Use TVMArrayCopyFromBytes API to replace VTA internal function VTABufferCPUPtr (#23)

Current vta deploy example directly use VTABufferCPUPtr function to
access VTA memory, this method may have issue once the VTA memory need
cache flush/invalide and such logic not leverage VTA runtime memory
movement logic which can default handle cache related issue.

VTA runtime already implemented memory copy logic which integrate with
TVMArrayCopy* API and here we use TVMArrayCopyFromBytes function replace this
VTABufferCPUPtr function.
1 file changed
tree: 4aae689c8eb0d3cb66494cd5f7586561769d8a32
  1. apps/
  2. config/
  3. hardware/
  4. include/
  5. src/
  6. tests/
  7. .asf.yaml
  8. .gitignore
  9. Jenkinsfile
  11. NOTICE

VTA Hardware Design Stack

Build Status

VTA (versatile tensor accelerator) is an open-source deep learning accelerator complemented with an end-to-end TVM-based compiler stack.

The key features of VTA include:

  • Generic, modular, open-source hardware
    • Streamlined workflow to deploy to FPGAs.
    • Simulator support to prototype compilation passes on regular workstations.
  • Driver and JIT runtime for both simulator and FPGA hardware back-end.
  • End-to-end TVM stack integration
    • Direct optimization and deployment of models from deep learning frameworks via TVM.
    • Customized and extensible TVM compiler back-end.
    • Flexible RPC support to ease deployment, and program FPGAs with the convenience of Python.