
This RFC documents how to implement unit tests that depend on input parameters, or have setup that depends on input parameters.


Some unit tests should be tested along a variety of parameters for better coverage. For example, a unit test that does not depend on target-specific features could be tested on all targets that the test platform supports. Alternatively, a unit test may need to pass different array sizes to a function, in order to exercise different code paths within that function.

The simplest implementation would be to write a test function that internally loops over all parameters and throws an exception when the test fails. However, this does not give full information to a developer, because pytest does not necessarily include the parameter in the test report. Even when it does, the value will be printed in a different location depending on how the internal loop is written. A unit-test that fails for all targets requires different debugging than a unit-test that fails on a single specific target, and so this information should be exposed.

This RFC adds functionality for implementing parameterized unit tests, such that each set of parameters appears as a separate test result in the final output.

Guide-level explanation


Before you can use a parameter in a test case, you need to register it with pytest. Do this with the tvm.testing.parameter function. For example, the following will define a parameter named array_size that has three possible values. This can appear either at global scope inside a test module to be usable by all test functions in that module, or in a directory's to be usable by all tests in that directory.

array_size = tvm.testing.parameter(8, 256, 1024)

To use a parameter, define a test function that accepts the parameter as an input, using the same argument name as was used above in the parameter registration. This test will be run once for each value of the parameter. For example, the test_function below would be run three times, each time with a different value of array_size according to the earlier definition. These would show up in the output report as test_function[8], test_function[256], and test_function[1024], with the name of the parameter as part of the function.

def test_function(array_size):
    input_array = np.random.uniform(size=array_size)
    # Test code here

If a parameter is used by a test function, but isn't declared as a function argument, it will produce a NameError when accessed. This happens even if the parameter is defined at module scope, and would otherwise be accessible by the usual scoping rules. This is intentional, as access of the global variable would otherwise access an array_size function definition, rather than the specific parameter value.

def test_function_broken():
    # Throws NameError, undefined variable "array_size"
    input_array = np.random.uniform(size=array_size)
    # Test code here

By default, a test function that accepts multiple parameters as arguments will be run for all combinations of values of those parameters. If only some combinations of parameters should be used, the tvm.testing.parameters function can be used to simultaneously define multiple parameters. A test function that accepts parameters that were defined through tvm.testing.parameters will only be called once for each set of parameters.

array_size = tvm.testing.parameter(8, 256, 1024)
dtype = tvm.testing.parameter('float32', 'int32')

# Called 6 times, once for each combination of array_size and dtype.
def test_function1(array_size, dtype):

test_data, reference_result = tvm.testing.parameters(
    ('test_data_1.dat', 'result_1.txt'),
    ('test_data_2.dat', 'result_2.txt'),
    ('test_data_3.dat', 'result_3.txt'),

# Called 3 times, once for each (test_data, reference_result) tuple.
def test_function3(test_data, reference_result):


Fixtures in pytest separate setup code from test code, and are used for two primary purposes. The first is for improved readability when debugging, so that a failure in the setup is distinguishable from a failure in the test. The second is to avoid performing expensive test setup that is shared across multiple tests, letting the test suite run faster.

For example, the following function first reads test data, and then performs tests that use the test data.

# test_function_old() calls read_test_data().  If read_test_data()
# throws an error, test_function_old() shows as a failed test.

def test_function_old():
    dataset = read_test_data()
    assert(True) # Test succeeds

This can be pulled out into a separate setup function, which the test function then accepts as an argument. In this usage, this is equivalent to using a bare @pytest.fixture decorator. By default, the fixture value is recalculated for every test function, to minimize the potential for interaction between unit tests.

def dataset():
    print('Prints once for each test function that uses dataset.')
    return read_test_data()

# test_function_new() accepts the dataset fixture.  If
# read_test_data() throws an error, test_function_new() shows
# as unrunnable.
def test_function_new(dataset):
    assert(True) # Test succeeds

If the fixture is more expensive to calculate, then it may be worth caching the computed fixture. This is done with the cache_return_value=True argument.

@tvm.testing.fixture(cache_return_value = True)
def dataset():
    print('Prints once no matter how many test functions use dataset.')
    return download_test_data()

def test_function(dataset):
    assert(True) # Test succeeds

The caching can be disabled entirely by setting the environment variable TVM_TEST_DISABLE_CACHE to a non-zero integer. This can be useful to re-run tests that failed, to check whether the failure is due to modification/re-use of a cached value.

A fixture can also depend on parameters or on other fixtures. This is defined by accepting additional parameters. For example, consider the following test function. In this example, the calculation of correct_output depends on the test data, and the schedule depends on some block size. The generate_output function contains the functionality to be tested.

def test_function_old():
    dataset = download_test_data()
    correct_output = calculate_correct_output(dataset)
    for block_size in [8, 256, 1024]:
        schedule = setup_schedule(block_size)
        output = generate_output(dataset, schedule)
        tvm.testing.assert_allclose(output, correct_output)

These can be split out into separate parameters and fixtures to isolate the functionality to be tested. Whether to split out the setup code, and whether to cache it is dependent on the test function, how expensive the setup is to perform the setup, whether other tests can share the same setup code, and so on.

@tvm.testing.fixture(cache_return_value = True)
def dataset():
    return download_test_data()
def correct_output(dataset):
    return calculate_correct_output(dataset)
array_size = tvm.testing.parameter(8, 256, 1024)

def schedule(array_size):
    return setup_schedule(array_size)
def test_function_new(dataset, correct_output, schedule):
    output = generate_output(dataset, schedule)
    tvm.testing.assert_allclose(output, correct_output)

Target/Device Parametrization

The global TVM test configuration contains definitions for target and dev, which can be accepted as input by any test function. These replace the previous use of tvm.testing.enabled_targets().

def test_function_old():
    for target, dev in tvm.testing.enabled_targets():
        assert(True) # Target-based test
def test_function_new(target, dev):
    assert(True) # Target-based test

The parametrized values of target are read from the environment variable TVM_TEST_TARGETS, a semicolon-separated list of targets. If TVM_TEST_TARGETS is not defined, the target list falls back to tvm.testing.DEFAULT_TEST_TARGETS. All parametrized targets have appropriate markers for checking device capability (e.g. @tvm.testing.uses_gpu). If a platform cannot run a test, it is explicitly listed as being skipped.

It is expected both that enabling unit tests across additional targets may uncover several unit tests failures, and that some unit tests may fail during the early implementation of supporting a new runtime or hardware. In these cases, the @tvm.testing.known_failing_targets decorator can be used. This marks a test with pytest.xfail, allowing the test suite to pass. This is intended for cases where an implementation will be improved in the future.

def test_function(target, dev):
    # Test fails on new target, but marking as xfail allows CI suite
    # to pass during development.
    assert(target != "my_newly_implemented_target")

If a test should be run over a most targets, but isn't applicable for some particular targets, the test should be marked with @tvm.testing.exclude_targets. For example, a test that exercises GPU capabilities may wish to be run against all targets except for llvm.

def test_gpu_functionality(target, dev):
    # Test isn't run on llvm, is excluded from the report entirely.
    assert(target != "llvm")

If a testing should be run over only a specific set of targets and devices, the @tvm.testing.parametrize_targets decorator can be used. It is intended for use where a test is applicable only to a specific target, and is inapplicable to any others (e.g. verifying target-specific assembly code matches known assembly code). In most circumstances, @tvm.testing.exclude_targets or @tvm.testing.known_failing_targets should be used instead. For example, a test that verifies vulkan-specific code generation should be marked with @tvm.testing.parametrize_targets("vulkan").

def test_vulkan_codegen(target):
    f =, target)
    assembly = f.imported_modules[0].get_source()
    assert("%v4bool = OpTypeVector %bool 4" in assembly)

The bare decorator @tvm.testing.parametrize_targets is maintained for backwards compatibility, but is no longer the preferred style.

Running Test Subsets

Individual python test files are no longer executable outside of the pytest framework. To maintain the existing behavior of running the tests defined in a particular file, the following change should be made.

# Before
if __name__=='__main__':
# After
if __name__=='__main__':

Alternatively, single files, single tests, or single parameterizations of tests can be explicitly specified when calling pytest.

# Run all tests in a file
python3 -mpytest

# Run all parameterizations of a single test
python3 -mpytest

# Run a single parameterization of a single test.  The brackets should
# contain the parameters as listed in the pytest verbose output.
python3 -mpytest '[1024]'

Cache-Related Debugging

If test failure is suspected to be due to multiple tests having access to the same cached value, the source of the cross-talk can be narrowed down with the following steps.

  1. Test with TVM_TEST_DISABLE_CACHE=1. If the error stops, then the issue is due to some cache-related cross-talk.

  2. Reduce the number of parameters being used for a single unit test, overriding the global parameter definition by marking it with @pytest.mark.parametrize. If the error stops, then the issue is due to cross-talk between different parametrizations of a single test.

  3. Run a single test function using python3 -mpytest path/to/my/ If the error stops, then the issue is due to cross-talk between the failing unit test and some other unit test in the same file.

    1. If it is due to cross-talk between multiple unit tests, run the failing unit test alongside each other unit test in the same file that makes use of the cached fixture. This is the same command-line as above, but passing multiple test cases as arguments. If the error stops when run with a particular unit test, then that test is the one that is modifying the cached fixture.
  4. Run a single test function on its own, with a single parametrization, using python3 -mpytest path/to/my/[parameter_value]. If the error still occurs, and is still avoided by using TVM_TEST_DISABLE_CACHE=1, then the error is in tvm.testing._fixture_cache.

Reference-level explanation

Both tvm.testing.parameter and tvm.testing.fixture are implemented on top of pytest.fixture. A call to tvm.testing.parameter defines a fixture that takes specific values. The following two definitions of array_size are equivalent.

# With new functionality
array_size = tvm.testing.parameter(8, 256, 1024)

# With vanilla pytest functionality
@pytest.fixture(params=[8, 256, 1024])
def array_size(request):
    return request.param

The @tvm.testing.fixture without any arguments is equivalent to the @pytest.fixture without any arguments.

def test_data(array_size):
    return np.random.uniform(size=array_size)
def test_data(array_size):
    return np.random.uniform(size=array_size)

The @tvm.testing.fixture(cached_return_value=True) does not have a direct analog in vanilla pytest. While pytest does allow for re-use of fixtures between functions, it only ever maintains a single cached value of each fixture. This works in cases where only a single cached value is required, but causes repeated calls to setup code if a test requires multiple different cached values. This can be reduced by careful ordering of the pytest fixture scopes, but cannot be completely eliminated. The different possible cache usage in vanilla pytest, and with tvm.testing.fixture are shown below.

# Possible ordering of tests if `target` is defined in a tighter scope
# than `array_size`.  The call to `generate_setup2` is repeated.
for array_size in array_sizes:
    setup1 = generate_setup1(array_size)
    for target in targets:
        setup2 = generate_setup2(target)
        run_test(setup1, setup2)
# Possible ordering of tests if `target` is defined in a tighter scope
# than `array_size`.  The call to `generate_setup2` is repeated. 
for target in targets:
    setup2 = generate_setup2(target)
    for array_size in array_sizes:
        setup1 = generate_setup1(array_size)
        run_test(setup1, setup2)
# Pseudo-code equivalent of `tvm.testing.fixture(cache_return_value=True)`.  
# No repeated calls to setup code.
cache_setup1 = {}
cache_setup2 = {}
for array_size in array_sizes:
    for target in targets:
        if array_size in cache_setup1:
            setup1 = cache_setup1[array_size]
            setup1 = cache_setup1[array] = generate_setup1(array_size)

        if target in cache_setup2:
            setup2 = cache_setup2[target]
            setup2 = cache_setup2[target] = generate_setup2(target)

        run_test(setup1, setup2)

del cache_setup1
del cache_setup2

The cache for a fixture defined with tvm.testing.fixture is cleared after all tests using that fixture are completed, to avoid excessive memory usage.

If a test function is marked with @pytest.mark.parametrize for a parameter that is also defined with tvm.testing.parameter, the test function uses only the parameters in @pytest.mark.parametrize. This allows an individual function to override the parameter definitions if needed. Any parameter-dependent fixture are also determined based on the values in @pytest.mark.parametrize.


  • This makes the individual unit tests be more dependent on the test framework and setup. Incorrect setup may result in confusing test results.

  • Caching setup between different tests introduces potential cross-talk between tests. While this risk is also present when looping over parameter values, separating cached values out into fixtures hides that potential cross-talk.

Rationale and alternatives

  • Option: Explicitly loop over parameter values or tvm.testing.enabled_parameters in the test function. (Most common previous usage.)

    • Pros:

      • Explicit at the definition of a test function.
    • Cons:

      • Requires opt-in at each test functions.
      • Doesn't report information on which parameter value(s) failed.
  • Option: Use @tvm.testing.parametrize_targets as a bare fixture. (Previously implemented behavior, less common usage.)

    • Pros:

      • Explicit at the definition of a test function.
    • Cons:

      • Requires opt-in at each test function.
      • Doesn't provide functionality for shared setup.
  • Option: Pararametrize using @pytest.mark.parametrize rather than tvm.testing.parameter.

    • Pros:

      • Would explicitly show the parameter values next to the function it applies to.
    • Cons:

      • Must be explicitly added at each test function definition.
      • Extending the parameters that apply across all tests in a file/directory requires updating several locations.
      • Similar parameters (e.g. 1000 vs 1024 for an array length) would be defined at separate locations, and would then require separate fixture setup.

Prior art

  • pytest.mark.parametrize exists to combine several related unit tests into a single function with varying parameters. However, it must be applied to each individual python function.

  • pytest.fixture Both TVM parameters and fixtures are built on top of the existing pytest functionality for parametrizations. While pytest's default fixtures can be cached using the scope parameter, only a single cached value is retained at any time, which can lead to repetition of expensive fixture setup.

Unresolved questions

  • What values are appropriate to cache using @tvm.testing.fixture(cache_return_value=True)? Should non-serializable values be allowed?

    If only serializable values are allowed to be cached, this may aid in debugging, since the values of all test parameters and cached fixtures could be saved and reproduced. Currently, nearly all cases (e.g. datasets, array sizes, targets) are serializable. The only non-serializable case after brainstorming would be RPC server connections. There is some concern that caching RPC server connections could cause difficulties in reproducing test failures.

    Current proposed answer is to only cache serializable values, and that the discussion can be resumed when we have other possible use cases for caching non-serializable values.

    For the time-being, both to prevent non-serializable values from being cached, and to maintain separation between unit tests, all cached values will be copied using copy.deepcopy prior to returning the generated value.

Future possibilities

  • Parameters common across many tests could be defined at a larger scope (e.g. ${TVM_HOME}/ and be usable in a file without additional declaration.

  • Parameters common across many tests could have additional randomly generated values added to the list, adding fuzzing to the tests.

  • Parametrized unit tests interact very nicely with the pytest-benchmark plugin for comparing low-level functionality. For example, the definition below would benchmark and record statistics for the runtime to copy data from a device to the CPU, with the benchmarks tagged by the parameter values of array_size, dtype, and target. The benchmarking can be disabled by default and run only with the --benchmark-enable command-line argument.

    def test_copy_data_from_device(benchmark, array_size, dtype, dev):
        A = tvm.te.placeholder((array_size,), name="A", dtype=dtype)
        a_np = np.random.uniform(size=(array_size,)).astype(A.dtype)
        a = tvm.nd.array(a_np, dev)
        b_np = benchmark(a.numpy)
        tvm.testing.assert_allclose(a_np, b_np)