Update link
1 file changed
tree: 9578e73e3ec59c93e0b9098e5cf3449b99fefff1
  1. _data/
  2. _includes/
  3. _layouts/
  4. _plugins/
  5. _posts/
  6. assets/
  7. css/
  8. images/
  9. scripts/
  10. .asf.yaml
  11. .gitignore
  12. .gitmodules
  13. 404.html
  14. _config.yml
  15. about.html
  16. asf.md
  17. atom.xml
  18. blog.html
  19. categories.html
  20. CNAME
  21. community.md
  22. download.md
  23. Gemfile
  24. history.md
  25. index.md
  26. Jenkinsfile
  27. Rakefile
  28. README.md
  29. rss.xml
  30. serve_local.sh
  31. sitemap.txt
  32. tags.html
  33. vta.md

TVM Project Homepage


  • Install the jekyll and bundler gems gem install bundler jekyll

Serve Locally



We use the script scripts/task_deploy_asf_site.sh to generate and deploy content to the asf-site branch.

The docs folder is not part of the source, they are built separately from the tvm's docs and updated via scripts/task_docs_update.sh