blob: 294b25422993033365120de95c286109f1f31fb7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright(C) OASIS(R) 2005,2010. All Rights Reserved.
* OASIS trademark, IPR and other policies apply.
* The SCA Constants interface defines a number of constant values
* that are used in the SCA Java APIs and Annotations.
* <p> The serialized QNames are used with the @Requires annotation
* to specify a policy intent. The policy intent strings in this
* interface do not have a corresponding Java annotation, so these
* policy intents have to be specified through the use of the
* @Requires annotation.
public interface Constants {
* The SCA V1.1 namespace.
String SCA_NS = "";
* The serialized form of the SCA namespace for construction of QNames.
String SCA_PREFIX = "{"+SCA_NS+"}";
* The serialized QName of the serverAuthentication policy intent.
String SERVERAUTHENTICATION = SCA_PREFIX + "serverAuthentication";
* The serialized QName of the clientAuthentication policy intent.
String CLIENTAUTHENTICATION = SCA_PREFIX + "clientAuthentication";
* The serialized QName of the atleastOnce policy intent.
String ATLEASTONCE = SCA_PREFIX + "atLeastOnce";
* The serialized QName of the atMostOnce policy intent.
String ATMOSTONCE = SCA_PREFIX + "atMostOnce";
* The serialized QName of the exactlyOnce policy intent.
String EXACTLYONCE = SCA_PREFIX + "exactlyOnce";
* The serialized QName of the ordered policy intent.
String ORDERED = SCA_PREFIX + "ordered";
* The serialized QName of the transactedOneWay policy intent.
String TRANSACTEDONEWAY = SCA_PREFIX + "transactedOneWay";
* The serialized QName of the immediateOneWay policy intent.
String IMMEDIATEONEWAY = SCA_PREFIX + "immediateOneWay";
* The serialized QName of the propagatesTransaction policy intent.
String PROPAGATESTRANSACTION = SCA_PREFIX + "propagatesTransaction";
* The serialized QName of the suspendsTransaction policy intent.
String SUSPENDSTRANSACTION = SCA_PREFIX + "suspendsTransaction";
* The serialized QName of the asyncInvocation policy intent.
String ASYNCINVOCATION = SCA_PREFIX + "asyncInvocation";
* The serialized QName of the SOAP policy intent.
* The serialized QName of the JMS policy intent.
String JMS = SCA_PREFIX + "JMS";
* The serialized QName of the noListener policy intent.
String NOLISTENER = SCA_PREFIX + "noListener";
* The serialized QName of the EJB policy intent.
String EJB = SCA_PREFIX + "EJB";