blob: 4322f699e4a8899e17d92920c52c68dbd9f3569c [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
import sys
import os
import getopt
#designed to run only here, relative to ducc_runtime
DUCC_HOME = os.path.abspath(__file__ + '/../../..')
sys.path.append(DUCC_HOME + '/admin')
from ducc_util import DuccUtil
from properties import Properties
class RegService(DuccUtil):
def usage(self, msg):
if ( msg != None ):
print msg
print ''
print 'This script creates a service descriptor for one of the 10 defined sample'
print 'services and registers it. It optionally writes the descriptor to a'
print 'file, optionally starts the service, and optionally allows the registration'
print 'of multiple instances of the service.'
print ''
print 'Usage:'
print ''
print ' define_service --id <id> [--file <descriptor file>] [--instances <num instances>] [--description "text"]'
print ' define_service -i <id> [ -f <descriptor file>] [ -n <num instances>]'
print ''
print 'Where:'
print ' -i <id>'
print ' -id <id> Specifies which of the 10 defined services to register.'
print ' The services are identical aside from their endpoint, to allow'
print ' convenient testing of multiple services.'
print ''
print ' -f <descriptor file>'
print ' --file <descriptor file> If given, also write out the generated service descriptor'
print ' to this file.'
print ''
print ' -n <num instances>'
print ' --instances <num instances> If given, specifies the default number instances of the service.'
print ' The number of instances is optional. If not given, one instance'
print ' is registered. This may be modified with ducc_services --instances <n> later.'
print ''
print ' --description "text" If given, specifies the description for this service.'
print ''
print 'Notes:'
print ' This is not a replacement or substitute for the "ducc_services" CLI. This script'
print ' is intended only to build a service descriptor for one of the predefined sample'
print' services for test and verification purposes.'
print ''
def main(self, argv):
svcid = None
outfile = None
instances = 1
props = Properties()
description = None
if ( len(argv) == 0 ):
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'i:f:n:?h', ['id=', 'file=', 'instances=', 'description=', 'help'])
for ( o, a ) in opts:
if o in ('-i', '--id'):
svcid = a
elif o in ('-f', '--file'):
outfile = a
props = Properties()
elif o in ('-n', '--instances'):
instances = int(a)
elif o in ('--description'):
description = a
elif o in ('-h', '--help'):
if ( svcid == None ):
self.usage("Missing service id")
if ( description == None ):
description = "Test Service "+svcid
self.examples_classpath = self.DUCC_HOME + '/lib/uima-ducc/examples/*'
self.examples_classpath = self.examples_classpath + ':' + self.DUCC_HOME + '/apache-uima/lib/*'
self.examples_classpath = self.examples_classpath + ':' + self.DUCC_HOME + '/apache-uima/apache-activemq/lib/*'
self.examples_classpath = self.examples_classpath + ':' + self.DUCC_HOME + '/apache-uima/apache-activemq/lib/optional/*'
self.examples_classpath = self.examples_classpath + ':' + self.DUCC_HOME + '/examples/simple/resources/service'
plain_broker_url = self.broker_protocol + '://' + self.broker_host + ':' + self.broker_port
props.put('description', description)
props.put('process_descriptor_DD', self.DUCC_HOME + '/examples/simple/resources/service/Service_FixedSleep_' + svcid + '.xml')
props.put('process_memory_size', '15')
props.put('classpath', self.examples_classpath);
props.put('process_jvm_args', '-DdefaultBrokerURL=' + plain_broker_url)
props.put('environment', 'AE_INIT_TIME=5000 AE_INIT_RANGE=1000 INIT_ERROR=0')
props.put('scheduling_class', 'fixed')
props.put('working_directory', os.getcwd())
props.put('service_ping_arguments', 'broker-jmx-port=' + self.broker_jmx_port)
if ( outfile != None ):
print outfile, 'created.'
CMD = ' '.join((self.DUCC_HOME + '/bin/ducc_services', '--register', '--instances', str(instances)))
for (k, v) in props.items():
CMD = CMD + ' --' + k + " '" + v.v + "'"
print CMD
if __name__ == "__main__":
rs = RegService()