tree: 32c993a53d2c1094156768513ae64e5b565551ca [path history] [tgz]
  1. arith/
  2. auto_scheduler/
  3. autotvm/
  4. contrib/
  5. driver/
  6. ir/
  7. node/
  8. parser/
  9. printer/
  10. relay/
  11. runtime/
  12. support/
  13. target/
  14. te/
  15. tir/
  16. topi/

Code Organization

Header files in include are public APIs that share across modules. There can be internal header files within each module that sit in src.


  • support: Internal support utilities.
  • runtime: Minimum runtime related codes.
  • node: base infra for IR/AST nodes that is dialect independent.
  • ir: Common IR infrastructure.
  • tir: Tensor-level IR.
  • te: tensor expression DSL
  • arith: Arithmetic expression and set simplification.
  • relay: Relay IR, high-level optimization.
  • autotvm: The auto-tuning module.
  • contrib: Contrib extension libraries.
  • api: API function registration.
  • driver: Compilation driver APIs.