blob: fc82c39310ad1fcee536f26d1b55327382aa6663 [file] [log] [blame]
Tuscany SDO for ${sdo.version} Binary Distribution Readme File
See the LICENSE, DISCLAIMER and NOTICE files for legal information concerning this distribution.
See the RELEASE_NOTES file for a summary of what's new with this release.
See the INSTALL file for instructions on how to use Tuscany SDO Java provided in this binary distribution.
See the docs/javadoc/sdo-samples/index.html file for instructions on how to run the sample programs.
For general documentation about the Tuscany project and the SDO for Java, see the Tuscany website
This distribution contains javadoc for the SDO 2.1 API, the Tuscany SDO extensions API, and the Tuscany SDO samples.
Sample source code is included with this binary distribution.