[VTA][TSIM] Verilator compile report error for printf (#3438)

after follow the tsim example readme, doing verilator install by 'sudo apt-get-install verilator'
Once enable 'debug' or manually add 'printf' logic in chisel module, verilator would report
following error.
'syntax error, unexpected INTEGER NUMBER, expecting IDENTIFIER'

upgrade verilator to 4.012, issue fixed.

Link README.md verilator install steps with verilator home website
install instruction.
1 file changed
tree: 2c49c8ced7197e4d363ae109a79584df01c5ebc8
  1. apps/
  2. config/
  3. hardware/
  4. include/
  5. python/
  6. src/
  7. tests/
  8. tutorials/
  9. README.md

VTA: Open, Modular, Deep Learning Accelerator Stack

VTA (versatile tensor accelerator) is an open-source deep learning accelerator complemented with an end-to-end TVM-based compiler stack.

The key features of VTA include:

  • Generic, modular, open-source hardware
    • Streamlined workflow to deploy to FPGAs.
    • Simulator support to prototype compilation passes on regular workstations.
  • Driver and JIT runtime for both simulator and FPGA hardware back-end.
  • End-to-end TVM stack integration
    • Direct optimization and deployment of models from deep learning frameworks via TVM.
    • Customized and extensible TVM compiler back-end.
    • Flexible RPC support to ease deployment, and program FPGAs with the convenience of Python.

Learn more about VTA here.