blob: 1e4f1535a78f7ee1a7963b587e9733b51bbac5b4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package unittest
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import chisel3.iotesters.PeekPokeTester
import unittest.util._
import vta.core._
import vta.util.config._
import scala.language.postfixOps
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.experimental.ScalaObjectMapper
class TensorGemmJsonTester(c: TensorGemmPipelinedSplit, fn : String = "/x.json")
extends PeekPokeTester(c) {
val bufferedSource = Source.fromURL(getClass.getResource(fn))
val mapper = new ObjectMapper() with ScalaObjectMapper
val archState = mapper.readValue[Map[String, Object]](bufferedSource.reader())
val inst = archState("inst").asInstanceOf[Map[String,String]]
def build_scratchpad(tag: String) : Array[Array[BigInt]] = {
val arr = archState(tag).asInstanceOf[Seq[Map[String,Object]]]
for {(m,i) <- arr zipWithIndex} yield {
val idx = BigInt(m("idx").asInstanceOf[String], 16)
assert(BigInt(i) == idx)
val vec = m("vec").asInstanceOf[Seq[String]]
for {v <- vec} yield {
BigInt(v, 16)
val inp_scratchpad = build_scratchpad("inp")
val wgt_scratchpad = build_scratchpad("wgt")
val uop_scratchpad = build_scratchpad("uop")
val acc_scratchpad = build_scratchpad("acc_i")
val acc_o_scratchpad = build_scratchpad("acc_o")
poke(, 0)
val dec_reset = BigInt(inst("reset"), 16)
val uop_begin = BigInt(inst("uop_begin"), 16)
val uop_end = BigInt(inst("uop_end"), 16)
assert(uop_begin < uop_end)
val lp_0 = BigInt(inst("lp_0"), 16)
val lp_1 = BigInt(inst("lp_1"), 16)
val acc_0 = BigInt(inst("acc_0"), 16)
val inp_0 = BigInt(inst("inp_0"), 16)
val wgt_0 = BigInt(inst("wgt_0"), 16)
val acc_1 = BigInt(inst("acc_1"), 16)
val inp_1 = BigInt(inst("inp_1"), 16)
val wgt_1 = BigInt(inst("wgt_1"), 16)
poke(, dec_reset)
poke(, uop_begin)
poke(, uop_end)
poke(, lp_0)
poke(, lp_1)
poke(, acc_0)
poke(, acc_1)
poke(, inp_0)
poke(, inp_1)
poke(, wgt_0)
poke(, wgt_1)
// Don't need empty_0,{push,pop}_{next,prev},op
class TensorMasterMock(tm: TensorMaster, scratchpad : Array[Array[BigInt]]) {
poke(tm.rd(0).data.valid, 0)
var valid = peek(tm.rd(0).idx.valid)
var idx : Int = 0
def logical_step() {
if (valid == 1) {
poke(tm.rd(0).data.valid, 1)
val cols = tm.rd(0).data.bits(0).size
for {i <- 0 until tm.rd(0).data.bits.size
j <- 0 until cols
} {
poke(tm.rd(0).data.bits(i)(j), scratchpad(idx)(i*cols + j))
} else {
poke(tm.rd(0).data.valid, 0)
valid = peek(tm.rd(0).idx.valid)
idx = peek(tm.rd(0).idx.bits).toInt
class TensorMasterMockWr(tm: TensorMaster, scratchpad : Array[Array[BigInt]]) {
def logical_step() {
if (peek(tm.wr(0).valid) == 1) {
val idx = peek(tm.wr(0).bits.idx).toInt
val cols = tm.wr(0)
for {
i <- 0 until tm.wr(0)
j <- 0 until cols
} {
scratchpad(idx)(i*cols + j) = peek(tm.wr(0)
class UopMasterMock(um: UopMaster, scratchpad: Array[Array[BigInt]]) {
poke(, 0)
var valid = peek(um.idx.valid)
var idx : Int = 0
def logical_step() {
if (valid == 1) {
poke(, 1)
poke(, scratchpad(idx)(0))
poke(, scratchpad(idx)(1))
poke(, scratchpad(idx)(2))
} else {
poke(, 0)
valid = peek(um.idx.valid)
idx = peek(um.idx.bits).toInt
class Mocks {
val uop_mock = new UopMasterMock(, uop_scratchpad)
val inp_mock = new TensorMasterMock(, inp_scratchpad)
val wgt_mock = new TensorMasterMock(, wgt_scratchpad)
val acc_mock = new TensorMasterMock(, acc_scratchpad)
val acc_mock_wr = new TensorMasterMockWr(, acc_scratchpad)
val uop_indices = new scala.collection.mutable.Queue[BigInt]
val acc_indices = new scala.collection.mutable.Queue[BigInt]
val inp_indices = new scala.collection.mutable.Queue[BigInt]
val wgt_indices = new scala.collection.mutable.Queue[BigInt]
val accout_indices = new scala.collection.mutable.Queue[BigInt]
val out_indices = new scala.collection.mutable.Queue[BigInt]
def logical_step() {
if (peek( == 1) {
expect(, uop_indices.dequeue())
if (peek( == 1) {
expect(, acc_indices.dequeue())
if (peek( == 1) {
expect(, inp_indices.dequeue())
if (peek( == 1) {
expect(, wgt_indices.dequeue())
if (peek( == 1) {
expect(, accout_indices.dequeue())
if (peek( == 1) {
expect(, out_indices.dequeue())
def test_if_done() {
println(s"uop_indices should be empty ${uop_indices.size}")
println(s"acc_indices should be empty ${acc_indices.size}")
println(s"inp_indices should be empty ${inp_indices.size}")
println(s"wgt_indices should be empty ${wgt_indices.size}")
println(s"accout_indices should be empty ${accout_indices.size}")
println(s"out_indices should be empty ${out_indices.size}")
def check() = {
val result = for {
((x,y),idx) <- (acc_scratchpad, acc_o_scratchpad).zipped.toList.zipWithIndex
} yield {
(for {((xx,yy),jdx) <- (x,y).zipped.toList.zipWithIndex} yield {
if (xx != yy) {
println(s"Value mismatch at $idx $jdx: $xx (actual) != $yy (expected)")
xx == yy
}).reduce((x,y) => x&&y)
val result2 = result.reduce((x,y) => x&&y)
val mocks = new Mocks
for {
cnt_o <- BigInt(0) until lp_0
cnt_i <- BigInt(0) until lp_1
uop_idx <- uop_begin until uop_end
} {
val u0 = uop_scratchpad(uop_idx.toInt)(0)
val u1 = uop_scratchpad(uop_idx.toInt)(1)
val u2 = uop_scratchpad(uop_idx.toInt)(2)
mocks.acc_indices.enqueue(u0 + acc_0*cnt_o + acc_1*cnt_i)
mocks.inp_indices.enqueue(u1 + inp_0*cnt_o + inp_1*cnt_i)
mocks.wgt_indices.enqueue(u2 + wgt_0*cnt_o + wgt_1*cnt_i)
mocks.accout_indices.enqueue(u0 + acc_0*cnt_o + acc_1*cnt_i)
if (dec_reset == 0) {
mocks.out_indices.enqueue(u0 + acc_0*cnt_o + acc_1*cnt_i)
poke(, 0)
expect(, c.sIdle)
poke(, 1)
val total_steps = (uop_end-uop_begin)*lp_0*lp_1
val max_count = 100 + 4*total_steps
var count = 0
while (peek( == 0 && count < max_count) {
if (count % 100 == 0) {
println(s"logical_step $count")
if (count == 0) {
poke(, 0)
count += 1
assert(peek( == 1, s"Signal done never high even after $count steps.")
println(s"Signal done high after $count steps.")
expect(, 0)
val cc = mocks.check()
println(s"Checking acc with acc_o ${cc}")
println(s"Total active steps: ${total_steps}")
class TensorGemmJsonTestSingleUopOverflowOffset extends GenericTest("TensorGemmJson", (p:Parameters) =>
new TensorGemmPipelinedSplit()(p),
(c:TensorGemmPipelinedSplit) => new TensorGemmJsonTester(c, "/gemm_1uop_overflow_offset.json"))
class TensorGemmJsonTestDoubleUopOverflowCascaded extends GenericTest("TensorGemmJson", (p:Parameters) =>
new TensorGemmPipelinedSplit()(p),
(c:TensorGemmPipelinedSplit) => new TensorGemmJsonTester(c, "/gemm_2uop_overflow_cascaded.json"))