blob: bb6391ed9402dbabe10a10e62f90d0defba97f52 [file] [log] [blame]
/** \file featurestructure.hpp .
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
\brief Contains class uima::FeatureStructure
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Include dependencies */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "uima/pragmas.hpp"
#include "uima/lowlevel_typedefs.hpp"
#include "uima/typesystem.hpp"
#include "uima/casexception.hpp"
#include "uima/unistrref.hpp"
#include "unicode/utf.h"
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Constants */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Forward declarations */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace uima {
class ListFS;
class FloatListFS;
class IntListFS;
class StringListFS;
class ArrayFS;
class FloatArrayFS;
class IntArrayFS;
class StringArrayFS;
class StringFilter;
class ByteArrayFS;
class BooleanArrayFS;
class ShortArrayFS;
class LongArrayFS;
class DoubleArrayFS;
namespace internal {
class IndexCompWrapper;
class FSFilterWrapper;
class FSPromoter;
namespace lowlevel {
class FSHeap;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Types / Classes */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace uima {
// exceptions
UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE(InvalidFSObjectException, CASException);
UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE(FeatureNotAppropriateException, CASException);
UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE(IncompatibleValueTypeException, CASException);
UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE(FSIsNotStringException, CASException);
UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE(WrongStringValueException, CASException);
* Our feature structure.
* All methods may throw an <code>InvalidFSObjectException</code> if the
* feature structure object is not valid.
class UIMA_LINK_IMPORTSPEC FeatureStructure {
friend class uima::internal::FSPromoter;
friend class uima::ListFS;
friend class uima::ArrayFS;
friend class uima::StringFilter;
friend class uima::CAS;
friend class RemoteSofaDataStream;
friend class LocalSofaDataStream;
friend class XCASDeserializerHandler;
friend class XmiDeserializerHandler;
lowlevel::TyFS iv_tyFS;
CAS * iv_cas;
//FeatureStructure(lowlevel::TyFS anFS, uima::lowlevel::FSHeap &);
FeatureStructure(lowlevel::TyFS anFS, uima::CAS &);
void checkValidity(TyMessageId) const;
void checkFeature(Feature const & f, TyMessageId) const;
void checkNonBuiltinFeature(Feature const & f, TyMessageId) const;
void checkAppropFeature(Feature const & f, lowlevel::TyFSType aType, TyMessageId) const;
void checkAppropFeature(Feature const & f, FeatureStructure const & anFS, TyMessageId) const;
void checkRangeIsString(Feature const & fList, TyMessageId) const;
typedef lowlevel::TyHeapCell TyArrayElement;
* Default constructor: Creates an invalid FS.
* Returns the CAS object in which this feature structure lives.
CAS & getCAS();
CAS const & getCAS() const;
* Check if this FS object is valid, i.e., properly initialized.
bool isValid() const;
* @return the type of this FS.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
Type getType() const;
* Creates a copy of this feature structure.
* The returned feature structure is a new and separate object but
* all features of the feature structure which are not of builtin
* types (integer, float, string) will be shared between the clone
* and it's source FS.
* @return the cloned copy of this object.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
FeatureStructure clone();
* creates a feature structure of type t and copies all
* "common" features of t and this->getType().
* A feature is common to two types t1 and t2 if it is defined on the
* most specific common supertype of t1 and t2.
FeatureStructure clone(Type const & t);
* Check if the value of <code>crFeature</code> was already used via
* a call to <code>getFSValue()</code> or <code>setFSValue()</code>.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
bool isUntouchedFSValue(Feature const & crFeature) const;
* Get the value of feature <code>crFeature</code> of this feature structure
* (must not be a builtin type).
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
FeatureStructure getFSValue(Feature const & crFeature) const;
* Get the value of feature <code>crFeature</code> of this feature structure
* (must not be a builtin type).
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
FeatureStructure getFeatureValue(Feature const & crFeature) const;
* set the value of feature <code>crFeature</code> of this feature structure
* (must not be a builtin type).
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws IncompatibleValueTypeException
void setFSValue(Feature const & crFeature, FeatureStructure const & anFS);
* set the value of feature <code>crFeature</code> of this feature structure
* (must not be a builtin type).
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws IncompatibleValueTypeException
void setFeatureValue(Feature const & crFeature, FeatureStructure const & anFS);
* Get the value of feature <code>crFeature</code>, must be builtin type integer.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws IncompatibleValueTypeException
int getIntValue(Feature const & crFeature) const;
* Set the value of feature <code>crFeature</code>, must be builtin type integer.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws IncompatibleValueTypeException
void setIntValue(Feature const & crFeature, int i);
* Get the value of feature <code>crFeature</code>, must be builtin type float.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws IncompatibleValueTypeException
float getFloatValue(Feature const & crFeature) const;
* Set the value of feature <code>crFeature</code>, must be builtin type float.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws IncompatibleValueTypeException
void setFloatValue(Feature const & crFeature, float );
* Get the value of feature <code>crFeature</code>, must be of type string.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws FSIsNotAStringException
UnicodeStringRef getStringValue(Feature const & crFeature) const;
* sets the value of feature <code>crFeature</code> of this feature structure
* to a new string on the heap.
* Precondition: getFSValue(crFeature) must be of type string.
* The string is copied to the heap and the string value will point
* to the copy on the heap and not to <code>cuStr</code>.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws FSIsNotAStringException
void setStringValue(Feature const & crFeature, UnicodeStringRef cuStr);
void setStringValue(Feature const & crFeature, UChar const * cuStr, size_t uiLen );
void setStringValue(Feature const & crFeature, icu::UnicodeString const & crustr );
* sets the value of feature <code>crFeature</code> of this feature structure
* to a new string outside of the heap.
* Precondition: FS must be of type string.
* The string is <strong>not</strong> copied to the heap,
* so the string value will point to <code>cuStr</code>.
* The caller must make sure that the characters in <code>cuStr</code>
* have an appropriate live time.
* For persistency of the CAS to be consistent and complete the caller
* must make sure that all the string data lives somewhere on the heap.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FSIsNotAStringException
void setStringValueExternal(Feature const & crFeature, UnicodeStringRef cuStr);
void setStringValueExternal(Feature const & crFeature, UChar const * cuStr, size_t uiLen );
void setStringValueExternal(Feature const & crFeature, icu::UnicodeString const & crustr );
* Return feature structure of type array stored at feature fArray.
* The return value is guaranteed to be a properly terminated array.
* Each element in the array is a FeatureStructure.
* @param fArray The feature referencing the array to return.
* fArray must be valid.
* fArray must be appropriate for this feature strucutre.
* fArray must be subsumed by type array.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws InvalidFSFeatureObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws FSIsNotArrayException
ArrayFS getArrayFSValue(Feature const & fArray) const;
* Return feature structure of type array stored at feature fArray.
* The return value is guaranteed to be a properly terminated array.
* Each element in the array is a float.
* @param fArray The feature referencing the array to return.
* fArray must be valid.
* fArray must be appropriate for this feature strucutre.
* fArray must be subsumed by type array.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws InvalidFSFeatureObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws FSIsNotArrayException
FloatArrayFS getFloatArrayFSValue( Feature const & fArray ) const;
* Return feature structure of type array stored at feature fArray.
* The return value is guaranteed to be a properly terminated array.
* Each element in the array is a int.
* @param fArray The feature referencing the array to return.
* fArray must be valid.
* fArray must be appropriate for this feature strucutre.
* fArray must be subsumed by type array.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws InvalidFSFeatureObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws FSIsNotArrayException
IntArrayFS getIntArrayFSValue( Feature const & fArray ) const;
* Return feature structure of type array stored at feature fArray.
* The return value is guaranteed to be a properly terminated array.
* Each element in the array is a string.
* @param fArray The feature referencing the array to return.
* fArray must be valid.
* fArray must be appropriate for this feature strucutre.
* fArray must be subsumed by type array.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws InvalidFSFeatureObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws FSIsNotArrayException
StringArrayFS getStringArrayFSValue( Feature const & fArray ) const;
* Returns true if the list stored at feature fList has elements.
* @param fList The feature to check.
* fList must be of type list
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws InvalidFSFeatureObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws FSIsNotListException
bool hasListElements(Feature const & fList) const;
* Return feature structure of type list stored at feature fList.
* The return value is guaranteed to be a properly terminated list.
* Each element of the list is a feature structure.
* @param fList The feature referencing the list to return.
* fList must be valid.
* fList must be appropriate for this feature strucutre.
* fList must be subsumed by type list.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws InvalidFSFeatureObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws FSIsNotListException
ListFS getListFSValue(Feature const & fList) const;
* Return feature structure of type list stored at feature fList.
* The return value is guaranteed to be a properly terminated list.
* Each element of the list is a float.
* @param f The feature referencing the list to return.
* f must be valid.
* f must be appropriate for this feature strucutre.
* f must be subsumed by type list.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws InvalidFSFeatureObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws FSIsNotListException
FloatListFS getFloatListFSValue( Feature const & f ) const;
* Return feature structure of type list stored at feature fList.
* The return value is guaranteed to be a properly terminated list.
* Each element of the list is a int.
* @param f The feature referencing the list to return.
* f must be valid.
* f must be appropriate for this feature strucutre.
* f must be subsumed by type list.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws InvalidFSFeatureObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws FSIsNotListException
IntListFS getIntListFSValue( Feature const & f ) const;
* Return feature structure of type list stored at feature fList.
* The return value is guaranteed to be a properly terminated list.
* Each element of the list is a string.
* @param f The feature referencing the list to return.
* f must be valid.
* f must be appropriate for this feature strucutre.
* f must be subsumed by type list.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws InvalidFSFeatureObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws FSIsNotListException
StringListFS getStringListFSValue( Feature const & f ) const;
* Get the value of feature <code>crFeature</code>, must be builtin type byte.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws IncompatibleValueTypeException
bool getBooleanValue(Feature const & crFeature) const;
* Set the value of feature <code>crFeature</code>, must be builtin type byte.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws IncompatibleValueTypeException
void setBooleanValue(Feature const & crFeature, bool );
* Get the value of feature <code>crFeature</code>, must be builtin type byte.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws IncompatibleValueTypeException
char getByteValue(Feature const & crFeature) const;
* Set the value of feature <code>crFeature</code>, must be builtin type byte.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws IncompatibleValueTypeException
void setByteValue(Feature const & crFeature, char );
* Get the value of feature <code>crFeature</code>, must be builtin type short.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws IncompatibleValueTypeException
short getShortValue(Feature const & crFeature) const;
* Set the value of feature <code>crFeature</code>, must be builtin type short.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws IncompatibleValueTypeException
void setShortValue(Feature const & crFeature, short );
* Get the value of feature <code>crFeature</code>, must be builtin type short.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws IncompatibleValueTypeException
INT64 getLongValue(Feature const & crFeature) const;
* Set the value of feature <code>crFeature</code>, must be builtin type short.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws IncompatibleValueTypeException
void setLongValue(Feature const & crFeature, INT64 );
* Set the value of feature <code>crFeature</code>, must be builtin type short.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws IncompatibleValueTypeException
void setDoubleValue(Feature const & crFeature, double );
* Get the value of feature <code>crFeature</code>, must be builtin type short.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws IncompatibleValueTypeException
double getDoubleValue(Feature const & crFeature) const;
/** Return feature structure of type array stored at feature fArray.
* The return value is guaranteed to be a properly terminated array.
* Each element in the array is a byte.
* @param fArray The feature referencing the array to return.
* fArray must be valid.
* fArray must be appropriate for this feature strucutre.
* fArray must be subsumed by type array.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws InvalidFSFeatureObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws FSIsNotArrayException
BooleanArrayFS getBooleanArrayFSValue( Feature const & fArray ) const;
/** Return feature structure of type array stored at feature fArray.
* The return value is guaranteed to be a properly terminated array.
* Each element in the array is a byte.
* @param fArray The feature referencing the array to return.
* fArray must be valid.
* fArray must be appropriate for this feature strucutre.
* fArray must be subsumed by type array.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws InvalidFSFeatureObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws FSIsNotArrayException
ByteArrayFS getByteArrayFSValue( Feature const & fArray ) const;
/** Return feature structure of type array stored at feature fArray.
* The return value is guaranteed to be a properly terminated array.
* Each element in the array is a short.
* @param fArray The feature referencing the array to return.
* fArray must be valid.
* fArray must be appropriate for this feature strucutre.
* fArray must be subsumed by type array.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws InvalidFSFeatureObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws FSIsNotArrayException
ShortArrayFS getShortArrayFSValue( Feature const & fArray ) const;
/** Return feature structure of type array stored at feature fArray.
* The return value is guaranteed to be a properly terminated array.
* Each element in the array is a lomg (INT64).
* @param fArray The feature referencing the array to return.
* fArray must be valid.
* fArray must be appropriate for this feature strucutre.
* fArray must be subsumed by type array.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws InvalidFSFeatureObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws FSIsNotArrayException
LongArrayFS getLongArrayFSValue( Feature const & fArray ) const;
/** Return feature structure of type array stored at feature fArray.
* The return value is guaranteed to be a properly terminated array.
* Each element in the array is a double (INT64).
* @param fArray The feature referencing the array to return.
* fArray must be valid.
* fArray must be appropriate for this feature strucutre.
* fArray must be subsumed by type array.
* @throws InvalidFSObjectException
* @throws InvalidFSFeatureObjectException
* @throws FeatureNotAppropriateException
* @throws FSIsNotArrayException
DoubleArrayFS getDoubleArrayFSValue( Feature const & fArray ) const;
bool operator==(FeatureStructure const & ) const;
bool operator!=(FeatureStructure const & crFS) const;
bool operator<(FeatureStructure const & crFS) const;
} // namespace uima
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Implementation */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace uima {
inline bool FeatureStructure::operator!=(FeatureStructure const & crFS) const {
return ! (*this == crFS);
inline void FeatureStructure::setStringValue(Feature const & crFeature, UChar const * cpuc, size_t uiLen) {
setStringValue(crFeature, UnicodeStringRef(cpuc, uiLen));
inline void FeatureStructure::setStringValue(Feature const & crFeature, icu::UnicodeString const & crustr ) {
setStringValue(crFeature, UnicodeStringRef(crustr.getBuffer(), crustr.length()));
inline void FeatureStructure::setStringValueExternal(Feature const & crFeature, UChar const * cpuc, size_t uiLen) {
setStringValueExternal(crFeature, UnicodeStringRef(cpuc, uiLen));
inline void FeatureStructure::setStringValueExternal(Feature const & crFeature, icu::UnicodeString const & crustr ) {
setStringValueExternal(crFeature, UnicodeStringRef(crustr.getBuffer(), crustr.length()));
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Implementation */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* <EOF> */