tree: f812a4739ad11ecb96dd0da86446c68a79ccc7e1 [path history] [tgz]
  1. project/
  2. src/
  3. .gitignore
  4. .scalafmt.conf
  5. build.sbt
  6. Makefile

VTA in Chisel

For contributors who wants to test a chisel module:

  • You can add your test files in src/test/scala/unitttest

  • Add your test name and tests to the test object in src/test/scala/unitttest/Launcher.scala

  • Check out the provided sample test mvm which tests the MatrixVectorComputation module in src/main/scala/core/TensorGemm.scala

  • Running unit tests: make test test_name=your_own test_name