Hexagon Graph Launcher


The launcher consists of two parts: part running on Hexagon, and part running on Android. Each component must be compiled separately.

The supported Snapdragon architectures are 855, 865, and 888.


  1. Android NDK version r19c or later.
  2. Hexagon SDK version 4.0.0 or later.

Android NDK can be downloaded from https://developer.android.com/ndk. Hexagon SDK is available at //developer.qualcomm.com/software/hexagon-dsp-sdk.

Manual compilation

Since some source files are shared between the Hexagon and android builds, make sure to delete all object files between compilations. Compile the Hexagon code first.

Compilation of the Hexagon part

Create a subdirectory for the build files, and run cmake with the following variables set:

cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/path/to/hexagon-clang     \
      -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/path/to/hexagon-clang++ \
      -DUSE_HEXAGON_ARCH=v65|v66|v68|v69|v73        \
      -DUSE_HEXAGON_SDK=/path/to/hexagon/SDK        \

Run make. This will create liblauncher_rpc_skel.so. The static version of the TVM runtime for Hexagon will be built as a part of the process.

Compilation of the Android part

  1. Create a subdirectory for the build files (different from the one used for Hexagon files), and run cmake with the following variables set:
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/path/to/android-ndk/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake \
      -DANDROID_ABI=arm64-v8a                       \
      -DANDROID_PLATFORM=android-28                 \
      -DUSE_HEXAGON_SDK=/p/Hexagon_SDK/      \
      -DUSE_HEXAGON_ARCH=v65|v66|v68|v69|v73        \

Run make. This will create launcher_android. The TVM runtime for Android will be built as a part of the process. Depending on the version of cmake that you are using, you may see the following warnings---they can be ignored.

An old version of CMake is being used that cannot automatically detect
compiler attributes.  Compiler identification is being bypassed.  Some
values may be wrong or missing.  Update to CMake 3.19 or newer to use
CMake's built-in compiler identification.


From the Android shell, do

./launcher_android --in_config input.json --out_config output.json

You may need to add the location of libtvm_runtime.so to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. See below for more information about the setup and launcher's inputs.

Preparation steps

Copy the following binaries to the device:

  • liblauncher_rpc_skel.so: created by the compilation step for Hexagon,
  • libgcc.so: take this one from the Hexagon toolchain,
  • launcher_android: created by the compilation step for Android,
  • libtvm_runtime.so: built for Android.

These are only the binaries related to the launcher itself. To run a model copy the shared object with the model and the model JSON file over to the device (both are obtained from relay). Also, copy all input files for the model as well.

The following snippet illustrates how to obtain the shared object and the JSON file from a TFLite model (using Inception V3 as an example):

# Skipped imports, etc.

with open("inception_v3.tflite", "rb") as f:
    tflite_model_buf = f.read()
tflite_model = tflite.Model.Model.GetRootAsModel(tflite_model_buf, 0)

shape_dict = { "input": [1,299,299,3] }
dtype_dict = { "input": "float32" }

mod, params = relay.frontend.from_tflite(
    tflite_model, shape_dict=shape_dict, dtype_dict=dtype_dict

target = tvm.target.hexagon('v68')
with tvm.transform.PassContext(opt_level=3):
    lib = relay.build(mod, tvm.target.Target(target, host=target), params=params, mod_name="default")

# Save model.so and model.json:
with open('model.json', 'w') as f:

The final thing is to prepare a JSON configuration file for the launcher. The JSON has two attributes describing the model: model-library and model-json, and an attribute inputs, which is a list of records, one for each input file. An input file record has three attributes: file, shape, and dtype.

Below is an example of the input config file for Inception V3:

  "model-library": "inceptionv3-float32.so",
  "model-json": "inceptionv3-float32.json",
  "inputs" : [
      "file": "panda_299x299_fp.dat",
      "shape": [1,299,299,3],
      "dtype": "float32"

The launcher will then create the output JSON file (with the name given via --out_config) containing information about the execution time and the model outputs. The output JSON file has three attributes: “pcycles”, “usecs” that contain the execution duration in terms of processor cycles and microseconds respectivaly, and an attribute outputs, which is a list of output file records whose syntax is identical to the input file records in the input file. A sample output JSON from running the Inception V3 model may look like

  "pcycles": 112965680178,
  "usecs": 79532302,
  "outputs": [
      "file": "output0.dat",
      "shape": [1, 1001],
      "dtype": "float32"

When using AoT, the target needs to be llvm:

aot_target = "llvm -keys=hexagon -mattr=+hvxv69,+hvx-length128b,+hvx-qfloat,-hvx-ieee-fp -mcpu=hexagonv69 -mtriple=hexagon"
aot_host_target = aot_target

Build the relay module specifying AoT as executor and CPP as runtime, and save it via export_library:

lowered = tvm.relay.build(
    target=tvm.target.Target(aot_target, host=aot_host_target),
    executor=Executor("aot", {"unpacked-api": False, "interface-api": "packed"}),

lowered.export_library("model-aot.so", tvm.contrib.hexagon.link_shared)

Profiling using hexagon launcher

Enabling lightweight profiling (LWP) instrumentation

This profiling option can be used to get function and loop level processor cycles. This needs to be enabled explicitly while compiling a model. For example:

with tvm.transform.PassContext(config={'tir.instrument_lwp':True} ):
    lib = relay.build(...)

Here, instrument_lwp is used to enable the tir pass which instruments the code with the builtin calls.

During codegen, profiling builtin calls can be replaced with a target specific handler to record runtime information into a buffer. This buffer is written into a JSON file which is processed to construct function and loop level profiling information.

To generate LWP JSON file, add --gen_lwp_json flag to launcher_android:

./launcher_android --in_config input.json --out_config output.json --gen_lwp_json

Please note that --gen_lwp_json flag by itself doesn't enable profiling and is only used to dump the profiling data into a json file called lwp.json. This file will be created at the same location on the device where launcher_android is executed from. To generate the data, profiling instrumentation must be enabled while compiling a model as mentioned above.

Use this command to pull lwp.json from the device:

adb -s <DEVICE-ID> pull /path/to/lwp.json

Note: Please refer to src/runtime/hexagon/profiler/README.md for information on how to enable profiling using Hexagon RPC launcher and also to learn about additional profiling related config options.


The launcher does not perform any correctness verification. In order to verify correctness, the user needs to copy the output files from the device and verify their contents.

This launcher is intended for use with prototyping and does not utilize any performance acceleration, as such the measured performance may be very poor.