name: “\U00002744 Flaky Test” about: Report flaky tests, make sure to include link to CI runs, a sample failure log, and the name of the test(s). Find the list of label tags at title: "[Flaky Test] " labels: “needs-triage, test: flaky”

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These tests were found to be flaky (intermittently failing on main or failed in a PR with unrelated changes). As per the docs, these failures will be disabled in a PR that references this issue until the test owners can fix the source of the flakiness.


  • tests/python/

Jenkins Links

  • Please provide link(s) to failed CI runs. If runs are for a PR, explain why your PR did not break the test (e.g. did not touch that part of the codebase)


Please refer to the list of label tags here to find the relevant tags and add them below in a bullet format (example below).

  • needs-triage