blob: e0aabdab3b4d0cf67803ee0dd1e17a62931461c9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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echo .
echo runAECpp descriptors/DaveDetector.xml data/example.txt
runAECpp descriptors/DaveDetector.xml data/example.txt || exit 99
echo .
echo runAECpp descriptors/DaveDetector.xml -x data/tcas.xmi
runAECpp descriptors/DaveDetector.xml -xmi data/tcas.xmi || exit 99
echo .
echo runAECpp descriptors/DaveDetector.xml -x data/sofa.xmi -s EnglishDocument
runAECpp descriptors/DaveDetector.xml -xmi data/sofa.xmi -s EnglishDocument || exit 99
echo .
echo runAECpp -x descriptors/SofaExampleAnnotator.xml data/sofa.xmi
runAECpp -xmi descriptors/SofaExampleAnnotator.xml data/sofa.xmi || exit 99
echo .
echo export UIMACPP_STREAMHANDLERS=file:SofaStreamHandlerFile
export UIMACPP_STREAMHANDLERS=file:SofaStreamHandlerFile || exit 99
echo .
echo runAECpp -xmi descriptors/SofaDataAnnotator.xml data/sofa.xmi
runAECpp -xmi descriptors/SofaDataAnnotator.xml data/sofa.xmi || exit 99
echo .
echo runAECpp -xmi descriptors/SofaDataAnnotator.xml data/filetcas.xmi
runAECpp -xmi descriptors/SofaDataAnnotator.xml data/filetcas.xmi || exit 99
echo .
echo runAECpp -xmi descriptors/SimpleTextSegmenter.xml data/docforsegmenter.xmi
runAECpp -xmi descriptors/SimpleTextSegmenter.xml data/docforsegmenter.xmi || exit 99
echo .
echo runAECpp -xmi descriptors/XCasWriterCasConsumer.xml data/tcas.xmi
runAECpp -xmi descriptors/XCasWriterCasConsumer.xml data/tcas.xmi || exit 99
echo .
echo runAECpp -xmi descriptors/XCasWriterCasConsumer.xml data/sofa.xmi
runAECpp -xmi descriptors/XCasWriterCasConsumer.xml data/sofa.xmi || exit 99
echo .
echo src/ExampleApplication descriptors/DaveDetector.xml data
src/ExampleApplication descriptors/DaveDetector.xml data || exit 99
echo .
echo src/SofaExampleApplication descriptors/SofaExampleAnnotator.xml
src/SofaExampleApplication descriptors/SofaExampleAnnotator.xml || exit 99
echo .................
echo All examples ran!
echo .................