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Turbine Top Level README
Welcome to Turbine. For more information about Turbine, please look
at the HTML documentation in the docs/ directory.
Here is a description of what each of the top level directories
contains. Please consult the documentation in each of the lower level
directories for information that is specific to their contents.
conf/ This is where the sample configurations live.
xdocs/ This is where the documentation and database schemas live.
All of the files in this directory are mirrored onto
the live website.
src/ This is where all of the source code to Turbine lives.
target/ This is a temporary directory for building the project.
In order to get started with Turbine, you must build it first.
Turbine uses Maven for its build environment. You can find installation
information about Maven online at .
Once Maven has been installed, just type 'mvn package'. The default behavior is to
compile, run the unit tests, and build the jar. Some other useful goals:
mvn site - generate the site documention
As of Turbine 2.3, you must also have the Torque plugin for Maven installed
to build Turbine. Information on how to install the plugin is available
-The Turbine Team