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* File: QmsWorkloadAnalysis.h
* Description: Implementation of the WorkloadAnalysis and ProposedMV
* classes for finding proposed MVs that can be used to
* rewrite queries of existing MVs.
* The lingo is a bit confusing, because each query in the
* workload is represented here by an MVDetails object,
* and the result of the analysis is a ProposedMV.
* Created: 05/17/11
#include "NABasicObject.h"
#include "NAString.h"
#include "Collections.h"
#include "QRSharedPtr.h"
#include "QRDescriptor.h"
class WorkloadAnalysis;
class ProposedMV;
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<ProposedMV> ProposedMVPtr;
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<WorkloadAnalysis> WorkloadAnalysisPtr;
typedef ProposedMV* ProposedMVPtr;
typedef WorkloadAnalysis* WorkloadAnalysisPtr;
typedef NAPtrList<ProposedMVPtr> ProposedMVPtrList;
typedef SharedPtrValueHash<const NAString, QRElement> ElementHash;
typedef SharedPtrValueHashIterator<const NAString, QRElement> ElementHashIterator;
typedef NAHashDictionary<const NAString, const NAString> QueryNameHash;
#include "QmsMVDetails.h"
#include "QmsMVCandidate.h"
* The ProposedMV class is initialized with a list of MVDetails objects
* for queries that share the same join graph and GroupBy list.
* It is then used to analyze any differences between those queries,
* and find the minimal set of predicates that are common to all.
* Finally, it generates the SQL text for the CREATE MV command.
class ProposedMV : public NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject
ProposedMV(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_DECL(CollHeap* heap))
: NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_PASS(heap)),
groupingColumns_(hashKey, INIT_HASH_SIZE_SMALL, TRUE, heap), // Pass NAString::hashKey
selectList_(hashKey, INIT_HASH_SIZE_SMALL, TRUE, heap), // Pass NAString::hashKey
virtual ~ProposedMV();
* Add a single MVDEtails object to the list.
* @param mv The MV to add
void addMV(MVDetailsPtr mv, QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr map);
* Add a list of MVDEtails objects.
* @param mvs The list of MVs to add.
void addMVs(const SubGraphMapList& maps);
* Set the name of the proposed MV, based on its number.
* @param num The proposed MV number.
void setName(Int32 num);
* Get the name of the proposed MV.
* @return Get the name of the proposed MV.
const NAString& getName()
return name_;
SubGraphMapList& getMapList()
return mapList_;
* Create the list of MVPair objects.
* Each MVPair is composed of the first query, and one of the others.
* So that the first query is compared to all the rest.
void initializeMVPairList();
* Add to the select list all the columns needed by all the MVs.
void findInclusiveSelectList();
* Analyze the range and residual predicates of the MVs to find the
* subset of common predicates.
void findReducedPredicateSet();
* Generate the SQL for the proposed MV.
* @param text The NAString to add the SQL text into.
* @param addComments By default this method adds information on supported
* queries in comment lines. Set this parameter to FALSE
* to return only the SQL command.
void reportResults(NAString& text, NABoolean addComments = TRUE);
Int32 getJoinSize();
// Methods for analyzing common predicates.
void initFrom(QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr map);
void checkBitmapsFirst();
void handleRangePredicates();
void handleResidualPredicates();
void handleLeftOuterJoins();
void handleRemovedRangePredicate(QRRangePredPtr pred);
void handleRemovedResidualPredicate(QRExprPtr pred);
void addElementToSelectList(const QRElementPtr col);
void addMvSideColumnToSelectList(const QRColumnPtr mvCol, MVPairPtr thisPair);
// Methods for generating the CREATE MV SQL.
void toSQL(NAString& text);
void unparseSelectClause(NAString& text);
void unparseFromClause(NAString& text);
void unparseWhereAndHavingClauses(NAString& text, NAString& havingClause);
void unparseGroupByClause(NAString& text);
void unparseRangePreds(NAString& whereClause, NAString& havingClause);
void unparseResidualPreds(NAString& whereClause, NAString& havingClause);
NAString getFromClauseForTable(JoinGraphTablePtr table);
NAString getOnClauseFor(QRJoinSubGraphPtr subGraph, JoinGraphTablePtr nextTable);
NAString getColumnCorrelationName(QRColumnPtr column);
NAString unparseColumnOrExpr(const QRElementPtr elem);
const NAString* getHashKeyForElement(const QRElementPtr elem);
void addPredicateText(NAString& text, const NAString& pred);
NABoolean isAddedLojTable(const NAString& id);
NABoolean isSingleQuery()
return mapList_.entries() == 1;
CollHeap* heap_;
NAString name_;
SubGraphMapList mapList_;
NABoolean isInitialized_;
// The select list and GroupBy list are both initialized from the first MV,
// and then addidional columns may be added (no duplicates allowed).
// The select array keeps the entries ordered by ordinal number, to avoid sorting.
ElementHash selectList_;
NAArray<QROutputPtr> selectArray_;
ElementHash groupingColumns_;
// The range and residual predicates lists are both initialized from the
// first MV, and then non-common predicates are removed.
NAPtrList<QRRangePredPtr> rangePredList_;
NAPtrList<QRExprPtr> residualPredList_;
// The MVPair objects are used to match range and residual predicates.
// Each pair is composed of the first MVDetails, and one of the others.
MVPairList mvPairList_;
NAPtrList<QROutputPtr> addedOutputs_;
StringPtrSet addedLojTables_;
NABoolean canSkipRangePreds_;
NABoolean canSkipResidualPreds_;
NABoolean hasGroupBy_;
// Fake elements that are constructed for matching purposes
// and need to be deleted before destruction.
NAPtrList<QRElementPtr> stuffToDelete_;
}; // class ProposedMV
* The WorkloadAnalysis class is a container of ProposedMV objects.
class WorkloadAnalysis : public NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject
WorkloadAnalysis(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_DECL(CollHeap* heap))
: NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_PASS(heap)),
inventoryHash_(hashKey, INIT_HASH_SIZE_LARGE, TRUE, heap),
virtual ~WorkloadAnalysis();
* Add a new ProposedMV object to the list.
* @param pmv
* @return TRUE if added correctly, FALSE if found to be a duplicate.
NABoolean addProposedMV(ProposedMVPtr pmv);
* Perform the common predicate analysis.
void findReducedPredicateSet();
* Generate the output text with the SQL text of the proposed MVs.
* @param ofs The output stream
void reportResults(ofstream& ofs, Int32 minQueriesPerMV);
Int32 getMaxJoinSize();
CollHeap* heap_;
ProposedMVPtrList proposedMVsList_;
QueryNameHash inventoryHash_;
Int32 nextMV_;
}; // class WorkloadAnalysis