName( uref.getBuffer(), uref.length() );
UIMA_TPRINT("Creating feature: " << ustrFeatureName);
rTypeSystem.createFeature(tyIntro, tyRange, multiRefs, ustrFeatureName, ustrCREATOR_ID_CAS_DESERIALIZER);
void CASDeserializer::deserializeTypeSystem(uima::internal::SerializedCAS const & crSerializedCAS,
uima::internal::CASDefinition & casDef) {
createNewTypesAndFeatures(crSerializedCAS, casDef);
addTypePriorities(crSerializedCAS, casDef);
void CASDeserializer::deserializeIndexDefinitions(uima::internal::SerializedCAS const & crSerializedCAS,
uima::internal::CASDefinition & casDef) {
uima::lowlevel::IndexDefinition & rIndexRep = casDef.getIndexDefinition();
vector<UnicodeStringRef> const & crIndexIDTable = crSerializedCAS.getIndexIDTable();
vector<uima::internal::SerializedCAS::TyNum> const & crIndexKindTable = crSerializedCAS.getIndexKindTable();
vector<uima::internal::SerializedCAS::TyNum> const & crComparatorStartTable = crSerializedCAS.getComparatorStartTable();
vector<uima::internal::SerializedCAS::TyNum> const & crComparatorDefTable = crSerializedCAS.getComparatorDefinitionTable();
assert( crIndexIDTable.size() == crIndexKindTable.size() );
assert( crIndexIDTable.size() == crComparatorStartTable.size() );
size_t i;
for (i=0; i<crIndexIDTable.size(); ++i) {
assert( i < crComparatorStartTable.size() );
size_t uiCompStart = crComparatorStartTable[i];
size_t uiCompEnd = crComparatorDefTable.size();
if (i < crComparatorStartTable.size() - 1) {
uiCompEnd = crComparatorStartTable[i+1];
vector<lowlevel::TyFSFeature> vecKeyFeatures;
vector<uima::lowlevel::IndexComparator::EnKeyFeatureComp> vecComparators;
assert( uiCompStart < crComparatorDefTable.size() );
uima::lowlevel::TyFSType tyComparatorType = crComparatorDefTable[uiCompStart];
size_t j=uiCompStart+1;
while (j<uiCompEnd) {
assert( j < crComparatorDefTable.size() - 1);
uima::lowlevel::TyFSFeature keyFeat = crComparatorDefTable[j];
uima::lowlevel::IndexComparator::EnKeyFeatureComp keyComp = (uima::lowlevel::IndexComparator::EnKeyFeatureComp) crComparatorDefTable[j+1];
j += 2;
icu::UnicodeString indexID(crIndexIDTable[i].getBuffer(), crIndexIDTable[i].length());
uima::lowlevel::IndexDefinition::EnIndexKind kind = (uima::lowlevel::IndexDefinition::EnIndexKind) crIndexKindTable[i];
// now create index
UChar** CASDeserializer::resolveStringRef( size_t indexInDeserializedStringTable,
uima::lowlevel::FSHeap::TyStringRefHeap const & stringRefHeap) {
assert( indexInDeserializedStringTable != 0 );
UChar** result = stringRefHeap.iv_pTHeap + 1 + 2*indexInDeserializedStringTable;
return result;
void CASDeserializer::createStringTables(uima::internal::SerializedCAS const & crSerializedCAS,
uima::CAS & rCAS) {
UIMA_TPRINT("createStringTables started");
uima::internal::CASImpl & rCASImpl = uima::internal::CASImpl::promoteCAS(rCAS);
uima::lowlevel::FSHeap & rHeap = rCASImpl.getHeap();
vector<UnicodeStringRef> const & crStringTable = crSerializedCAS.getStringSymbolTable();
uima::lowlevel::FSHeap::TyStringRefHeap & rTempStringRefHeap = rHeap.iv_clTemporaryStringRefHeap;
uima::lowlevel::FSHeap::TyStringHeap & tyStringHeap = rHeap.iv_clTemporaryStringHeap;
UIMA_TPRINT("original string table size: " << crStringTable.size());
size_t iVerbose;
for (iVerbose=0; iVerbose<crStringTable.size(); ++iVerbose) {
UIMA_TPRINT(" " << iVerbose << ": " << crStringTable[iVerbose]);
assert( crStringTable.size() >= 1 );
assert( crStringTable[0].length() == 0 );
// assert( crStringTable[0].getBuffer() == NULL );
size_t uiStringTableSize = crStringTable.size();
// reset stringRef heap to new required size
// 2 cells per string, plus 1 for the 0th cell // , the 0th string of the string table is invalid
uima::lowlevel::TyHeapCell * pStringRef = rTempStringRefHeap.getHeapStart() + 1;
uima::lowlevel::TyHeapCell * lastCellRef = rTempStringRefHeap.getHeapStart()
+ rTempStringRefHeap.getLastHeapCell();
size_t i;
for (i=1; i<uiStringTableSize; ++i) {
// copy string to StringHeap
int uref = rHeap.addString( crStringTable[i] );
// and add entry on the StringRefHeap
assert( pStringRef < lastCellRef );
(*pStringRef) = uref;
(*pStringRef) = crStringTable[i].length();
// now the following holds:
// crStringTable[i] is associated with the two cells at
// (rTempStringRefHeap.iv_pTHeap) + 1 + 2*i and
// (rTempStringRefHeap.iv_pTHeap) + 1 + 2*i + 1
// check this
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (i=1; i<uiStringTableSize; i++) {
UnicodeStringRef uref1 = crStringTable[i];
// UChar** pStr = rTempStringRefHeap.iv_pTHeap+1+2*i;
UnicodeStringRef uref2 = UnicodeStringRef( tyStringHeap.getHeapStart()+
rTempStringRefHeap.getHeapValue(2*i - 1),
(size_t) rTempStringRefHeap.getHeapValue(2*i));
UIMA_TPRINT("Comparing '" << uref1 << "' with '"<< uref2 << "'");
assert( uref1 == uref2 );
UIMA_TPRINT("createStringTables finished");
void CASDeserializer::createFSHeap(uima::internal::SerializedCAS const & crSerializedCAS,
uima::CAS & rCAS) {
uima::internal::CASImpl & rCASImpl = uima::internal::CASImpl::promoteCAS(rCAS);
/* ee: do we still need this???
uima::lowlevel::FSHeap & rHeap = rCASImpl.getHeap();
vector<SerializedCAS::TyNum> const & crFSHeapArray = crSerializedCAS.getFSHeapArray();
assert( crFSHeapArray.size() > 0 );
size_t uiFSHeapSize = crFSHeapArray.size();
uima::lowlevel::FSHeap::TyFSHeap & rTempFSHeap = rHeap.iv_clTemporaryHeap;
// reset and enlarge heap to hold new FS if necessary
uima::lowlevel::TyHeapCell * pHeap = rTempFSHeap.iv_pTHeap;
assert( EXISTS( pHeap ) );
CHECK( crFSHeapArray[0] == 0 );
assert( (*pHeap) == 0 );
// Just copy the offsets and values into the new FSHeap
UIMA_TPRINT("FSHeap array size: " << crFSHeapArray.size());
for (size_t i=0; i<uiFSHeapSize; i++) {
pHeap[i] = (lowlevel::TyHeapCell) crFSHeapArray[i];
void CASDeserializer::createByteHeap(uima::internal::SerializedCAS const & crSerializedCAS,
uima::CAS & rCAS) {
uima::internal::CASImpl & rCASImpl = uima::internal::CASImpl::promoteCAS(rCAS);
uima::lowlevel::FSHeap & rFSHeap = rCASImpl.getHeap();
uima::lowlevel::FSHeap::Ty8BitHeap & rHeap = rFSHeap.iv_clTemporary8BitHeap;
vector<char> const & crHeapArray = crSerializedCAS.getByteHeapArray();
size_t uiHeapSize = crHeapArray.size();
// reset
if (uiHeapSize > 0) {
assert( crHeapArray.size() > 0 );
//enlarge heap to hold new FS if necessary
char * pHeap = rHeap.iv_pTHeap;
assert( EXISTS( pHeap ) );
CHECK( crHeapArray[0] == 0 );
assert( (*pHeap) == 0 );
UIMA_TPRINT("Heap array size: " << crHeapArray.size());
for (size_t i=0; i<uiHeapSize; i++) {
pHeap[i] = (char) crHeapArray[i];
void CASDeserializer::createShortHeap(uima::internal::SerializedCAS const & crSerializedCAS,
uima::CAS & rCAS) {
uima::internal::CASImpl & rCASImpl = uima::internal::CASImpl::promoteCAS(rCAS);
uima::lowlevel::FSHeap & rFSHeap = rCASImpl.getHeap();
uima::lowlevel::FSHeap::Ty16BitHeap & rHeap = rFSHeap.iv_clTemporary16BitHeap;
vector<short> const & crHeapArray = crSerializedCAS.getShortHeapArray();
size_t uiHeapSize = crHeapArray.size();
// reset
if (uiHeapSize > 0) {
assert( crHeapArray.size() > 0 );
//enlarge heap to hold new FS if necessary
short * pHeap = rHeap.iv_pTHeap;
assert( EXISTS( pHeap ) );
CHECK( crHeapArray[0] == 0 );
assert( (*pHeap) == 0 );
UIMA_TPRINT("Heap array size: " << crHeapArray.size());
for (size_t i=0; i<uiHeapSize; i++) {
pHeap[i] = (short) crHeapArray[i];
void CASDeserializer::createLongHeap(uima::internal::SerializedCAS const & crSerializedCAS,
uima::CAS & rCAS) {
uima::internal::CASImpl & rCASImpl = uima::internal::CASImpl::promoteCAS(rCAS);
uima::lowlevel::FSHeap & rFSHeap = rCASImpl.getHeap();
uima::lowlevel::FSHeap::Ty64BitHeap & rHeap = rFSHeap.iv_clTemporary64BitHeap;
vector<INT64> const & crHeapArray = crSerializedCAS.getLongHeapArray();
size_t uiHeapSize = crHeapArray.size();
// reset
if (uiHeapSize > 0) {
assert( crHeapArray.size() > 0 );
//enlarge heap to hold new FS if necessary
INT64 * pHeap = rHeap.iv_pTHeap;
assert( EXISTS( pHeap ) );
CHECK( crHeapArray[0] == 0 );
assert( (*pHeap) == 0 );
UIMA_TPRINT("Heap array size: " << crHeapArray.size());
for (size_t i=0; i<uiHeapSize; i++) {
pHeap[i] = (INT64) crHeapArray[i];
void CASDeserializer::deserializeIndexedFSs(vector<SerializedCAS::TyNum> & crIndexFSs,
uima::CAS & rCAS) {
uima::internal::CASImpl & rCASImpl = uima::internal::CASImpl::promoteCAS(rCAS);
uima::lowlevel::FSHeap & crHeap = rCASImpl.getHeap();
uima::lowlevel::IndexRepository * crIndexRep = &rCASImpl.getIndexRepository();
uima::lowlevel::FSHeap::TyFSHeap const & rTempFSHeap = crHeap.iv_clTemporaryHeap;
SerializedCAS::TyNum iMaxOffset = rTempFSHeap.getTopOfHeap();
vector<SerializedCAS::TyNum>::const_iterator cit, loopit;
vector<SerializedCAS::TyNum> perLoopIndexedFSs;
cit = crIndexFSs.begin();
int numViews = *cit++;
int loopSize = *cit;
// deserialize base CAS
if (loopSize > 0) {
lastSegmentUsed = 0;
perLoopIndexedFSs.insert(perLoopIndexedFSs.end(), cit+1, cit+1+loopSize);
cit += loopSize + 1;
for (loopit = perLoopIndexedFSs.begin(); loopit != perLoopIndexedFSs.end(); ++loopit) {
assert( *loopit < iMaxOffset );
crIndexRep->add( *loopit );
// book keeping for all Sofas
rCAS.getBaseCas()->iv_sofaCount = 1; // reserve for initial view
FSIndex fsIdx = crIndexRep->getIndex(CAS::INDEXID_SOFA);
FSIterator fsIt = fsIdx.iterator();
while (fsIt.isValid()) {
SofaFS aSofa = (SofaFS) fsIt.get();
if ( 0 == aSofa.getSofaID().compare(icu::UnicodeString(CAS::NAME_DEFAULT_SOFA)) ) {
} else {
// only bump sofa count if not initial View
for (int view = 1; view <= numViews; view++) {
// Check if sofa's index has anything in it
loopSize = *cit;
if (0 == loopSize) {
CAS* tcas = rCAS.getViewBySofaNum(view);
uima::internal::CASImpl & crTCASImpl = uima::internal::CASImpl::promoteCAS(*tcas);
crIndexRep = &crTCASImpl.getIndexRepository();
perLoopIndexedFSs.insert(perLoopIndexedFSs.end(), cit+1, cit+1+loopSize);
cit += loopSize + 1;
for (loopit = perLoopIndexedFSs.begin(); loopit != perLoopIndexedFSs.end(); ++loopit) {
assert( *loopit < iMaxOffset );
crIndexRep->add( *loopit );
void CASDeserializer::deserializeFSHeapAndStringTable(uima::internal::SerializedCAS const & crSerializedCAS,
uima::CAS & rCAS) {
// feature offsets can only be checked here because only here is the
// type system committed !!!
checkFeatureOffsets(crSerializedCAS, rCAS);
createStringTables(crSerializedCAS, rCAS);
createFSHeap(crSerializedCAS, rCAS);
void CASDeserializer::deserializeHeapsAndStringTable(uima::internal::SerializedCAS const & crSerializedCAS,
uima::CAS & rCAS) {
createStringTables(crSerializedCAS, rCAS);
createFSHeap(crSerializedCAS, rCAS);
createByteHeap(crSerializedCAS, rCAS);
createShortHeap(crSerializedCAS, rCAS);
createLongHeap(crSerializedCAS, rCAS);
void CASDeserializer::deserializeDocument(uima::internal::SerializedCAS const & crSerializedCAS,
uima::TCAS & rCAS) {
UnicodeStringRef uref = crSerializedCAS.getDocument();
rCAS.setDocumentText( uref.getBuffer(), uref.length(), true );
// utilities for swapBlob
INT64 swap8(INT64 in) {
char output[8];
output[0] = ((char*)&in)[7];
output[1] = ((char*)&in)[6];
output[2] = ((char*)&in)[5];
output[3] = ((char*)&in)[4];
output[4] = ((char*)&in)[3];
output[5] = ((char*)&in)[2];
output[6] = ((char*)&in)[1];
output[7] = ((char*)&in)[0];
in = *(int*)output;
return in;
int swap4(int in) {
char output[4];
output[0] = ((char*)&in)[3];
output[1] = ((char*)&in)[2];
output[2] = ((char*)&in)[1];
output[3] = ((char*)&in)[0];
in = *(int*)output;
return in;
short swap2(short in) {
char output[2];
output[0] = ((char*)&in)[1];
output[1] = ((char*)&in)[0];
in = *(short*)output;
return in;
void intSwap(int* buff, int count) {
for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
buff[i] = swap4(buff[i]);
void shortSwap(short* buff, int count) {
for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
buff[i] = swap2(buff[i]);
void longSwap(INT64 * buff, int count) {
for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
buff[i] = swap8(buff[i]);
// swaps blob from opposite endian order
void CASDeserializer::swapBlob(void * buffer) {
int *intBuff, loopcnt;
// key, version, FSHeap-size
intBuff = (int*)buffer;
intSwap(intBuff, 3);
loopcnt = intBuff[2];
intBuff += 3;
// FSheap
intSwap(intBuff, loopcnt);
intBuff += loopcnt;
// string heap
intSwap(intBuff, 1);
loopcnt = intBuff[0];
shortSwap((short*)intBuff, loopcnt);
// assure word alignment
intBuff += (1 + loopcnt)/2;
// string ref heap
intSwap(intBuff, 1);
loopcnt = intBuff[0];
intSwap(intBuff, loopcnt);
intBuff += loopcnt;
// FS index array
intSwap(intBuff, 1);
loopcnt = intBuff[0];
intSwap(intBuff, loopcnt);
intBuff += loopcnt;
// 8 bit heap
intSwap(intBuff, 1);
loopcnt = intBuff[0];
intBuff += (3 + loopcnt) / 4;
// 16 bit heap
intSwap(intBuff, 1);
loopcnt = intBuff[0];
shortSwap((short*)intBuff, loopcnt);
// assure word alignment
intBuff += (1 + loopcnt)/2;
//64 bit heap
intSwap(intBuff, 1);
loopcnt = intBuff[0];
longSwap((INT64*) intBuff, loopcnt);
intBuff += loopcnt*2;
// for blob deserialization
void CASDeserializer::deserializeBlob(void * buffer, uima::CAS & rCAS) {
vector<SerializedCAS::TyNum> iv_vecIndexedFSs;
// check blob "key" and version
int* intPtr = (int*) buffer;
// Check if blob needs byteswap
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN)
char key[] = "UIMA";
char yek[] = "AMIU";
char key[] = "AMIU";
char yek[] = "UIMA";
if (intPtr[0] == ((int*)yek)[0]) {
CHECK(intPtr[0] == ((int*)key)[0]);
CHECK(intPtr[1] == 1);
// get a heap of references
uima::internal::CASImpl & crCASImpl = uima::internal::CASImpl::promoteCAS(rCAS);
uima::lowlevel::FSHeap & crHeap = crCASImpl.getHeap();
uima::lowlevel::FSHeap::TyFSHeap & tyTempHeap = crHeap.iv_clTemporaryHeap;
uima::lowlevel::FSHeap::TyStringHeap & tyStringHeap = crHeap.iv_clTemporaryStringHeap;
uima::lowlevel::FSHeap::TyStringRefHeap & tyStringRefHeap = crHeap.iv_clTemporaryStringRefHeap;
uima::lowlevel::FSHeap::Ty8BitHeap & ty8BitHeap = crHeap.iv_clTemporary8BitHeap;
uima::lowlevel::FSHeap::Ty16BitHeap & ty16BitHeap = crHeap.iv_clTemporary16BitHeap;
uima::lowlevel::FSHeap::Ty64BitHeap & ty64BitHeap = crHeap.iv_clTemporary64BitHeap;
// deserialize FSHeap
size_t uiFSHeapLength = intPtr[2];
if (uiFSHeapLength > 1) {
CHECK(intPtr[3] == 0);
memcpy(tyTempHeap.getHeapStart(), intPtr+3, 4*uiFSHeapLength);
intPtr += 3 + uiFSHeapLength;
// deserialize StringTable
size_t uiStringHeapLength = intPtr[0];
size_t uialignedStrLen = 2 * ((uiStringHeapLength + 1)/2);
if (uiStringHeapLength > 1) {
CHECK(((short*)intPtr)[2] == 0); // check the first short after the length
memcpy(tyStringHeap.getHeapStart(), intPtr+1, 2*uiStringHeapLength);
intPtr += 1 + uialignedStrLen/2;
// deserialize StringRef
size_t uiRefHeapLength = intPtr[0];
if (uiRefHeapLength > 1) {
CHECK(intPtr[1] == 0);
memcpy(tyStringRefHeap.getHeapStart(), intPtr+1, 4*uiRefHeapLength);
intPtr += 1 + uiRefHeapLength;
// create FS indexes
size_t uiIndexedFSLength = intPtr[0];
if (uiIndexedFSLength > 0) {
uima::CAS * baseCAS = rCAS.getBaseCas();
memcpy(&iv_vecIndexedFSs[0], intPtr+1, 4*uiIndexedFSLength);
deserializeIndexedFSs(iv_vecIndexedFSs, *baseCAS);
intPtr += 1 + uiIndexedFSLength;
//8bit heap
size_t ui8BitHeapLength = intPtr[0];
size_t uialigned8BitHeapLen = 4 * ((ui8BitHeapLength + 3)/4);
if (ui8BitHeapLength > 1) {
//CHECK(((char*)intPtr)[1] == 0);
memcpy(ty8BitHeap.getHeapStart(), intPtr+1, ui8BitHeapLength);
intPtr += 1 + uialigned8BitHeapLen/4;
//16 bit heap
size_t ui16BitHeapLength = intPtr[0];
size_t uialigned16BitHeapLen = 2 * ((ui16BitHeapLength + 1)/2);
if (ui16BitHeapLength > 1) {
//CHECK(((short*)intPtr)[2] == 0);
memcpy(ty16BitHeap.getHeapStart(), intPtr+1, 2*ui16BitHeapLength);
intPtr += 1 + uialigned16BitHeapLen/2;
//64 bit heap
size_t ui64BitHeapLength = intPtr[0];
if (ui64BitHeapLength > 0) {
//CHECK(intPtr[1] == 0);
memcpy(ty64BitHeap.getHeapStart(), intPtr+1, 8*ui64BitHeapLength);
void CASDeserializer::deserializeData(uima::internal::SerializedCAS const & crSerializedCAS,
uima::CAS & rCAS) {
uima::CAS * baseCAS = rCAS.getBaseCas();
deserializeHeapsAndStringTable( crSerializedCAS, *baseCAS );
deserializeIndexedFSs(CONST_CAST(vector<SerializedCAS::TyNum>&,crSerializedCAS.iv_vecIndexedFSs), *baseCAS);
// deserializeDocument(crSerializedCAS, rCAS); // do this last because only here is the document annotation created
void CASDeserializer::deserializeDefinitions(uima::internal::SerializedCAS const & crSerializedCAS,
uima::internal::CASDefinition & casDef) {
deserializeTypeSystem(crSerializedCAS, casDef);
deserializeIndexDefinitions(crSerializedCAS, casDef);
// checkFeatureOffsets(crSerializedCAS, rCAS);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */