diff --git a/README.4src b/README.4src
index bfff6e4..3836299 100644
--- a/README.4src
+++ b/README.4src
@@ -39,21 +39,21 @@
 Tool        Recommended Version
-APR           >= 1.3.8 
-ICU           >= 3.6
-Xerces-C      >= 2.8
+APR           >= 1.6.5
+ICU           == 50.2
+Xerces-C      >= 3.1.4
 JDK           for building the JNI interface
-ActiveMQ CPP  >= 3.4.1  (optional) to build the UIMA-AS service wrapper
-APR-util      >= 1.3.8  (optional) an ActiveMQ prerequisite
+ActiveMQ CPP  >= 3.9.3  (optional) to build the UIMA-AS service wrapper
+APR-util      >= 1.6.1  (optional) an ActiveMQ prerequisite
 On Linux the following GNU build tools are required:
 Tool        Recommended Version
-autoconf    >= 2.61
-automake    >= 1.10
-libtool     >= 1.5.24
+autoconf    >= 2.69
+automake    >= 1.13
+libtool     >= 2.4
 On Windows, UIMACPP is built with Microsoft Visual Studio. The UIMA C++ MSVC projects 
 are Microsoft Visual Studio 8 (2005) projects.  
@@ -61,9 +61,8 @@
 The SDK build process also builds the documentation and requires doxygen for building 
 the documentation.
-The Apache UIMA C++ SDK has been built and tested in 32-bit mode on
-Linux systems with gcc version 3.4.6 and on Windows using MSVC version 8.
-64-bit builds have only been tested on Linux with gcc 4.3.2 and 4.4.6.
+The Apache UIMA C++ SDK has been built and tested in 64-bit mode on Linux systems with gcc version 4.8.5;
+Mac OSX 64-bit and Windows versions are currently delayed.
 For up-to-date build instructions. please see these pages on the Apache UIMA site: 
@@ -207,16 +206,18 @@
   target_dir\uimacpp into uimacpp-2.X.Y-bin.zip
 6 Package a source zipfile by creating a compressed folder of the
-  the directory containing the source download or SVN extract.
+  the directory containing the uimacpp source from git
 4. Building, testing and packaging on Mac OSX:
-Except for one problem with APR (see below), building is the same here as outlined
+Except for note below, building is the same here as outlined
 in Building on Unix (section 2).
-These instructions should work on the Max OSX but have not been tested. 
+Make sure you have built and installed in your system all prerequisites, 
+as stated in General (section 1).
 4.1 Patch APR
@@ -233,8 +234,28 @@
-4.2 Packaging UIMA C++ annotators:
+4.2 Re-generated configure
+In Mac OSX it is necessary to re-generate the configure file:
+  ./autogen.sh
+4.3 Executing configure
+Mac OSX Sierra default GCC is not capable of building UIMACPP. As alternative, you can
+install GCC-5 and pass it as an agument in configure command:
+ CC=gcc-5 CXX=g++-5 ./configure <other parameters>
+Make sure to pass the JDK Hearder path (--with-jdk) and the path of each dependency
+(--with-<dep name> syntax).
+4.4 Packaging UIMA C++ annotators:
 On Mac OSX, the install names are embedded in the binaries.  Run the
 following steps manually post build to neutralize the embedded name in
 the UIMA C++ binary and to change the dependency path in the