blob: 4aed52c4c907ab4f3c36a5cbd7ad7790e2c966f3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
5/18/1999 Initial creation
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Include dependencies */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "uima/language.hpp"
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Constants */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace uima {
char const * Language::INVALID = "??";
char const * Language::UNSPECIFIED = "";
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Forward declarations */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Types / Classes */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Implementation */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace uima {
// Locale is stored as ll-cc, e.g. "en-us"
// or just the language ll, e.g. "en",
// or as "" if unspecified (matches any language)
// or as "??" if invalid.
// Both fields are restricted to 2 characters in lowercase.
// Note: Jedii does not restrict the lengths of the fields, and normalizes both to
// lowercase, e.g. fr-ca or en-nzl, but does not check for legal locales.
// So restricting each to 2 characters for UIMA should be OK, and makes it easy
// to represent a language as a 4-byte number.
Language::init( const char * cpszLanguageCode ) {
// Check that have 2 chars (a-z) or 2 such pairs separated by - or _
static const char legalChars[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyz";
memset(iv_locale, '\0', 6); // Start with all 0's
memset(iv_lang, '\0', 3);
unsigned int len = strlen(cpszLanguageCode);
if (len == 0)
return; // Unspecified
if (len == 2 || len == 5) {
iv_locale[0] = tolower(cpszLanguageCode[0]); // language "ll"
iv_locale[1] = tolower(cpszLanguageCode[1]);
if (len == 5) {
if (cpszLanguageCode[2] == '-' || cpszLanguageCode[2] == '_')
iv_locale[2] = 'a'; // Temporarily "legal"
iv_locale[2] = '?'; // Illegal separator
iv_locale[3] = tolower(cpszLanguageCode[3]); // territory "cc"
iv_locale[4] = tolower(cpszLanguageCode[4]);
} else
iv_locale[0] = '?'; // Illegal length 1,3,4,6,7,...
if ( strspn(iv_locale, legalChars) < len ) // Illegal characters?
strcpy(iv_locale, "??"); // Invalid
else {
if ( len == 5 )
iv_locale[2] = '-'; // Normalize to -
strncpy(iv_lang, iv_locale, 2); // Also save 2-char lang part
iv_lang[2] = '\0';
Language::_initFromString( const string & crstrLanguageCode ) {
Language::_initFromString( UnicodeStringRef crustrLanguageCode ) {
size_t const MAX_LEN = 32;
char buff[MAX_LEN];
size_t uiLen = min(MAX_LEN-1, (size_t)crustrLanguageCode.length());
// this conversion does invariant chars only but it is fast
u_UCharsToChars(crustrLanguageCode.getBuffer(), buff, uiLen);
// zero terminate buffer
buff[uiLen] = char(0);
Language::Language( TyLanguageAsNumber lLanguageAsNumber ) {
unsigned long ul = (unsigned long)lLanguageAsNumber;
iv_locale[0] = ul>>24;
iv_locale[1] = (ul >> 16) & 0x000000ff;
iv_locale[3] = (ul >> 8) & 0x000000ff;
iv_locale[4] = ul & 0x000000ff;
iv_locale[5] = '\0';
if (iv_locale[3] == '\0') // No territory
iv_locale[2] = '\0';
iv_locale[2] = '-';
strncpy(iv_lang, iv_locale, 2);
iv_lang[2] = '\0';
bool Language::matches( const Language & crclCompareLang ) const {
// Full locale matchs, or
// one is unspecified, or
// language part matches and one territory is unspecified (missing)
return ( strcasecmp(iv_locale, crclCompareLang.iv_locale) == 0 ||
iv_locale[0] == '\0' ||
crclCompareLang.iv_locale[0] == '\0' ||
( strcasecmp(iv_lang, crclCompareLang.iv_lang) == 0 &&
(iv_locale[3] == '\0' || crclCompareLang.iv_locale[3] == '\0') ) );
} //namespace uima
/* <EOF> */