tree: 860e7bf46ea13587f8b519373601e1af84dc793b [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. .gitignore
  5. pom.xml

Apache Turbine Archetypes, Turbine 4.0 maven archetype

About this archetype

  • This is a maven archetype to generate a skeleton Turbine application.

  • The base Turbine version is Turbine 4.0.

Quick Guide: How to use the new Turbine 4.0 maven archetype for skeleton application generation

Maven archetype



First step: Catalog setting

First, find the remote arcehtype or generate a local one.

Remote catalog
mvn archetype:generate

Find turbine-webapp-4.0 in remote archetype catalog and select current version.

Local catalog

Checkout Git master/trunk and install into locale repository

git clone
cd turbine-archetypes
mvn install

Outlook: After the snapshot archetype is installed and the database is set up (see below), just add -DarchetypeCatalog=local as argument (see below), when generating the Turbine application.

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local -Dturbine_database_name=db_name ...

Second step: Local database Setup

Second, you should have a local database installed and configured prior to beginning the application setup below.

As we are (currently) using MySQL by default you need to create the database in MySQL, e.g. with

mysql -u <privileged_user> -p
mysql> create database <db_name>;
mysql> \q

or other tools. The database should have been started and the database user granted enough rights.

Third step: Customization

Next, you can invoke the Maven archetype for turbine-webapp-4.0 from the command line as shown below - please update values starting with ‘groupId’ as appropriate.

mvn archetype:generate \
  -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.turbine \
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=turbine-webapp-4.0 \
  -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.2-SNAPSHOT \
  -DgroupId=com.mycompany.webapp \
  -DartifactId=myhelloworld \
  -Dversion=1.0 \
  -Dturbine_app_name=HelloWorld \
  -Dturbine_database_adapter=mysql \
  -Dturbine_database_user=db_username \
  -Dturbine_database_password=db_password \
  -Dturbine_database_name=db_name \
  -Dturbine_database_url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ \


When invoking archetype:generate like above, you already have set Turbine Maven goals generate-sources, pre-integration-test and you can then skip them later.

Be aware, when you set both mvn commands goals (which are maven phases actually), i.e with

-Dgoals=generate-sources, pre-integration-test 

you have to create the database (see above) before finishing the (interactive) archetype commands. Otherwise you could catch up doing this later (cft. below, Project Start, which requires the database setup is finished).


Note that the database URL (-Dturbine_database_url=<turbine_database_url>) will be appended with your database name (-Dturbine_database_name=db_name) in the final pom.xml, so you do not need to specify that in the configuration.

Last Step: Project Start and Usage

Next, change into the newly generated project folder, in our case

cd myhelloworld

Skip next two steps, if the build was successfull (requires database setup is finished)

mvn generate-sources

This will generate the OM layer and SQL code for creating the corresponding database tables.

mvn integration-test

This executes the SQL code to create the application schema defined in src/main/torque-schema.

You should now check the database tables and if some data is missing insert the sample data file in sample-mysql-data (Torque 4.0 has disabled the datasql task).

mvn clean install 

If you get an error like “The driver has not received any packets” probably the database is not up and running or the port may be another one.

Last step on the command line is run the server by invoking

mvn jetty:run

Now you can launch your new Turbine application! Have fun!


Find the Logs in src/main/webapp/logs.


Open a web browser to http://localhost:8081/app

Hint: find the port in the configuration of the jetty-maven-plugin Archetype pom template.

Login should work with user admin/password or user/password.


By default Intake is used as an validation mechanism for authentication. You can change to the default login by setting

action.login=LoginUser in and changing Login.vm appropriately (commented form).



  • Ignored tests require at least Turbine version 4.0.1
  • Database was build successfully e.g. with archetype.
  • Running mysql

If running from integration test, check/update

  • in pom.xml turbine.core property,
  • target/test-classes/projects/first/project/integrationtest/src/test/conf/torque/ or META-INF/maven/archetype-metadata.xml

The security test is by default skipped as it requires a running mysql. It tests many of the Fulcrum Torque Turbine security aspects, activate it by calling

mvn test -DskipTests=false

CAVEAT: If initialization fails, double check your database credentials! If invalid the error might be somewhat hidden behind a Torque exception!


To enable application development in Eclipse, run the following command and then import the project into Eclipse.

mvn eclipse:eclipse

Once imported, update your project to be managed by Maven -> Right click on the project name -> Configure -> Convert to Maven project

To test the application can be deployed by Eclipse, select the run configuration “Run On Server” if you have a container configured with your eclipse environment.

Eclipse Debugging

You could debug the app by setting the environment variable to something like this

set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n

before running the jetty server.

Starting developing

Be aware of settings and some smaller restrictions, which mostly will be fixed in the upcoming releases.

  • Keep groups/roles lower case (which should be fixed in Fulcrum Security 1.1.1/Turbine 4.0)
  • abstract classes and managers are included (because of some minor bugs in Fulcrum Security 1.1.0, same as above)
  • LogoutUser action is included (fix in Turbine 4.0, getUserFromSession)
  • LoginUser action is included (to check for anonymous user, may be fixed in future release)
  • OM (Torque Object Mapper) stub classes are included (until configurable in schema with Torque version 2.1)
  • TurbineConfiguration returns a Commons configuration object, even if field is not assignable (will be fixed in Turbine 4.0, you can then assign e.g. to String instead, cft. SecureScreen)
  • Database connection is done initially by default with JNDI. If you want to change it, check and (1) for Tomcat, META-INF/context.xml or (2) for Jetty, WEB-INF/jetty-env.xml.


We are in the process t provide a Docker example, which will simplify the installation process, if properly done. Contact us!




Apache License Version 2.0

General Issues

Maven Hint (Windows)

If you get that goal integration-test of maven-archetype-plugin fails with

“Cannot run additions goals.” cft.

Fastest workaround (Dez 2016) ist to copy mvn.cmd to mvn.bat.

More Information

Archetype Blog Entry