blob: 3212b5e6d7cc584a1a8ef7aeb82dbb6c09ea05b0 [file] [log] [blame]
/** \file consoleui.cpp .
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
Options used to be of the form "-opt value" or "-switch"
APR follows standard convention of short and long options, e.g.
"-c -x" "-cx" "--opt value" "--opt=value" "--switch"
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Include dependencies */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <vector>
#include "uima/pragmas.hpp" //must be first include to surpress warnings
#include "uima/consoleui.hpp"
#include "apr_strings.h"
#include "apr_version.h"
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Constants */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Types / Classes */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
using namespace std;
namespace uima {
namespace util {
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Implementation */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Conctructor & Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ConsoleUI::ConsoleUI(int argc, char * argv[],
const char * cpszTitle, const char * cpszCopyright)
: iv_bQuiet(false),
iv_currentArg(99999) {
// Catch any APR errors here in case caller does not expect this constructor to fail
try {
apr_status_t rv = apr_initialize();
if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
char errBuf[256];
apr_strerror(rv, errBuf, sizeof(errBuf));
rv = apr_pool_create(&consPool, NULL);
if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
iv_cpszUsage[0] = iv_cpszUsage[1] = "";
iv_argc = argc;
iv_argv = (const char**) argv;
// Get program name from first arg
if ( cpszTitle != NULL ) {
util::Filename progname(argv[0]);
iv_szProcessName = (char *)apr_palloc(consPool, 1+strlen(progname.getName()));
cout << endl << iv_szProcessName << " - " << cpszTitle;
if ( cpszCopyright != NULL )
cout << " " << cpszCopyright;
cout << " [APR version " << apr_version_string() << "]" << endl;
// Log and rethrow and APR failures
} catch (Exception & rclException) {
cerr << rclException;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ConsoleUI::~ConsoleUI(void) {
if (consPool != NULL)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Save the help string and check that all options are legal
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ConsoleUI::handleUsageHelp(const char * cpszUsage, const char * cpszHelp, const char * cpszHelpFlags) {
std::vector<const char *> opts; // Vector of possible option (start points)
unsigned int i;
apr_status_t rv;
unsigned int nHelpFlags;
if (cpszHelpFlags == NULL)
cpszHelpFlags = "[--help | -?]\t\n";
iv_cpszUsage[0] = cpszHelpFlags;
iv_cpszUsage[1] = cpszUsage;
iv_cpszHelp = cpszHelp;
// Step thru the usage msg to and create a vector addressing the start of each option
// Options can be switches or take a value, and be marked as optional (most options are
// are optional [!] but taftest_app requires one and only one of --config & --configs)
// --opt --opt <val> --opt=<val>
// [--opt] [--opt <val>] [--opt=<val>] [-c] [-f foo] [-x | -y]
// Assume a long option starts with -- preceeded by [ or whitespace
// Assume a short option starts with - preceeded by [ or space and is followed by ] or space
// First process help flags then the remainder of the usage message.
for ( i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) {
const char * str = iv_cpszUsage[i];
if ( *str == '-' && *++str == '-' ) // Check for initial -- where str[-1] would be bad!
while ((str = strchr(str+1, '-')) != NULL) {
if ( ( str[1]=='-' && (str[-1]=='[' || isspace(str[-1])) ) ||
( str[1]!='-' && isgraph(str[1]) && (str[-1]=='[' || str[-1]==' ') && (str[2]==']' || str[2]==' ') ) )
if (i == 0)
nHelpFlags = opts.size();
iv_pOpts = (apr_getopt_option_t *)apr_palloc( consPool, (opts.size()+1) * sizeof(apr_getopt_option_t) );
// Process short and long options in two passes as must use a wierd value for optch to
// locate long options, so can have no more than 47 long options (1 - '0')
int j = 0;
const char * opt, * str;
int k = 0;
char helpChars[20];
for ( i = 0; i < opts.size(); ++i ) {
opt = opts[i];
if ( *opt == '-' ) { // Long option
str = strpbrk( ++opt, "]= \n" );
if (str == NULL) // Must be last option!
str = opt + strlen(opt);
iv_pOpts[j].name = apr_pstrndup(consPool, opt, str - opt);
iv_pOpts[j].has_arg = (*str == '=' || (*str == ' ' && *(str+1) == '<'));
iv_pOpts[j].optch = j+1; // Use 1-based index as "short" option
if (i < nHelpFlags)
helpChars[k++] = j+1;
iv_maxOptIndex = j; // Largest wierd value marking a long option
// NOTE: should check that this is < any alphanumeric char, i.e. < 48 ('0')
for ( i = 0; i < opts.size(); ++i ) {
opt = opts[i];
if ( *opt != '-' ) { // Short option
iv_pOpts[j].optch = *opt; // Use real character
iv_pOpts[j].name = NULL;
iv_pOpts[j++].has_arg = (opt[1] == ' ' && opt[2] != '|' );
if (i < nHelpFlags)
helpChars[k++] = *opt;
iv_pOpts[j].optch = 0; // Mark end of list
helpChars[k] = '\0';
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Dump all legal options when called with just 1 arg of "--"
if ( iv_argc == 2 && strcmp(iv_argv[1],"--")==0 )
// Set up processing of interleaved options and arguments
apr_getopt_init(&iv_hGetopt, consPool, iv_argc, iv_argv);
iv_hGetopt->interleave = 1;
// Can't have more options than args!
iv_pFoundOpts = (found_opt_t *)apr_palloc(consPool, iv_argc * sizeof(found_opt_t));
iv_nFoundOpts = 0;
// Check that provided options are valid and save them.
int index;
const char * optarg;
bool needHelp = false;
while ((rv = apr_getopt_long(iv_hGetopt, iv_pOpts, &index, &optarg)) == APR_SUCCESS) {
iv_pFoundOpts[iv_nFoundOpts].index = index;
iv_pFoundOpts[iv_nFoundOpts++].value = optarg;
if (strchr(helpChars,index) != NULL)
needHelp = true;
// Two errors are: Invalid option & missing argument
// getopt prints these on error streamwith fprintf(stderr but can override
// via iv_hGetopt->errfn typedef void( apr_getopt_err_fn_t)(void *arg, const char *err,...)
if ( rv != APR_EOF )
// Args are valid ... now check for the help flags
if (needHelp)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Search for a specified option and return its value
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool ConsoleUI::hasOption(const char * cpszArgument, const char *& cpszrValue) const {
for ( int i = 0; i < iv_nFoundOpts; ++i ) {
int index = iv_pFoundOpts[i].index; // Index if a long option or a single char
if ( index > iv_maxOptIndex ) {
if ( cpszArgument[0] == index && cpszArgument[1] == '\0' ) {
cpszrValue = iv_pFoundOpts[i].value;
return true;
} else
if ( strcmp(cpszArgument, iv_pOpts[index-1].name) == 0 ) {
cpszrValue = iv_pFoundOpts[i].value;
return true;
return false;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Routine to help debug problems with parsing Usage msg
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef NDEBUG
void ConsoleUI::debugDisplayOptions(int numOpts) {
int i;
const char * valMsg[] = { "\n", " <value>\n"
cout << "DEBUG: Found " << numOpts << " options in Help message" << endl;
for ( i = 0; i < iv_maxOptIndex; ++i )
cout << " --" << iv_pOpts[i].name << valMsg[iv_pOpts[i].has_arg];
for ( i = iv_maxOptIndex; i < numOpts; ++i )
cout << " -" << (char)iv_pOpts[i].optch << valMsg[iv_pOpts[i].has_arg];
} // namespace util
} // namespace uima
#endif /* __UIMA_CONSOLEUI_CPP */
/* <EOF> */