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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* The JSON-RPC client code is based on Jan-Klaas' JavaScript
* o lait library (jsolait).
* $Id: jsonrpc.js,v 2006/03/08 15:09:37 mclark Exp $
* Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Jan-Klaas Kollhof
* Copyright (c) 2005 Michael Clark, Metaparadigm Pte Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* Client component wiring API, supporting JSON and ATOM bindings.
var JSONClient = {};
* Escape a character.
JSONClient.escapeJSONChar = function(c) {
if(c == "\"" || c == "\\") return "\\" + c;
if (c == "\b") return "\\b";
if (c == "\f") return "\\f";
if (c == "\n") return "\\n";
if (c == "\r") return "\\r";
if (c == "\t") return "\\t";
var hex = c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
if(hex.length == 1) return "\\u000" + hex;
if(hex.length == 2) return "\\u00" + hex;
if(hex.length == 3) return "\\u0" + hex;
return "\\u" + hex;
* Encode a string into JSON format.
JSONClient.escapeJSONString = function(s) {
// The following should suffice but Safari's regex is broken (doesn't support callback substitutions)
// return "\"" + s.replace(/([^\u0020-\u007f]|[\\\"])/g, JSONClient.escapeJSONChar) + "\"";
// Rather inefficient way to do it
var parts = s.split("");
for(var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
var c = parts[i];
if(c == '"' || c == '\\' || c.charCodeAt(0) < 32 || c.charCodeAt(0) >= 128)
parts[i] = JSONClient.escapeJSONChar(parts[i]);
return "\"" + parts.join("") + "\"";
* Marshall objects to JSON format.
JSONClient.toJSON = function(o) {
if(o == null)
return "null";
if(o.constructor == String)
return JSONClient.escapeJSONString(o);
if(o.constructor == Number)
return o.toString();
if(o.constructor == Boolean)
return o.toString();
if(o.constructor == Date)
return '{javaClass: "java.util.Date", time: ' + o.valueOf() +'}';
if(o.constructor == Array) {
var v = [];
for(var i = 0; i < o.length; i++)
return "[" + v.join(", ") + "]";
var v = [];
for(attr in o) {
if(o[attr] == null)
v.push("\"" + attr + "\": null");
else if(typeof o[attr] == "function")
; // Skip
v.push(JSONClient.escapeJSONString(attr) + ": " + JSONClient.toJSON(o[attr]));
return "{" + v.join(", ") + "}";
* Construct an HTTPBindingClient.
function HTTPBindingClient(name, uri, domain) { = name;
this.domain = domain;
this.uri = uri;
this.apply = this.createApplyMethod();
* JSON-RPC request counter.
HTTPBindingClient.jsonrpcID = 1;
* HTTPBindingClient implementation
* Generate client proxy apply method.
HTTPBindingClient.prototype.createApplyMethod = function() {
var fn = function() {
var methodName = arguments[0];
var args = [];
for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++)
var cb = null;
if (typeof args[args.length - 1] == "function")
cb = args.pop();
var req = HTTPBindingClient.makeJSONRequest(methodName, args, cb);
return fn.client.jsonApply(req);
fn.client = this;
return fn;
* Make a JSON-RPC request.
HTTPBindingClient.makeJSONRequest = function(methodName, args, cb) {
var req = {}; = HTTPBindingClient.jsonrpcID++;
if (cb)
req.cb = cb;
var obj = {}; =;
obj.method = methodName;
obj.params = args; = JSONClient.toJSON(obj);
return req;
* Return the JSON result from an XMLHttpRequest.
HTTPBindingClient.jsonResult = function(http) {
// Get the charset
function httpCharset(http) {
try {
var contentType = http.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
var parts = contentType.split(/\s*;\s*/);
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
if (parts[i].substring(0, 8) == "charset=")
return parts[i].substring(8, parts[i].length);
} catch (e) {}
return "UTF-8";
HTTPBindingClient.charset = httpCharset(http);
// Unmarshall the JSON response
var obj;
eval("obj = " + http.responseText);
throw new HTTPBindingClient.Exception(obj.error.code, obj.error.msg);
var res = obj.result;
return res;
* Apply a function remotely using JSON-RPC.
HTTPBindingClient.prototype.jsonApply = function(req) {
// Connect to the service
var http = HTTPBindingClient.getHTTPRequest();
var hascb = req.cb? true : false;"POST", this.uri, hascb);
http.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json-rpc");
// Construct call back if we have one
if(hascb) {
http.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(http.readyState == 4) {
// Pass the result or exception
if(http.status == 200) {
var res = null;
try {
res = HTTPBindingClient.jsonResult(http);
try {
} catch(cbe) {}
} catch(e) {
try {
req.cb(null, e);
} catch(cbe) {}
} else
try {
req.cb(null, HTTPBindingClient.Exception(http.status, http.statusText));
} catch(cbe) {}
// Send the request
// Send the request and return the result or exception
if (http.status == 200)
return HTTPBindingClient.jsonResult(http);
throw new HTTPBindingClient.Exception(http.status, http.statusText);
* REST GET method.
HTTPBindingClient.prototype.get = function(id, cb) {
var u = id? (this.uri? this.uri + '/' + id : id) : this.uri;
var hascb = cb? true : false;
// Get from local storage first
var item = localStorage.getItem(u);
//log('localStorage.getItem', u, item);
if (item != null && item != '') {
if (!hascb)
return item;
// Pass local result to callback
try {
} catch (cbe) {}
// Connect to the service
var http = HTTPBindingClient.getHTTPRequest();"GET", u, hascb);
// Construct call back if we have one
if (hascb) {
http.onreadystatechange = function() {
//log('readystate', http.readyState, 'status', http.status, 'headers', http.getAllResponseHeaders());
if (http.readyState == 4) {
// Pass result if different from local result
if (http.status == 200) {
if (http.getResponseHeader("X-Login") != null) {
// Detect redirect to a login page
try {
cb(null, new HTTPBindingClient.Exception(403, 'X-Login'));
} catch(cbe) {}
} else if (http.responseText == '' || http.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") == null) {
// Report empty response
try {
cb(null, new HTTPBindingClient.Exception(403, 'No-Content'));
} catch(cbe) {}
} else {
if (item == null || http.responseText != item) {
// Store retrieved entry in local storage
if (http.responseText != null) {
//log('localStorage.setItem', u, http.responseText);
localStorage.setItem(u, http.responseText);
try {
} catch(cbe) {}
else {
// Pass exception if we didn't have a local result
if (item == null) {
try {
cb(null, new HTTPBindingClient.Exception(http.status, http.statusText));
} catch(cbe) {}
// Send the request
return true;
// Send the request and return the result or exception
if (http.status == 200) {
if (http.getResponseHeader("X-Login") != null) {
// Detect redirect to a login page
throw new HTTPBindingClient.Exception(403, 'X-Login');
} else if (http.responseText == '' || http.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") == null) {
// Report empty response
throw new HTTPBindingClient.Exception(403, 'No-Content');
return http.responseText;
throw new HTTPBindingClient.Exception(http.status, http.statusText);
* REST GET method, does not use the local cache.
HTTPBindingClient.prototype.getnocache = function(id, cb) {
var u = id? (this.uri? this.uri + '/' + id : id) : this.uri;
var hascb = cb? true : false;
// Connect to the service
var http = HTTPBindingClient.getHTTPRequest();"GET", u, hascb);
// Construct call back if we have one
if (hascb) {
http.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (http.readyState == 4) {
if (http.status == 200) {
if (http.getResponseHeader("X-Login") != null) {
// Detect redirect to a login page
try {
return cb(null, new HTTPBindingClient.Exception(403, 'X-Login'));
} catch(cbe) {}
} else if (http.responseText == '' || http.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") == null) {
// Report empty response
try {
return cb(null, new HTTPBindingClient.Exception(403, 'No-Content'));
} catch(cbe) {}
} else {
try {
} catch(cbe) {}
} else {
try {
cb(null, new HTTPBindingClient.Exception(http.status, http.statusText));
} catch(cbe) {}
// Send the request
return true;
// Send the request and return the result or exception
if (http.status == 200) {
if (http.getResponseHeader("X-Login") != null) {
// Detect redirect to a login page
throw new HTTPBindingClient.Exception(403, 'X-Login');
} else if (http.responseText == '' || http.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") == null) {
// Report empty response
throw new HTTPBindingClient.Exception(403, 'No-Content');
return http.responseText;
throw new HTTPBindingClient.Exception(http.status, http.statusText);
* REST POST method.
*/ = function (entry, cb) {
// Connect to the service
var http = HTTPBindingClient.getHTTPRequest();
var hascb = cb? true : false;"POST", this.uri, hascb);
http.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/atom+xml");
// Construct call back if we have one
if (hascb) {
http.onreadystatechange = function() {
// Pass the result or exception
if (http.readyState == 4) {
if (http.status == 201) {
try {
} catch(cbe) {}
else {
try {
cb(null, new HTTPBindingClient.Exception(http.status, http.statusText));
} catch(cbe) {}
// Send the request
return true;
// Send the request and return the result or exception
if (http.status == 201)
return http.responseText;
throw new HTTPBindingClient.Exception(http.status, http.statusText);
* REST PUT method.
HTTPBindingClient.prototype.put = function (id, entry, cb) {
var u = this.uri + '/' + id;
// Update local storage
localStorage.setItem(u, entry);
//log('localStorage.setItem', u, entry);
// Connect to the service
var http = HTTPBindingClient.getHTTPRequest();
var hascb = cb? true : false;"PUT", u, hascb);
http.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/atom+xml");
// Construct call back if we have one
if (hascb) {
http.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (http.readyState == 4) {
// Pass any exception
if (http.status == 200) {
try {
} catch(cbe) {}
} else {
try {
cb(new HTTPBindingClient.Exception(http.status, http.statusText));
} catch(cbe) {}
// Send the request
return true;
// Send the request and return any exception
if (http.status == 200)
return true;
throw new HTTPBindingClient.Exception(http.status, http.statusText);
* REST DELETE method.
HTTPBindingClient.prototype.del = function (id, cb) {
var u = this.uri + '/' + id;
// Update local storage
//log('localStorage.removeItem', u);
// Connect to the service
var http = HTTPBindingClient.getHTTPRequest();
var hascb = cb? true : false;"DELETE", u, hascb);
// Construct call back if we have one
if (cb) {
http.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (http.readyState == 4) {
// Pass any exception
if (http.status == 200) {
try {
} catch(cbe) {}
else {
try {
cb(new HTTPBindingClient.Exception(http.status, http.statusText));
} catch(cbe) {}
// Send the request
return true;
// Send the request and return any exception
if (http.status == 200)
return true;
throw new HTTPBindingClient.Exception(http.status, http.statusText);
* HTTPBindingClient exceptions.
HTTPBindingClient.Exception = function(code, message) { = "HTTPBindingClientException";
this.code = code;
this.message = message;
HTTPBindingClient.Exception.prototype = new Error();
HTTPBindingClient.Exception.prototype.toString = function() {
return + ": " + this.message;
* XMLHttpRequest wrapper.
HTTPBindingClient.msxmlNames = [ "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.5.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.4.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" ];
HTTPBindingClient.getHTTPRequest = function() {
if (HTTPBindingClient.httpFactory)
return HTTPBindingClient.httpFactory();
// Mozilla XMLHttpRequest
try {
HTTPBindingClient.httpFactory = function() {
return new XMLHttpRequest();
return HTTPBindingClient.httpFactory();
} catch(e) {}
// Microsoft MSXML ActiveX
for (var i = 0; i < HTTPBindingClient.msxmlNames.length; i++) {
try {
HTTPBindingClient.httpFactory = function() {
return new ActiveXObject(HTTPBindingClient.msxmlNames[i]);
return HTTPBindingClient.httpFactory();
} catch (e) {}
// Can't create XMLHttpRequest
HTTPBindingClient.httpFactory = null;
throw new HTTPBindingClient.Exception(0, "Can't create XMLHttpRequest object");
* Public API.
var sca = {};
* Return an HTTP client proxy.
sca.httpclient = function(name, uri, domain) {
return new HTTPBindingClient(name, uri, domain);
* Return a component proxy.
sca.component = function(name, domain) {
if (!domain)
return new HTTPBindingClient(name, '/c/' + name, domain);
return new HTTPBindingClient(name, '/a/' + domain + '/c/' + name, domain);
* Return a reference proxy.
sca.reference = function(comp, rname) {
if (!comp.domain)
return new HTTPBindingClient( + '/' + rname, '/r/' + + '/' + rname, comp.domain);
return new HTTPBindingClient( + '/' + rname, '/a/' + comp.domain + '/r/' + + '/' + rname, comp.domain);
* Add proxy functions to a reference proxy.
sca.defun = function(ref) {
function defapply(name) {
return function() {
var args = new Array();
args[0] = name;
for (i = 0, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++)
args[i + 1] = arguments[i];
return this.apply.apply(this, args);
for (f = 1; f < arguments.length; f++) {
var fn = arguments[f];
ref[fn]= defapply(fn);
return ref;