tree: 77c1d27af70d58cd1448dd6d569bf1120f4c2684 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  3. Cargo.toml

Resnet example

This end-to-end example shows how to:

  • build Resnet 18 with tvm and nnvm from Python
  • use the provided Rust frontend API to test for an input image

To run the example, first tvm, nnvm and mxnet must be installed for the python build. To install mxnet for cpu, run pip install mxnet and to install tvm and nnvm with llvm follow the TVM installation guide.

  • Build the example: cargo build

To have a successful build, note that it is required to instruct Rust compiler to link to the compiled shared library, for example with println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", build_path). See the for more details.

  • Run the example: cargo run