blob: 9f8d90ca966858ebad0f3a8129f7207cd5402975 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.uima.ducc.agent.processors;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.agent.NodeAgent;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.agent.launcher.ManagedProcess;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.agent.metrics.collectors.DuccGarbageStatsCollector;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.agent.metrics.collectors.ProcessCpuUsageCollector;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.agent.metrics.collectors.ProcessMajorFaultCollector;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.agent.metrics.collectors.ProcessResidentMemoryCollector;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.agent.metrics.collectors.ProcessSwapUsageCollector;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.common.agent.metrics.cpu.ProcessCpuUsage;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.common.agent.metrics.memory.ProcessResidentMemory;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.common.agent.metrics.swap.ProcessMemoryPageLoadUsage;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.common.agent.metrics.swap.ProcessSwapSpaceUsage;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.common.node.metrics.ProcessGarbageCollectionStats;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.common.utils.DuccLogger;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.common.utils.Utils;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.transport.event.common.IDuccProcess;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.transport.event.common.IDuccProcess.ReasonForStoppingProcess;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.transport.event.common.IDuccProcessType.ProcessType;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.transport.event.common.IProcessState.ProcessState;
public class LinuxProcessMetricsProcessor extends BaseProcessor implements ProcessMetricsProcessor {
private long previousCPUReadingInNanos = 0;
private long previousSnapshotTime = 0;
private final ExecutorService pool;
private IDuccProcess process;
private DuccGarbageStatsCollector gcStatsCollector;
private int blockSize = 4096; // default, OS specific
private DuccLogger logger;
private ManagedProcess managedProcess;
private NodeAgent agent;
private int fudgeFactor = 5; // default is 5%
private volatile boolean closed = true;
private long percentCPU = 0;
public LinuxProcessMetricsProcessor(DuccLogger logger, IDuccProcess process, NodeAgent agent,
ManagedProcess managedProcess) throws FileNotFoundException {
this.logger = logger;
this.managedProcess = managedProcess;
this.agent = agent;
pool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
this.process = process;
gcStatsCollector = new DuccGarbageStatsCollector(logger, process);
// keep a refernce to this so that we can call close() when the process
// terminates. We need to
// close fds to stat and statm files
blockSize = agent.getOSPageSize();
if (System.getProperty("ducc.agent.share.size.fudge.factor") != null) {
try {
fudgeFactor = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("ducc.agent.share.size.fudge.factor"));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
closed = false;
public void stop() {
try {
if (pool != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("LinuxProcessMetricsProcessor.stop()", null, e);
public void close() {
closed = true;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
private boolean collectStats(ProcessState state) {
if (process.getProcessState().equals(ProcessState.Stopped)
|| process.getProcessState().equals(ProcessState.Killed)
|| process.getProcessState().equals(ProcessState.Failed)
|| process.getProcessState().equals(ProcessState.Stopping)) {
return false; // dont collect stats
return true;
private long getSwapUsage() throws Exception {
long swapUsage = -1;
if (agent.useCgroups) {
String containerId = agent.cgroupsManager.getContainerId(managedProcess);
ProcessSwapUsageCollector processSwapCollector = new ProcessSwapUsageCollector(logger,
agent.cgroupsManager, containerId);
logger.debug("LinuxProcessMetricsProcessor.getSwapUsage", null,
"Fetching Swap Usage PID:" + process.getPID());
Future<ProcessSwapSpaceUsage> processFaults = pool.submit(processSwapCollector);
swapUsage = processFaults.get().getSwapUsage();
logger.debug("LinuxProcessMetricsProcessor.getSwapUsage", null,
" Process Swap Usage:" + swapUsage);
return swapUsage;
private long getFaults() throws Exception {
long faults = -1;
if (agent.useCgroups) {
String containerId = agent.cgroupsManager.getContainerId(managedProcess);
ProcessMajorFaultCollector processFaultsCollector = new ProcessMajorFaultCollector(logger,
agent.cgroupsManager, containerId);
logger.debug("LinuxProcessMetricsProcessor.getFaults", null,
"Fetching Page Faults PID:" + process.getPID());
Future<ProcessMemoryPageLoadUsage> processFaults = pool.submit(processFaultsCollector);
faults = processFaults.get().getMajorFaults();
logger.debug("LinuxProcessMetricsProcessor.getFaults", null,
" Process Faults (pgpgin):" + faults);
return faults;
private long getRss() throws Exception {
long rss = -1;
if (agent.useCgroups) {
String containerId = agent.cgroupsManager.getContainerId(managedProcess);
ProcessResidentMemoryCollector processRSSCollector = new ProcessResidentMemoryCollector(
logger, agent.cgroupsManager, containerId);
logger.debug("LinuxProcessMetricsProcessor.getRss", null,
"Fetching RSS Usage for PID:" + process.getPID());
Future<ProcessResidentMemory> processRss = pool.submit(processRSSCollector);
rss = processRss.get().get();
logger.debug("LinuxProcessMetricsProcessor.getRss", null, " Process RSS:" + rss);
return rss;
private long getCpuUsage() throws Exception {
long cpuUsage = -1;
if (agent.useCgroups) {
String containerId = agent.cgroupsManager.getContainerId(managedProcess);
Future<ProcessCpuUsage> processCpuUsage = null;
ProcessCpuUsageCollector processCpuUsageCollector = new ProcessCpuUsageCollector(logger,
agent.cgroupsManager, containerId);
logger.debug("LinuxProcessMetricsProcessor.getCpuUsage", null,
"Fetching CPU Usage for PID:" + process.getPID());
processCpuUsage = pool.submit(processCpuUsageCollector);
long cpuUsageInNanos = processCpuUsage.get().getCpuUsage();
// cpuUsage comes from cpuacct.usage and is in nanos
cpuUsage = cpuUsageInNanos;// / 1000000 ; // normalize into millis
logger.debug("LinuxProcessMetricsProcessor.getCpuUsage", null, "CPU USAGE:" + cpuUsageInNanos
+ " CLOCK RATE:" + agent.cpuClockRate + " Total CPU USAGE:" + cpuUsage);
return cpuUsage;
private long getCpuTime(long totalCpuUsageInNanos) throws Exception {
long cp = -1;
if (agent.useCgroups) {
long timeRunning = 1;
if (process.getTimeWindowInit() != null) {
timeRunning = process.getTimeWindowInit().getElapsedMillis();
if (process.getTimeWindowRun() != null) {
timeRunning += process.getTimeWindowRun().getElapsedMillis();
long totalCpuUsageInMillis = totalCpuUsageInNanos / 1000000;
// normalize time in running state into seconds
percentCPU = Math.round(100 * ((totalCpuUsageInMillis * 1.0) / (timeRunning * 1.0)));
cp = percentCPU;
return cp;
private long getCurrentCpu(long totalCpuUsageInNanos) {
long currentCpu = -1;
// publish current CPU usage by computing a delta from the last time
// CPU data was fetched.
if (agent.useCgroups) {
// long totalCpuUsageInMillis = totalCpuUsageInNanos/1000000;
long millisCPU = (totalCpuUsageInNanos - previousCPUReadingInNanos) / 1000000;
long millisRun = System.currentTimeMillis() - previousSnapshotTime;
currentCpu = Math.round(100 * ((millisCPU * 1.0) / (millisRun * 1.0)));
previousCPUReadingInNanos = totalCpuUsageInNanos;
previousSnapshotTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
return currentCpu;
private void killProcsIfExceedingMemoryThreshold() throws Exception {
if (!agent.useCgroups) {
if (process.getSwapUsage() > 0
&& process.getSwapUsage() > managedProcess.getMaxSwapThreshold()) {
} else {
String containerId = agent.cgroupsManager.getContainerId(managedProcess);
String[] cgroupPids = agent.cgroupsManager.getPidsInCgroup(containerId);
logger.debug("LinuxProcessMetricsProcessor.process", null,
"Container ID:" + containerId + " cgroup pids " + cgroupPids.length);
// Use Memory Guard only if cgroups are disabled and fudge
// factor > -1
if (fudgeFactor > -1
&& managedProcess.getProcessMemoryAssignment().getMaxMemoryWithFudge() > 0) {
long rss = (process.getResidentMemory() / 1024) / 1024; // normalize RSS into MB
logger.trace("process", null,
"*** Process with PID:" + managedProcess.getPid() + " Assigned Memory (MB): "
+ managedProcess.getProcessMemoryAssignment() + " MBs. Current RSS (MB):"
+ rss);
// check if process resident memory exceeds its memory
// assignment calculate in the PM
if (rss > managedProcess.getProcessMemoryAssignment().getMaxMemoryWithFudge()) {
logger.error("process", null,
"\n\n********************************************************\n\tProcess with PID:"
+ managedProcess.getPid()
+ " Exceeded its max memory assignment (including a fudge factor) of "
+ managedProcess.getProcessMemoryAssignment().getMaxMemoryWithFudge()
+ " MBs. This Process Resident Memory Size: " + rss
+ " MBs .Killing process ...\n********************************************************\n\n");
try {
managedProcess.kill(); // mark it for death
if (agent.useCgroups) {
for (String pid : cgroupPids) {
// skip the main process that was just
// killed above. Only kill
// its child processes.
if (pid.equals(managedProcess.getDuccProcess().getPID())) {
killChildProcess(pid, "-15");
} catch (Exception ee) {
if (!collectStats(process.getProcessState())) {
logger.error("process", null, ee);
private ProcessGarbageCollectionStats getGCStats() throws Exception {
// if (!process.getProcessType().equals(ProcessType.Pop)) {
if (process.getProcessJmxUrl() != null && process.getProcessJmxUrl().trim().length() > 0) {
logger.debug("LinuxProcessMetricsProcessor.getGCStats", null, "Collecting GC Stats");
ProcessGarbageCollectionStats gcStats = gcStatsCollector.collect();
return gcStats;
return new ProcessGarbageCollectionStats();
public boolean processIsActive() {
return process.getProcessState().equals(ProcessState.Starting)
|| process.getProcessState().equals(ProcessState.Started)
|| process.getProcessState().equals(ProcessState.Initializing)
|| process.getProcessState().equals(ProcessState.Running);
public void process(Exchange e) {
// if process is stopping or already dead dont collect metrics. The
// Camel route has just been stopped.
if (closed || !processIsActive()) {"LinuxProcessMetricsProcessor.process", null, "Process with PID:"
+ process.getPID()
+ " not in Running or Initializing state. Terminating Process Metrics Collector");
// Spin a thread to terminate Camel route which called this processor.
// This thread will stop the route since the process for which metrics
// collection was started is no longer running. This is a defensive
// measure in cases when a route is not stopped as part of process
// deallocation.
Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
long rssInBytes = getRss();
long totalCpuUsageInNanos = getCpuUsage();
// set CPU time in terms of %
ProcessGarbageCollectionStats gcStats = getGCStats();
process.setGarbageCollectionStats(gcStats);"process", null,
"----------- PID:" + process.getPID() + " RSS:"
+ ((rssInBytes > -1) ? (rssInBytes / (1024 * 1024)) + " MB" : "-1")
+ " Total CPU Time (%):" + process.getCpuTime() + " Delta CPU Time (%):"
+ process.getCurrentCPU() + " Major Faults:" + process.getMajorFaults()
+ " Process Swap Usage:" + process.getSwapUsage() + " Max Swap Usage Allowed:"
+ managedProcess.getMaxSwapThreshold() + " Total GC Collection Count :"
+ gcStats.getCollectionCount() + " Total GC Collection Time :"
+ gcStats.getCollectionTime());
} catch (Exception exc) {
if (!collectStats(process.getProcessState())) {
logger.error("LinuxProcessMetricsProcessor.process", null, exc);
private void killChildProcess(final String pid, final String signal) {
// spawn a thread that will do kill -15, wait for 1 minute and kill the
// process
// hard if it is still alive
(new Thread() {
public void run() {
String c_launcher_path = Utils.resolvePlaceholderIfExists(
System.getProperty("ducc.agent.launcher.ducc_spawn_path"), System.getProperties());
try {
String[] killCmd = null;
String useSpawn = System.getProperty("ducc.agent.launcher.use.ducc_spawn");
if (useSpawn != null && useSpawn.toLowerCase().equals("true")) {
killCmd = new String[] { c_launcher_path, "-u",
((ManagedProcess) managedProcess).getOwner(), "--", "/bin/kill", signal,
((ManagedProcess) managedProcess).getDuccProcess().getPID() };
} else {
killCmd = new String[] { "/bin/kill", "-15",
((ManagedProcess) managedProcess).getDuccProcess().getPID() };
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(killCmd);
Process p = pb.start();
p.wait(1000 * 60); // wait for 1 minute and whack the
// process if still alive
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("killChildProcess", managedProcess.getWorkDuccId(), e);