blob: 422aa7c75f41ee5c5f529f18bbc81e5d5e5a43c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef PREPARE_H
#define PREPARE_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: Prepare.h
* RCS: $Id: Prepare.h,v 1.7 1998/09/07 21:49:50 Exp $
* Description:
* Created: 4/15/95
* Modified: $ $Date: 1998/09/07 21:49:50 $ (GMT)
* Language: C++
* Status: $State: Exp $
#include "SQLCLIdev.h"
#include "SqlciDefs.h"
// The following class was named as Entry before. I renamed it to PrepEntry
// because the file btree.h defines another class named Entry and the Tandem
// linker sometimes resolves the destructor to the wrong one. -- Freda Xu
class PrepEntry {
Lng32 datatype_;
Lng32 length_;
Lng32 scale_;
Lng32 precision_;
Lng32 nullFlag_;
char * heading_;
Lng32 headingLen_;
char * outputName_;
Lng32 outputNameLen_;
Lng32 displayLen_;
Lng32 displayBufLen_;
Lng32 charsetEnum_;
char * charset_;
char * tableName_;
Lng32 tableLen_;
char * varPtr_;
char * indPtr_;
PrepEntry(Lng32 datatype, Lng32 length, Lng32 scale, Lng32 precision,
Lng32 nullFlag, char * heading_, Lng32 headingLen,
char * outputName, Lng32 outputNameLen_, Lng32 displayLen_,
Lng32 displayBufLen_, Lng32 charsetEnum_, char * tableName,
Lng32 tableLen);
Lng32 datatype() { return datatype_;}
Lng32 length() { return length_;}
Lng32 scale() { return scale_; }
Lng32 precision() { return precision_;}
Lng32 nullFlag() { return nullFlag_;}
char * heading() { return heading_; }
Lng32 headingLen() { return headingLen_;}
char * outputName() { return outputName_; }
Lng32 outputNameLen() { return outputNameLen_;}
Lng32 displayLen() { return displayLen_; }
Lng32 displayBufLen() { return displayBufLen_; }
Lng32 charsetEnum() { return charsetEnum_; }
char * charset() { return charset_; }
char * tableName() { return tableName_; }
Lng32 tableLen() { return tableLen_; }
char * varPtr() { return varPtr_;}
char * indPtr() { return indPtr_;}
void setVarPtr(char * vp) { varPtr_ = vp;}
void setIndPtr(char * ip) { indPtr_ = ip;}
class PrepStmt {
friend class PreparedStmts;
char * stmt_name;
Lng32 stmt_name_len;
char * stmt_str;
Lng32 stmt_str_len;
SQLDESC_ID * sql_src;
SQLSTMT_ID * stmt;
SQLDESC_ID * input_desc;
SQLDESC_ID * output_desc;
dml_type type;
Lng32 queryType_;
Lng32 subqueryType_;
Lng32 numInputEntries_;
Lng32 numOutputEntries_;
PrepEntry ** outputEntries_;
PrepEntry ** inputEntries_;
// space to fetch the selected row.
Lng32 outputDatalen_;
char * outputData_;
// this is where the formatted output row will be created.
Lng32 outputBuflen_;
char * outputBuf_;
// query id for this query
char * uniqueQueryId_;
Lng32 uniqueQueryIdLen_;
PrepStmt(const char * stmt_name_, dml_type type_ = DML_SELECT_TYPE);
void set(const char * str_,
SQLDESC_ID * sql_src_, SQLSTMT_ID * stmt_,
Lng32 numInputEntries, SQLDESC_ID * input_desc_,
Lng32 numOutputEntries, SQLDESC_ID * output_desc_);
void remove();
inline char * getStmtName(){return stmt_name;};
Lng32 getStmtNameLen(){return stmt_name_len;};
inline SQLDESC_ID * getSqlSrc(){return sql_src;};
inline SQLDESC_ID * getInputDesc(){return input_desc;};
inline SQLDESC_ID * getOutputDesc(){return output_desc;};
inline SQLSTMT_ID * getStmt(){return stmt;};
inline char * getStr(){return stmt_str;};
inline Lng32 getStrLen(){return stmt_str_len;};
inline dml_type getType(){return type;};
short contains(const char * value) const;
Lng32 &queryType() { return queryType_; }
void setSubqueryType(Lng32 subqueryType)
{ subqueryType_ = subqueryType; }
Lng32 getSubqueryType() { return subqueryType_; }
Lng32 numInputEntries() { return numInputEntries_;}
Lng32 numOutputEntries() { return numOutputEntries_;}
void setOutputDesc(Lng32 n, SQLDESC_ID *desc)
numOutputEntries_ = n;
output_desc = desc;
PrepEntry ** &outputEntries() { return outputEntries_;}
PrepEntry ** &inputEntries() { return inputEntries_;}
Lng32 &outputDatalen() { return outputDatalen_;}
char* &outputData() { return outputData_;}
Lng32 &outputBuflen() { return outputBuflen_;}
char* &outputBuf() { return outputBuf_;}
Lng32 &uniqueQueryIdLen() { return uniqueQueryIdLen_;}
char* &uniqueQueryId() { return uniqueQueryId_;}
class CursorStmt {
CursorStmt(char * cursorName, SQLSTMT_ID * cursorStmtId,
PrepStmt * stmt,
Int16 internallyPrepared = -1);
char * cursorName() { return cursorName_;};
SQLSTMT_ID * cursorStmtId() { return cursorStmtId_; };
PrepStmt * prepStmt() { return stmt_; };
short contains(const char * value) const;
Int16 internallyPrepared() { return internallyPrepared_;};
Lng32 getResultSetIndex() const { return resultSetIndex_; }
void setResultSetIndex(Lng32 i) { resultSetIndex_ = i; }
char * cursorName_;
Lng32 cursorNameLen_;
SQLSTMT_ID * cursorStmtId_;
PrepStmt * stmt_;
Int16 internallyPrepared_;
Lng32 resultSetIndex_;
class PreparedStmts {
PrepStmt * prep_stmt_hdr;
void addPrepStmt(PrepStmt * in_prep_stmt);
PrepStmt * getPrepStmt(const char * stmt_name_);
void removePrepStmt(const char * stmt_name_);