blob: 7b8943ba3b9ab767dc944d177be45e0184c6ff85 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
dojo.declare("tuscany.AtomService", null, {
contentType: "application/atom+xml" /*application/atom+json*/,
contentHandler: "xml" /*json*/,
constructor: function(args){
//url : Take a string as a url that points to the atom feed
//contentType : Take the contentType to use when retrieving the atom feed
var argUrl;
var argContentType;
if( dojo.isArray(args) ) {
argUrl = args[0];
argContentType = args[1];
} else {
argUrl = args;
//if the arg is a string, we assume it is a url to the atom feed
if( (dojo.isString(argUrl)) || (argUrl instanceof dojo._Url)){
if (argUrl instanceof dojo._Url){
this.url = argUrl + "";
this.url = argUrl;
if(argContentType) {
if(dojo.isString(argContentType)) {
if (argContentType == "application/atom+xml") {
this.contentType = argContentType;
this.contentHandler = "xml";
} else if (argContentType == "application/atom+json") {
this.contentType = argContentType;
this.contentHandler = "json";
get: function(id /*string*/) {
//The parameters to pass to xhrGet, the url, how to handle it, and the callbacks.
var xhrArgs = {
url: this.url + "/" + id,
handleAs: this.contentHandler,
headers: {"Accept": this.contentType}
//Call the asynchronous xhrGet
var deferred = dojo.xhrGet(xhrArgs);
alert("An unexpected error occurred: " + error);
return deferred;
post: function( entry /*entry object*/) {
//The parameters to pass to xhrGet, the url, how to handle it, and the callbacks.
var xhrArgs = {
url: this.url,
handleAs: this.contentHandler,
headers: {"Accept": this.contentType,
"Content-Type": this.contentType},
postData: entry
//Call the asynchronous xhrGet
var deferred = dojo.xhrPost(xhrArgs);
alert("An unexpected error occurred: " + error);
return deferred;
put: function(id /*string*/, entry /*entry object*/) {
//The parameters to pass to xhrGet, the url, how to handle it, and the callbacks.
var xhrArgs = {
url: this.url + "/" + id,
handleAs: this.contentHandler,
headers: {"Accept": this.contentType,
"Content-Type": this.contentType},
postData: entry
//Call the asynchronous xhrGet
var deferred = dojo.xhrPut(xhrArgs);
alert("An unexpected error occurred: " + error);
return deferred;
del: function(id /*string*/) {
//The parameters to pass to xhrGet, the url, how to handle it, and the callbacks.
var xhrArgs = {
url: this.url + "/" + id,
handleAs: this.contentHandler,
headers: {"Accept": this.contentType}
//Call the asynchronous xhrGet
var deferred = dojo.xhrDelete(xhrArgs);
alert("An unexpected error occurred: " + error);
return deferred;