blob: 13a3f84728784f1b557b3509b503dbce68d6c142 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#include "uima/api.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace uima;
class DaveDetector : public Annotator {
Type david;
CAS *tcas;
icu::UnicodeString us_DaveString;
DaveDetector(void) {
cout << "DaveDetector: Constructor" << endl;
~DaveDetector(void) {
cout << "DaveDetector: Destructor" << endl;
/** */
TyErrorId initialize(AnnotatorContext & rclAnnotatorContext) {
cout << "DaveDetector: initialize()" << endl;
if (!rclAnnotatorContext.isParameterDefined("DaveString") ||
rclAnnotatorContext.extractValue("DaveString", us_DaveString) != UIMA_ERR_NONE) {
/* log the error condition */
rclAnnotatorContext.getLogger().logError("Required configuration parameter \"DaveString\" not found in component descriptor");
cout << "DaveDetector::initialize() - Error. See logfile." << endl;
/* log the configuration parameter setting */
rclAnnotatorContext.getLogger().logMessage("DaveString = '" + us_DaveString + "'");
cout << "DaveDetector::initialize() .. us_DaveString.getBuffer: "
<< us_DaveString << endl;
return (TyErrorId)UIMA_ERR_NONE;
/** */
TyErrorId typeSystemInit(TypeSystem const & crTypeSystem) {
cout << "DaveDetector:: typeSystemInit()" << endl;
david = crTypeSystem.getType("org.apache.uima.examples.David");
if (!david.isValid()) {
getAnnotatorContext().getLogger().logError("Error getting Type object for org.apache.uima.examples.David");
cout << "DaveDetector::typeSystemInit - Error. See logfile" << endl;
return (TyErrorId)UIMA_ERR_NONE;
/** */
TyErrorId destroy() {
cout << "DaveDetector: destroy()" << endl;
return (TyErrorId)UIMA_ERR_NONE;
/** */
TyErrorId process(CAS & tcas, ResultSpecification const & crResultSpecification) {
cout << "DaveDetector::process() begins" << endl;
FSIndexRepository & indexRep = tcas.getIndexRepository();
/* This is a shallow pointer object containing a reference to document text*/
UnicodeStringRef ulstrDoc = tcas.getDocumentText();
/* Conventional pointer to mark beginning of the buffer*/
const UChar * cpszDocTextBegin = ulstrDoc.getBuffer();
/* Pointer to the document text remaining to be scanned */
const UChar * remainingTextP = cpszDocTextBegin;
/* Pointer to the match string */
const UChar * DaveStringP = us_DaveString.getBuffer();
/* Get number of Unicode chars (UTF-16 code units) of a couple strings */
size_t uiDocLen = ulstrDoc.length();
size_t uiMatchLen = us_DaveString.length();
size_t remainingLen = uiDocLen;
cout << "DaveDetector::process() .. uiDocLen: " << uiDocLen << endl;
getAnnotatorContext().getLogger().logMessage("process called");
UChar * gotDaveP;
while ( NULL !=
(gotDaveP = u_strFindFirst(remainingTextP, remainingLen, DaveStringP, uiMatchLen)) ) {
size_t uiExprBeginPos = gotDaveP - cpszDocTextBegin;
size_t uiExprEndPos = uiExprBeginPos + uiMatchLen;
remainingLen = uiDocLen - uiExprBeginPos;
remainingTextP = gotDaveP + uiMatchLen;
cout << "DaveDetector::process() .. Gotta Dave begin: " << uiExprBeginPos << " end: "
<< uiExprEndPos << " remaining: " << remainingLen << endl;
AnnotationFS fsNewExp =
tcas.createAnnotation(david, uiExprBeginPos, uiExprEndPos);
cout << "DaveDetector::process() ends" << endl;
return (TyErrorId)UIMA_ERR_NONE;
// This macro exports an entry point that is used to create the annotator.