blob: 6e65bc69e64816ccf20978f66dc9964d18d44c52 [file] [log] [blame]
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<title>Fulcrum Localization</title>
<author email="">Eric Pugh</author>
<release version="1.0.8" date="in SVN">
<release version="1.0.7" date="2019-01-23">
<action dev="painter" type="update">
Moved changes.xml location for inclusion in report generation
<action dev="painter" type="update">
Update to Java 8
<action dev="painter" type="update">
Added commons-lang3
<action dev="painter" type="update">
Update unit tests to BaseUnit5Test
<action dev="painter" type="update">
Update to yaafi-1.0.8 and testcontainer 1.0.8
<release version="1.0.6" date="2009-06-18">
<action dev="tv" type="add">
Added a Maven-2 build.
<action dev="tv" type="add">
Split the service into a simple one that does not depend on servlet-api
and an extended one that does. This allows to use the service in non-web
environments without hassles.
<action dev="epugh" type="update" due-to="Kostyantyn Shchekotykhin">
Fix unit tests to run properly in non US english environments.
<release version="1.0.5" date="2004-11-24">
<action dev="epugh" type="update" due-to="Kostyantyn Shchekotykhin">
Merge api and impl jars into one project.
<action dev="epugh" type="remove">
Remove Localization, it was a facade that shouldn't be here.
Facade's of this nature are specific to the user...
<action dev="epugh" type="update">
Tweak dependencies to build under gump.
<action dev="epugh" type="update">
Bump versions, clean up dependencies
<release version="1.0.4" date="">
<action dev="epugh" type="update">
Use inherited getLogger() instead of Log in classes
extending AbstractLogEnabled.
<action dev="epugh" type="update">
Update to use Merlin 3.3.0
<action dev="epugh" type="add">
Merlinized code with input from Stephen
<release version="1.0-alpha-3" date="">
<action dev="epugh" type="add">
New Localization class that is a facade to the underlying service.