[UIMA-2560] Eclipse m2e complains about unmapped maven plugins 
* Upgraded maven-bundle-plugin to 2.3.7 which is required for m2e to support the *Embed-Dependency* directive (see FELIX-3061). Note this may require the m2e tycho plugin to work properly. I tried running the CAS Editor before this change and got ClassNotFound exceptions. After the upgrade, the classes were found.
* Removed *inline* from the *Embed-Dependency* directive in uimaj-ep-runtime, because inlined artifacts are not supported by FELIX-3061.
* Removed maven-dependeny-plugin/unpack-dependencies execution from uimaj-ep-runtime.
* Ignoring any runs of the maven-dependency-plugin in the master pom. Affects *docbook processing* and profiles *build simple project binary assembly* and *build OSGi bundle for annotator*. Docbook processing is probably not required in Eclipse builds.
* Goals for plugins *maven-remote-resources-plugin* and *uima-build-helper-maven-plugin* activated per m2e configuration in master pom.

git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/uima/build/branches/UIMA-2560@1432745 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
1 file changed