blob: eef72c984fc915af1c99d1788d23e1a59a0efbaa [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.parser.ast;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.antlr.runtime.Token;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.expressions.Expression;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.expressions.ExpressionConstants;
public class ActionFactory extends AbstractFactory {
public static final String IMPLICIT = "Implicit";
public static RutaAction createAction(Token type, List exprsRaw) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(type);
int nameStart = bounds[0];
int nameEnd = bounds[1];
List<Expression> exprs = new ArrayList<Expression>();
if (exprsRaw != null) {
for (Object expressionObj : exprsRaw) {
Expression expr = (Expression) expressionObj;
if (expr != null) {
if (!exprs.isEmpty()) {
Expression lastExpr = (Expression) exprs.get(exprs.size() - 1);
bounds[1] = Math.max(bounds[1], lastExpr.sourceEnd());
return new RutaAction(bounds[0], bounds[1], exprs, ExpressionConstants.USER_EXPRESSION_START
+ type.getType(), type.getText(), nameStart, nameEnd);
public static RutaAction createAction(Token type, Expression... exprsArray) {
List<Expression> listOfExpressions = new ArrayList<Expression>();
if (exprsArray != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < exprsArray.length; i++) {
Expression expression = exprsArray[i];
if (expression != null) {
return createAction(type, listOfExpressions);
public static RutaAction createEmptyAction(Token token) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(token);
return new RutaAction(bounds[0], bounds[1], new ArrayList<Expression>(),
RutaConditionConstants.CONSTANT_OFFSET, "", bounds[0], bounds[1]);
public static RutaAction createAction(Token type, Map<Expression, Expression> map,
Expression... exprsArray) {
List<Expression> listOfExpressions = new ArrayList<Expression>();
// TODO add map
if (exprsArray != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < exprsArray.length; i++) {
Expression expression = exprsArray[i];
if (expression != null) {
return createAction(type, listOfExpressions);
public static RutaAction createCallAction(Token callToken, ComponentReference ref) {
return createAction(callToken, ref);
public static RutaAction createCallAction(Token callToken, ComponentReference ref, Expression list, Expression view) {
return createAction(callToken, ref, list, view);
public static RutaAction createStructureAction(Token type, Expression structure,
List<Expression> indexes, List<Expression> left, List<Expression> right) {
List<Expression> args = new ArrayList<Expression>();
if (indexes != null) {
return createStructureAction(type, args, left, right, structure);
* @param left
* @param bounds
* @param exprs
private static void filterNullObjsAndSetBounds(List left, int[] bounds, List<Expression> exprs) {
if (left != null) {
for (Object expressionObj : left) {
Expression expr = (Expression) expressionObj;
if (expr != null) {
if (!exprs.isEmpty()) {
Expression lastExpr = exprs.get(exprs.size() - 1);
bounds[1] = Math.max(bounds[1], lastExpr.sourceEnd());
public static RutaAction createLogAction(Token type, Expression logString, Token level) {
int[] nameBounds = getBounds(type);
int[] bounds;
int levelBounds[] = new int[] { -1, -1 };
if (level != null) {
levelBounds = getBounds(level);
bounds = getBounds(type, level);
} else {
bounds = getBounds(type);
if (logString != null) {
bounds[1] = Math.max(bounds[1], logString.sourceEnd());
List exprs = new ArrayList();
return new RutaLogAction(bounds[0], bounds[1], type.getText(), nameBounds[0], nameBounds[1],
exprs, levelBounds[0], levelBounds[1]);
public static RutaAction createStructureAction(Token type, Expression structure,
Expression index, Expression table, List left, List right) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(type);
int nameStart = bounds[0];
int nameEnd = bounds[1];
List<Expression> numExprs = new ArrayList<Expression>();
Map<Expression, Expression> assignments = new LinkedHashMap<Expression, Expression>();
List<Expression> indexes = new ArrayList<Expression>();
filterNullObjsAndSetBounds(indexes, bounds, numExprs);
if (left != null && right != null) {
Iterator<Expression> keysIt = left.iterator();
Iterator<Expression> valsIt = right.iterator();
Expression val = null;
while (keysIt.hasNext()) {
Expression key =;
if (!valsIt.hasNext()) {
val =;
assignments.put(key, val);
if (val != null) {
bounds[1] = val.sourceEnd();
return new RutaStructureAction(bounds[0], bounds[1], numExprs,
ExpressionConstants.USER_EXPRESSION_START + type.getType(), type.getText(), nameStart,
nameEnd, assignments, structure);
public static RutaAction createAction(Token name, Expression f, List<Expression> list) {
List<Expression> list2 = new ArrayList<Expression>();
return createAction(name, list2);
public static RutaAction createAction(Token name, Expression a1, Expression a2,
List<Expression> list) {
List<Expression> complete = new ArrayList<Expression>();
return createAction(name, complete);
public static RutaAction createConfigureAction(Token name, ComponentReference ns,
List<Expression> left, List<Expression> right) {
List<Expression> exprs = new ArrayList<Expression>();
if (left != null && right != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(left.size(), right.size()); i++) {
return createAction(name, exprs);
public static RutaAction createStructureAction(Token name, List<Expression> args,
List<Expression> left, List<Expression> right, Expression structure) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(name);
int nameStart = bounds[0];
int nameEnd = bounds[1];
List<Expression> numExprs = new ArrayList<Expression>();
Map<Expression, Expression> assignments = new LinkedHashMap<Expression, Expression>();
filterNullObjsAndSetBounds(args, bounds, numExprs);
if (left != null && right != null) {
Iterator<Expression> keysIt = left.iterator();
Iterator<Expression> valsIt = right.iterator();
Expression val = null;
while (keysIt.hasNext()) {
Expression key =;
if (!valsIt.hasNext()) {
val =;
assignments.put(key, val);
if (val != null) {
bounds[1] = val.sourceEnd();
return new RutaStructureAction(bounds[0], bounds[1], numExprs,
ExpressionConstants.USER_EXPRESSION_START + name.getType(), name.getText(), nameStart,
nameEnd, assignments, structure);
public static RutaAction createAction(Expression... exprsArray) {
List<Expression> exprL = new ArrayList<Expression>();
if (exprsArray != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < exprsArray.length; i++) {
Expression expression = exprsArray[i];
if (expression != null) {
int[] bounds = getBounds(exprL.get(0), exprL.get(exprL.size() - 1));
return new RutaAction(bounds[0], bounds[1], exprL, ExpressionConstants.USER_EXPRESSION_START,
IMPLICIT, bounds[0], bounds[1]);