TWILL-136 Override equals and hashCode for JvmOptions.DebugOptions to test equality

The current code for JvmOptions.DebugOptions does not have equals and hashCode overriden for equality test.

This would cause fail comparison for DebugOptions.NO_DEBUG when being used in YarnTwillPreparer:

final class YarnTwillPreparer implements TwillPreparer {


  public TwillPreparer enableDebugging(boolean doSuspend, String... runnables) {
    this.debugOptions = new JvmOptions.DebugOptions(true, doSuspend, ImmutableSet.copyOf(runnables));
    return this;

  private void saveJvmOptions(Map<String, LocalFile> localFiles) throws IOException {
    if ((extraOptions == null || extraOptions.isEmpty()) &&
      JvmOptions.DebugOptions.NO_DEBUG.equals(this.debugOptions)) {
      // If no vm options, no need to localize the file.


This closes #43 on GitHub

Signed-off-by: Terence Yim <>
2 files changed