[VTA][TSIM] Enable TSIM CI Testing (#4407)

* Update task_python_vta.sh

* install sbt=1.1.1 with apt-get

* update verilator_opt

* install verilator with major version 4.0

* disable multi-threading for now

* bug fix for correcting uop fetch address in LoadUop module

* bug fix for correcting uop fetch address in LoadUop module

* adjustment to read from dram_offset

* enable USE_THREADS with verilator 4.x

* DEBUG: try avoid core dump with verilator 4.x

* bug fix in LoadUop module

* log mega cycles in tsim

* download cat.png to avoid fetching in each run

* bug fix in LoadUop module

* solve dram_even/sram_even issue

* bug fix

* introduce scalalint in ci

* speedup tsim in ci

* bug fix

* lint scala code before building

* disable multi-threading

* split fsim/tsim script

* update Jenkins settings

* duplicate task_python_vta_fsim.sh as task_python_vta.sh for now

Co-authored-by: Thierry Moreau <tmoreau@octoml.ai>
4 files changed
tree: bb2eb87573dc9e21ce810d1a69833520ed6bb82e
  1. apps/
  2. config/
  3. hardware/
  4. include/
  5. python/
  6. scripts/
  7. src/
  8. tests/
  9. tutorials/
  10. README.md

VTA: Open, Modular, Deep Learning Accelerator Stack

VTA (versatile tensor accelerator) is an open-source deep learning accelerator complemented with an end-to-end TVM-based compiler stack.

The key features of VTA include:

  • Generic, modular, open-source hardware
    • Streamlined workflow to deploy to FPGAs.
    • Simulator support to prototype compilation passes on regular workstations.
  • Driver and JIT runtime for both simulator and FPGA hardware back-end.
  • End-to-end TVM stack integration
    • Direct optimization and deployment of models from deep learning frameworks via TVM.
    • Customized and extensible TVM compiler back-end.
    • Flexible RPC support to ease deployment, and program FPGAs with the convenience of Python.

Learn more about VTA here.