-remove README, use README.md (markdown) with updated text
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-If you get that goal integration-test of maven-archetype-plugin fails with 
-'Cannot run additions goals." cft. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARCHETYPE-488.
-Fastest workaround (Dez 2016) ist to copy  mvn.cmd to mvn.bat.
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+# Apache Turbine Archetypes,  Turbine 4.0 maven archetype
+About this archetype
+* This is a maven archetype to generate a skeleton Turbine application.
+* The base Turbine version is **[Turbine 4.0](http://turbine.apache.org/turbine/turbine-4.0/)**.
+## Quick Guide: How to use the new Turbine 4.0 maven archetype for skeleton application generation
+### Maven archetype 
+#### Requirements
+- Java 6+ up to version Turbine 4.0.x, cft. [Getting Started with Turbine 4.0](http://turbine.apache.org/turbine/turbine-4.0/getting-started.html).
+- Database (Mysql 5.x like)
+#### Installation
+##### First step: Catalog setting
+First, find the remote arcehtype or generate a local one.
+###### Remote catalog
+mvn archetype:generate
+Find **turbine-webapp-4.0** in remote archetype catalog and select current version.
+###### Local catalog
+Checkout Git master/trunk and install into locale repository
+git clone https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/turbine-archetypes.git
+cd turbine-archetypes
+mvn install
+Outlook: After the snapshot archetype is installed and the database is set up (see below), just add **-DarchetypeCatalog=local** as argument (see below), when generating the Turbine application.
+mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local -Dturbine_database_name=db_name ...
+### Second step: Local database Setup
+Second, you should have a local database installed and configured prior to beginning the application setup below.
+As we are (currently) using MySQL by default you need to create the database in MySQL, e.g. with
+mysql -u <privileged_user> -p
+mysql> create database <db_name>;
+mysql> \q
+or other tools. The database should have been started and the database user granted enough rights.
+### Third step: Customization
+Next, you can invoke the Maven archetype for turbine-webapp-4.0 from 
+the command line as shown below - please update values starting with 'groupId' as appropriate.
+mvn archetype:generate \
+  -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.turbine \
+  -DarchetypeArtifactId=turbine-webapp-4.0 \
+  -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.2-SNAPSHOT \
+  -DgroupId=com.mycompany.webapp \
+  -DartifactId=myhelloworld \
+  -Dversion=1.0 \
+  -Dturbine_app_name=HelloWorld \
+  -Dturbine_database_adapter=mysql \
+  -Dturbine_database_user=db_username \
+  -Dturbine_database_password=db_password \
+  -Dturbine_database_name=db_name \
+  -Dturbine_database_url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ \
+  -Dgoals=generate-sources,pre-integration-test
+#### Notes
+When invoking *archetype:generate* like above, you already have set Turbine *Maven goals* **generate-sources**, **pre-integration-test** 
+and you can then skip them later.
+**Be aware, when you set both mvn commands goals (which are maven phases actually), i.e  with**
+-Dgoals=generate-sources, pre-integration-test 
+ **you have to create the database (see above) before finishing the (interactive) archetype commands.**
+Otherwise you could catch up doing this later (cft. below, Project Start, which requires the database setup is finished).
+##### turbine_database_url
+Note that the database URL (*-Dturbine_database_url=<turbine_database_url>*) 
+will be appended with your database name (*-Dturbine_database_name=db_name*) in the final pom.xml, so you do not need to specify that in 
+the configuration.
+### Last Step: Project Start and Usage
+Next, change into the newly generated project folder, in our case
+cd myhelloworld
+Skip next two steps, if the build was successfull (requires database setup is finished)
+mvn generate-sources
+This will generate the OM layer and SQL code for creating the corresponding database tables.
+mvn integration-test
+This executes the SQL code to create the application schema defined in *src/main/torque-schema*.
+You should now check the database tables and if some data is missing
+insert the sample data file in **sample-mysql-data** (Torque 4.0 has disabled the datasql task).
+mvn clean install 
+If you get an error like **_"The driver has not received any packets"_** probably the database is not up and running or the port may be another one.
+Last step on the command line is run the server by invoking 
+mvn jetty:run
+Now you can launch your new Turbine application! Have fun!
+#### Logs 
+Find the Logs in *src/main/webapp/logs*.
+#### Application
+Open a web browser to *http://localhost:8081/app*
+Hint: find the port in the configuration of the jetty-maven-plugin [Archetype pom template](src/main/resources/archetype-resources/pom.xml).
+Login should work with user admin/password or user/password.
+### Background
+By default [Intake](http://turbine.apache.org/fulcrum/fulcrum-intake/ "Fulcrum Intake") is used as an validation mechanism for authentication. You can change to the default login by setting
+*action.login=LoginUser* in **TurbineResources.properties** and changing *Login.vm* appropriately (commented form).
+### Tests
+- Ignored tests require at least Turbine version 4.0.1 
+- Database was build successfully e.g. with archetype.
+- Running mysql
+If running from integration test, check/update
+- in **pom.xml** _turbine.core_ property,
+- **target/test-classes/projects/first/project/integrationtest/src/test/conf/torque/TorqueTest.properties** or
+  **META-INF/maven/archetype-metadata.xml**
+The security test is by default skipped as it requires a running mysql. It tests many of the [Fulcrum Torque Turbine security aspects](http://turbine.apache.org/fulcrum/fulcrum-security/), 
+activate it by calling
+mvn test -DskipTests=false
+CAVEAT: If initialization fails, double check your database credentials! If invalid the error might be somewhat hidden behind a
+ Torque exception!
+### Eclipse
+To enable application development in Eclipse, run the following command 
+and then import the project into Eclipse.
+mvn eclipse:eclipse
+Once imported, update your project to be managed by Maven 
+-> Right click on the project name
+-> Configure 
+-> Convert to Maven project
+To test the application can be deployed by Eclipse, select the run
+configuration "Run On Server" if you have a container configured with
+your eclipse environment.
+#### Eclipse Debugging
+You could debug the app by setting the environment variable to something like this
+set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n
+before running the jetty server.
+### Starting developing
+Be aware of settings and some smaller restrictions, which mostly will be fixed in the upcoming releases.
+- Keep groups/roles lower case (which should be fixed in Fulcrum Security 1.1.1/Turbine 4.0)
+- abstract classes and managers are included (because of some minor bugs in Fulcrum Security 1.1.0, same as above)
+- LogoutUser action is included (fix in Turbine 4.0, getUserFromSession)
+- LoginUser action is included (to check for anonymous user, may be fixed in future release)
+- OM (Torque Object Mapper) stub classes are included (until configurable in schema with Torque version 2.1)
+- TurbineConfiguration returns a Commons configuration object, even if field is not assignable (will be fixed in Turbine 4.0, you can then assign e.g. to String instead, cft. SecureScreen)
+- Database connection is done initially by default with JNDI. If you want to change it, check Torque.properties and (1) for Tomcat, META-INF/context.xml or (2) for Jetty, WEB-INF/jetty-env.xml.  
+## Docker
+We are in the process t provide a Docker example, which will simplify the installation process, if properly done. Contact us!
+## Changes
+## License
+[Apache License Version 2.0](LICENSE)
+# General Issues
+## Maven Hint (Windows)
+If you get that goal integration-test of maven-archetype-plugin fails with 
+"Cannot run additions goals." cft. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARCHETYPE-488.
+Fastest workaround (Dez 2016) ist to copy  mvn.cmd to mvn.bat.
+## More Information
+[Archetype Blog Entry](https://blogs.apache.org/turbine/entry/maven_archetypes_for_apache_turbine)