blob: 9aa1535ef3cc31e48f965eb0c44b378b97b6ebc4 [file] [log] [blame]
/** \file arrayfs.hpp .
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
\brief Declares all ArrayFS classes (IntArrayFS, FloatArrayFS etc)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Include dependencies */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "uima/pragmas.hpp"
#include "uima/lowlevel_typedefs.hpp"
#include "uima/typesystem.hpp"
#include "uima/casexception.hpp"
#include "uima/featurestructure.hpp"
#include "uima/internal_typeshortcuts.hpp"
#include "unicode/utf.h"
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Constants */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Forward declarations */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace uima {
class CAS;
namespace lowlevel {
class FSHeap;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Types / Classes */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace uima {
// exceptions
UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE(FSIsNotArrayException, CASException);
UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE(FSArrayOutOfBoundsException, CASException);
} // namespace uima
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ArrayFS */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace uima {
/// @if internal
template< class T, const uima::lowlevel::TyFSType ARRAY_TYPE >
/// @endif internal
* A on object representing an array of CAS elements.
* An element can be either a FeatureStructure or a float or an int or a
* string. For each such element type there is a sub-class of BasicListFS
* implementing this template interface with type specific methods:
* ArrayFS, IntArrayFS, FloatArrayFS, StringArrayFS.
* All get methods may throw an <code>InvalidFSObjectException</code> if the
* feature structure object is not valid.
* All access methods using array indexes may throw an
* <code>FSArrayOutOfBoundsException</code> if the index is >= the array size.
* Creating an array can be done like this:
// store elements of a vector of strings in an array feature
FeatureStructure fsNewString; // re-used for each new string
const size_t uiARRAY_SIZE = vecStrings.size();
StringArrayFS fsNewArray = tcas.createStringArrayFS(uiARRAY_SIZE); // create an array
// build up a fs array from our vector
for (size_t i = 0; i < vecStrings.size(); ++i) {
fsNewArray.set(i, vecStrings[i]);
// now that the array is complete, set the feature value to the array
fsWithArrayFeature.setFSValue(fArrayFeature, fsNewArray);
* Accessing a array can be done like this:
// get array
StringArrayFS fsArray = fsWithArrayFeature.getStringArrayFSValue(fArrayFeature);
// iterate array
for (size_t i = 0; i < fsArray.size(); ++i) {
cout << fsArray.get(i) << " ";
* The example uses StringArrayFS to show the usage of the interfaces with
* strings. Usage of FeatureStructure, int or float values is analogous.
* Arrays can not be resized after creation. If more (or less) elements are
* required in the array a new array must be created.
* Elements from the old array may be copied to then new array.
* Finally the new array must be assigned to the array feature holding the
* old array.
* @see ArrayFS
* @see IntArrayFS
* @see FloatArrayFS
* @see StringArrayFS
class UIMA_LINK_IMPORTSPEC BasicArrayFS : public FeatureStructure {
/// @if internal
friend class CAS;
friend class FeatureStructure;
BasicArrayFS(lowlevel::TyFS anFS, uima::CAS&, bool bDoChecks = true);
/// @endif internal
* Default CTOR: Creates an invalid BasicArrayFS (use CAS::createArrayFS() instead)
* Upgrade/Conversion CTOR: Creates an ArrayFS from an existing FeatureStructure.
* fs must be of type array.
* @throws FSIsNotArrayException
explicit BasicArrayFS( FeatureStructure const & fs );
* get the <code>n</code>th element of an array.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FSArrayOutOfBoundsException
T get(size_t n) const;
* set the <code>n</code>th element of an array.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FSArrayOutOfBoundsException
void set(size_t n, T const & val);
* get the size of the array
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
size_t size() const;
* Copy the contents of the array from <code>start</code> to <code>end</code>
* to the destination <code>destArray</code> with destination offset
* <code>destOffset</code>.
* @param uiStart The index of the first element to copy.
* @param numelements number of element, the index after the last element to copy.
* @param destArray The array to copy to.
* @param uiDestOffset Where to start copying into <code>destArray</code>.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FSArrayOutOfBoundsException If <code>start &lt; 0</code>
* or <code>end > size()</code> or
* <code>destOffset + (end - start) > destArray.length</code>.
void copyToArray(
size_t uiStart,
size_t uiEnd,
T* destArray,
size_t uiDestOffset) const;
void copyFromArray(
T const * sourceArray,
size_t uiStart,
size_t uiEnd,
size_t uiOffset);
* Copy the contents of the array from <code>start</code> for <code>numelements</code> to the
* destination <code>destArray</code> with destination offset <code>destOffset</code>.
* @param srcOffset The index of the first element to copy.
* @param dest The array to copy to.
* @param destOffset Where to start copying into.
* @param numelements The number of elements to copy.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FSArrayOutOfBoundsException
* If <code>srcOffset &lt; 0</code> or <code>length > size()</code> or
* <code>destOffset + length > destArray.length</code>.
void copyToArray(size_t srcOffset, T * destArray, size_t destOffset, size_t numelements) const ;
* Copy the contents of an external array into this array.
* @param src The source array.
* @param srcOffset Where to start copying in the source array.
* @param destOffset Where to start copying to in the destination array.
* @param length The number of elements to copy.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FSArrayOutOfBoundsException If <code>srcOffset or destOffset &lt; 0</code>
* or <code>length > size()</code> or
* <code>destOffset + length > size()</code>.
* NOTE: replace copyFromArray with this API to be consistent with the Java API.
// void copyFromArray(T const * src, size_t srcOffset, size_t destOffset, size_t length) ;
/// @if internal
* create a feature structure of type empty list (list length is zero)
* @param bIsPermanent indicate if the data should be permanent,
* i.e., has a lifetime longer than the document
static BasicArrayFS createArrayFS( CAS & cas, size_t uiSize, bool bIsPermanent = false );
/// @endif internal
; // class ArrayFS
typedef BasicArrayFS< FeatureStructure, internal::gs_tyFSArrayType > BasicFSArrayFS;
* A ArrayFS object implements an array of FeatureStructure values.
* It is derived from the BasicArrayFS template interface so all
* interesting member functions are derived from BasicArrayFS.
* @see BasicArrayFS
* @see IntArrayFS
* @see StringArrayFS
* @see FloatArrayFS
class UIMA_LINK_IMPORTSPEC ArrayFS : public BasicFSArrayFS {
/// @if internal
friend class CAS;
friend class FeatureStructure;
ArrayFS(lowlevel::TyFS anFS, uima::CAS& cas, bool bDoChecks = true) :
BasicFSArrayFS(anFS, cas, bDoChecks) {}
ArrayFS() :
BasicFSArrayFS() {}
explicit ArrayFS( FeatureStructure const & fs ) :
BasicFSArrayFS(fs) {}
ArrayFS( BasicFSArrayFS const & fs ) :
BasicFSArrayFS(fs) {}
/// @endif internal
typedef BasicArrayFS< float, internal::gs_tyFloatArrayType > BasicFloatArrayFS;
* A FloatArrayFS object implements an array of float values.
* It is derived from the BasicArrayFS template interface so all
* interesting member functions are derived from BasicArrayFS.
* @see BasicArrayFS
* @see ArrayFS
* @see IntArrayFS
* @see StringArrayFS
class UIMA_LINK_IMPORTSPEC FloatArrayFS : public BasicFloatArrayFS {
/// @if internal
friend class CAS;
friend class FeatureStructure;
FloatArrayFS(lowlevel::TyFS anFS, uima::CAS & cas, bool bDoChecks = true) :
BasicFloatArrayFS(anFS, cas, bDoChecks) {}
FloatArrayFS() :
BasicFloatArrayFS() {}
explicit FloatArrayFS( FeatureStructure const & fs ) :
BasicFloatArrayFS(fs) {}
FloatArrayFS( BasicFloatArrayFS const & fs ) :
BasicFloatArrayFS(fs) {}
/// @endif internal
typedef BasicArrayFS< int, internal::gs_tyIntArrayType > BasicIntArrayFS;
* A IntArrayFS object implements an array of int values.
* It is derived from the BasicArrayFS template interface so all
* interesting member functions are derived from BasicArrayFS.
* @see BasicArrayFS
* @see ArrayFS
* @see StringArrayFS
* @see FloatArrayFS
class UIMA_LINK_IMPORTSPEC IntArrayFS : public BasicIntArrayFS {
/// @if internal
friend class CAS;
friend class FeatureStructure;
IntArrayFS(lowlevel::TyFS anFS, uima::CAS & cas, bool bDoChecks = true) :
BasicIntArrayFS(anFS, cas, bDoChecks) {}
IntArrayFS() :
BasicIntArrayFS() {}
explicit IntArrayFS( FeatureStructure const & fs ) :
BasicIntArrayFS(fs) {}
IntArrayFS( BasicIntArrayFS const & fs ) :
BasicIntArrayFS(fs) {}
/// @endif internal
typedef BasicArrayFS< UnicodeStringRef, internal::gs_tyStringArrayType > BasicStringArrayFS;
* A StringArrayFS object implements an array of string values.
* It is derived from the BasicArrayFS template interface so all
* interesting member functions are derived from BasicArrayFS.
* @see BasicArrayFS
* @see ArrayFS
* @see IntArrayFS
* @see FloatArrayFS
class UIMA_LINK_IMPORTSPEC StringArrayFS : public BasicStringArrayFS {
/// @if internal
friend class CAS;
friend class FeatureStructure;
StringArrayFS(lowlevel::TyFS anFS, uima::CAS & cas, bool bDoChecks = true) :
BasicStringArrayFS(anFS, cas, bDoChecks) {}
StringArrayFS() :
BasicStringArrayFS() {}
explicit StringArrayFS( FeatureStructure const & fs ) :
BasicStringArrayFS(fs) {}
StringArrayFS( BasicStringArrayFS const & fs ) :
BasicStringArrayFS(fs) {}
/// @endif internal
typedef BasicArrayFS< bool, internal::gs_tyBooleanArrayType > BasicBooleanArrayFS;
* A ByteArrayFS object implements an array of byte values.
* It is derived from the BasicArrayFS template interface so all
* interesting member functions are derived from BasicArrayFS.
* @see BasicArrayFS
* @see ArrayFS
* @see StringArrayFS
* @see FloatArrayFS
class UIMA_LINK_IMPORTSPEC BooleanArrayFS : public BasicBooleanArrayFS {
/// @if internal
friend class CAS;
friend class FeatureStructure;
BooleanArrayFS(lowlevel::TyFS anFS, uima::CAS & cas, bool bDoChecks = true) :
BasicBooleanArrayFS(anFS, cas, bDoChecks) {}
BooleanArrayFS() :
BasicBooleanArrayFS() {}
explicit BooleanArrayFS( FeatureStructure const & fs ) :
BasicBooleanArrayFS(fs) {}
BooleanArrayFS( BasicBooleanArrayFS const & fs ) :
BasicBooleanArrayFS(fs) {}
/// @endif internal
typedef BasicArrayFS< char, internal::gs_tyByteArrayType > BasicByteArrayFS;
* A ByteArrayFS object implements an array of byte values.
* It is derived from the BasicArrayFS template interface so all
* interesting member functions are derived from BasicArrayFS.
* @see BasicArrayFS
* @see ArrayFS
* @see StringArrayFS
* @see FloatArrayFS
class UIMA_LINK_IMPORTSPEC ByteArrayFS : public BasicByteArrayFS {
/// @if internal
friend class CAS;
friend class FeatureStructure;
ByteArrayFS(lowlevel::TyFS anFS, uima::CAS & cas, bool bDoChecks = true) :
BasicByteArrayFS(anFS, cas, bDoChecks) {}
ByteArrayFS() :
BasicByteArrayFS() {}
explicit ByteArrayFS( FeatureStructure const & fs ) :
BasicByteArrayFS(fs) {}
ByteArrayFS( BasicByteArrayFS const & fs ) :
BasicByteArrayFS(fs) {}
/// @endif internal
typedef BasicArrayFS<short, internal::gs_tyShortArrayType > BasicShortArrayFS;
* A ShortArrayFS object implements an array of short values.
* It is derived from the BasicArrayFS template interface so all
* interesting member functions are derived from BasicArrayFS.
* @see BasicArrayFS
* @see ArrayFS
* @see StringArrayFS
* @see FloatArrayFS
class UIMA_LINK_IMPORTSPEC ShortArrayFS : public BasicShortArrayFS {
/// @if internal
friend class CAS;
friend class FeatureStructure;
ShortArrayFS(lowlevel::TyFS anFS, uima::CAS & cas, bool bDoChecks = true) :
BasicShortArrayFS(anFS, cas, bDoChecks) {}
ShortArrayFS() :
BasicShortArrayFS() {}
explicit ShortArrayFS( FeatureStructure const & fs ) :
BasicShortArrayFS(fs) {}
ShortArrayFS( BasicShortArrayFS const & fs ) :
BasicShortArrayFS(fs) {}
/// @endif internal
typedef BasicArrayFS< INT64, internal::gs_tyLongArrayType > BasicLongArrayFS;
* A ShortArrayFS object implements an array of short values.
* It is derived from the BasicArrayFS template interface so all
* interesting member functions are derived from BasicArrayFS.
* @see BasicArrayFS
* @see ArrayFS
* @see StringArrayFS
* @see FloatArrayFS
class UIMA_LINK_IMPORTSPEC LongArrayFS : public BasicLongArrayFS {
/// @if internal
friend class CAS;
friend class FeatureStructure;
LongArrayFS(lowlevel::TyFS anFS, uima::CAS & cas, bool bDoChecks = true) :
BasicLongArrayFS(anFS, cas, bDoChecks) {}
LongArrayFS() :
BasicLongArrayFS() {}
explicit LongArrayFS( FeatureStructure const & fs ) :
BasicLongArrayFS(fs) {}
LongArrayFS( BasicLongArrayFS const & fs ) :
BasicLongArrayFS(fs) {}
/// @endif internal
typedef BasicArrayFS<double, internal::gs_tyDoubleArrayType > BasicDoubleArrayFS;
* A StringArrayFS object implements an array of string values.
* It is derived from the BasicArrayFS template interface so all
* interesting member functions are derived from BasicArrayFS.
* @see BasicArrayFS
* @see ArrayFS
* @see IntArrayFS
* @see FloatArrayFS
class UIMA_LINK_IMPORTSPEC DoubleArrayFS : public BasicDoubleArrayFS {
/// @if internal
friend class CAS;
friend class FeatureStructure;
DoubleArrayFS(lowlevel::TyFS anFS, uima::CAS & cas, bool bDoChecks = true) :
BasicDoubleArrayFS(anFS, cas, bDoChecks) {}
DoubleArrayFS() :
BasicDoubleArrayFS() {}
explicit DoubleArrayFS( FeatureStructure const & fs ) :
BasicDoubleArrayFS(fs) {}
DoubleArrayFS( BasicDoubleArrayFS const & fs ) :
BasicDoubleArrayFS(fs) {}
/// @endif internal
} // namespace uima
/* <EOF> */