Merge branch 'master' into UIMA-6185-Upgrade-parent-POM-plugins

* master:
  [UIMA-6293] Migrate UIMA Parent POM to GitHub
  [UIMA-6293] Migrate UIMA Parent POM to GitHub
  [UIMA-6293] Migrate UIMA Parent POM to GitHub
  [UIMA-6293] Migrate UIMA Parent POM to GitHub
  [UIMA-6293] Migrate UIMA Parent POM to GitHub
  [NO JIRA] Configure rat plugin to print names of files with license issues to console during build - particularly useful when running in Jenkins
tree: 4c8297a6d29f99448993aa3bc6c67a24e2cf654b
  1. .github/
  2. plugin-patches/
  3. src/
  4. .asf.yaml
  5. .gitattributes
  6. .gitignore
  7. Jenkinsfile
  9. marker-file-identifying-parent-pom
  10. NOTICE
  11. pom.xml

Apache UIMA Parent POM

This project contains the top-level Maven Parent POM for the Apache UIMA projects. The parent POMs in the various sub-projects of Apache UIMA inherit from it.